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Selfies 're a sin: Muslim cleric

Its their duty to guide us so that we don't distract ourself from acceptable path.
Thats the problem ..You need them to cover up your inability to comprehend Gods teaching ..Their job should have been to teach quraan but you given them authority to teach you acceptable ways of life !!!
I thought Mohammed was final messenger to interpret Gods will but here thousands of them are teaching Gods will that too in modern subjects like selfie ..
How Islam is against women and womens right? You cannot just give this statement without explaining it from islamic sources

I don't know what you mean by islamic source....

There so many incidents that are happening around the world against women rights most of them are in islamic world....

If you want i can list those...But I don't wanna derail the thread by fueling anit-islamic sentiments here....
I don't know what you mean by islamic source....

There so many incidents that are happening around the world against women rights most of them are in islamic world....

If you want i can list those...But I don't wanna derail the thread by fueling anit-islamic sentiments here....
Islamic sources are Quran or Hadith (saying of Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) etc . You were talking about Islam and not whats happening in Muslim countries. There might be Muslims out there who might not following the teaching of their religion when it come to women rights and you cannot blame Islam for it. You should blame certain cultural practices, poverty, illiteracy , ignorance because of which such things happen and it has nothing to do with religion. There are some people out there who shut the door of education and work for women even when Islam give women these rights.

What is your religion and country? I can also point out any domestic violence or rape incident from there as well then what it will prove? You are all rapists and your religion should be blame even if you hardly follow its teaching
This world is full of women right abuses....There is no particular religions or nation to it....

But the problem with Islamic nation is they do it in the name of Islam....I think you can understand what I am saying....

Culture also plays a big role in women right abuses...before Islam's entry in Indian subcontinent women were treated as equal....(correct if i am wrong)....but now things have changed

Just to give you an example in India there rape newses are everywhere in TV news channels but they are not done in the name of a reglion.....
This world is full of women right abuses....There is no particular religions or nation to it....

But the problem with Islamic nation is they do it in the name of Islam....I think you can understand what I am saying....

Culture also plays a big role in women right abuses...before Islam's entry in Indian subcontinent women were treated as equal....(correct if i am wrong)....but now things have changed

Just to give you an example in India there rape newses are everywhere in TV news channels but they are not done in the name of a reglion.....

Let me correct you. Before Islam, Hindus were burying their female infants alive in the dirt. The practice still occurs in Haryana. Islam gave women many rights and respect, before any other civilization did. Educate yourself my brother.

It probably had to do with your dowry system which is still in place in India.

I've corrected you before on this @RazPaK

This was a common Arab tribal custom. Not an Indian one.

Pots being the preferred burial vessel.

What does the word preferred mean here? Of course pre-Islamic Arabs also used to practice this, but to argue infanticide does not occur in India would be a complete lie. Hindus still practice killing of daughters in Haryana and Rajahsthan today.

Rajasthan girl “buried alive,” site turns shrine
The grave of a two-and-a-half-year-old girl whose parents claimed she was a “goddess” drew large crowds on Thursday amid conflicting versions about the manner of the child’s death and the suspicion that she had been buried alive. By the time the police moved in to break up the gathering at the grave in Kumher village, some 25 km from here, hundreds of villagers were streaming to the site, setting off alarm in the district administration.

A tent had quickly come up, prayers were being said, and a television channel arrived at the spot to air the proceedings live, showing visitors offering fruits, flowers and money at the site. The police later exhumed the body and sent it for post-mortem. The initial post-mortem report indicated that the child had acute diarrhoea.

Superintendent of Police, Bharatpur, Rahul Prakash told The Hindu that investigations were continuing and an inquest would be held. The child, Khushboo, died in the early hours of Thursday. Soon, the parents spread the word that their daughter had attained “samadhi.”
Rajasthan girl “buried alive,” site turns shrine - The Hindu
What does the word preferred mean here? Of course pre-Islamic Arabs also used to practice this, but to argue infanticide does not occur in India would be a complete lie. Hindus still practice killing of daughters in Haryana and Rajahsthan today.

Again, we've been around this particular bush.

This dirty practice was brought into India by your spiritual forefathers. It was never an indigenous custom.
Again, we've been around this particular bush.

This dirty practice was brought into India by your spiritual forefathers. It was never an indigenous custom.

So why do Hindus still practice this today, when Arabs do not?
Who said Muslims do not? It is rampant in UP, Rajasthan.

Its a disgusting practice we have only the Arabs to thank for. Among other things.
There are some Pakistanis that are ignorant of Islam, that also kill their offspring for being born as female. These people are usually rural, and 1 out of ten thousand, but we consider it a hindu cultural practice.

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