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Shaheen-3 Missiles 90 Seconds To Delhi

Most of you are kids of high ranking Generals here.

Why do you think PDF has consistently had such high Indian presence for closing on 15 years now.

A large chunk of tge IDs here are Indian deep state assets.

Most are silent. Keeping track of chatter. And tabs on xeuss and jamahir types.

Cheers, Doc

Oh no don't tell me your gau mata raksha groups are here as well, thank fully this is the internet and true identities of jamahir and xeuss are somewhat hidden otherwise they would have been lynched by now surely.
why a new thread, this could have been shared in the missile test thread.
Because this info was the main headline instead of earlier which was just reporting test firing of the missile.

Why give mumbaikars extra 2 and half mins to live. Launch it from Karachi

Better yet, launch it from a sub parked 100 km from Mumbai......not just any sub but a AUV. :devil:
easy with your failed comedy, don't give up your day job. pretty obvious that Windy was saying that it can hit new delhi in 90 seconds and can hit the farthest parts of india in under 4 minutes.

And AAD can shoot it down in 15second. PAD can shoot it down in Pakistani space.
China has missiles too. China's missiles can hit all of India and carry a much larger payload. Anything Pakistan can show is second rate to what China is confronting India with.
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Man these are some extreme videos o_O

I got more extreme ones lol. This is like a walk in the park.

I had this more brutal video of a Boko Haram fighter being surrounded by Chadian Army MRAPS and then one of them going over him. :lol:

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