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Shahed-136 - Tracking usage & expanding understanding.

Lithium batteries for just one use in a suicide drone? that's a suicide budget.

And even in that case it has less energy density than fuel.
I'd assume a muffler for that rat-rat of the current engine wouldn't be so hard to engineer.

After all, even motorcycles have silencers on them.
The usual strikes in Nikoleav area tonight. Unknown targets.

Unlike previous strikes we've seen in this oblast, their was alot of small arms airdefense. Which either indicates they have AA teams in deployed at these infrastructure points, or these strikes were directed against troops.
Statement by Zelensky on Oct. 19th

During the month, 233 Shaheed sand dozens of missiles were shot down,

"Ten Iranian drones were destroyed today and only in the direction of Kyiv. Another 11 "Shakhed" were shot down thanks to the soldiers of the "South" air command.

Unfortunately, there are also hits. Three energy facilities were destroyed by the enemy that day.

Starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow, it is necessary to be especially conscious of electricity consumption.

Inflate the number of incoming to make it seem that the numbers that went through are small & meaningless, then admit that serious damage was caused regardless. Obviously the picture is not logical here. Besides the point, North of Kiev and South of Kiev would be key points of air defense, so the place is well protected anyways, and it will only be further strengthened in future.
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Statement by Zelensky on Oct. 19th

During the month, 233 Shaheed sand dozens of missiles were shot down,

"Ten Iranian drones were destroyed today and only in the direction of Kyiv. Another 11 "Shakhed" were shot down thanks to the soldiers of the "South" air command.

Unfortunately, there are also hits. Three energy facilities were destroyed by the enemy that day.

Starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow, it is necessary to be especially conscious of electricity consumption.

Inflate the number of incoming to make it seem that the numbers that went through are small & meaningless, then admit that serious damage was caused regardless. Obviously the picture is not logical here. Besides the point, North of Kiev and South of Kiev would be key points of air defense, so the place is well protected regardless.
Them being hit or not, and honestly you don’t see many videos of them being hit by aaa fire etc, seems like pretty much everything from the post article was true, they must have used hundreds by now just from all videos of them in Ukraine, do you think the first batch most likely came from irans inventory, maybe the second batch to come if it hasn’t already,but how fast can realistically build these drones on a monthly basis again for you @Stryker1982
Them being hit or not, and honestly you don’t see many videos of them being hit by aaa fire etc, seems like pretty much everything from the post article was true, they must have used hundreds by now just from all videos of them in Ukraine, do you think the first batch most likely came from irans inventory, maybe the second batch to come if it hasn’t already,but how fast can realistically build these drones on a monthly basis again for you @Stryker1982
Dozens upon Dozens of flights have been made to Russia these past few months. I reckon many things were on those planes that we don't know about yet. Ukrainians believe (probably from US intel) that the next batch is a much larger batch than the first, could already be delivered. We have not seen any slow down of usage from Russia.

Can't say for sure, but just looking at what the system is, a full production facility should be able to churn out a dozen a day if all the raw materials are available. Working day & night. They are not highly complex to build and in need of hard to get materials. All of this even including intel processors should be available. Thiers whole factories dedicated to RDX explosives production, fuel is of course readily available. The facilities are quite large, if you look at the size of the cars on the high way relative to the buildings. They look busy in there.


What is interesting is that they identified Shahed-191 delta wing molds as well.

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