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" Secular India "

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Fair enough! But what important to note is that we never claimed to be a secular state, of course unlike India.

You people are completely confused with the concept of Secularism.First of all you have to understand the difference between Secular State and Secular Society.India is a secular state but Indian society is far from being a secular one.
Stupid Non-Hindu Indians r always used to these kind Brain Farting in forums... But never dare to talk in such a way infront of a Hindutva vadi ...

we allow u to live freely in our country but if u try to bully Us u get owned like what happened in the Video ... & another 5 term coming up for the Hindutva vadi so 5+6=11

if the Hindutva vadis has got the opportunity to rule Bharat more then this India would have not been in this Pathetic situation ...

Just to make it clear to you, if a Hindutva party comes to power, I would be one of them to benefit from it. And then people like me would inturn "own" a lot of you Hindutva goons who are mostly illiterate but just go around chanting slogans on the street. Simply because a lot of "people like me" have better education and have more money. :lol: So rant all you want, but you will never have political credibility. Its people like you that are a curse to your "ideals" and a strength to the pseudo secularist Congress. So settle down before you pop a nerve.
Oh yeah, surething! Thanks to Mushi for that unprecedented image! You must try to project that image in your country, it yields results overnight.

BTW now since you know that we had such a CJ why don't you edit CJ part of your that post?

Because you never had full-fledged Chief Justice.
You people are completely confused with the concept of Secularism.First of all you have to understand the difference between Secular State and Secular Society.India is a secular state but Indian society is far from being a secular one.

My take is that it is the reverse.

Actually Indian state is not secular in that it retains the constitution of the British India - individual laws for different religions. The word secular was introduced as a preamble in 1970s. The situation now is some of the religious laws are modified but other laws are not. I would lay the blame on this on two people - Gandhi and Nehru - Gandhi for bringing in Nehru who did not have support of various PCC members but still became PM and started this practice of not modifying a particular religious law for fear of alienating muslims. In fact, the time was ripe at that time to modify and modernize the muslim personal laws as half their population just had a separate country. Over period of time, the descendents of Nehru started pandering to the fundamentalist elements of the muslim religion(ignoring the protests of moderate muslims like Arif Mohammed Khan).

It is to the Indian society's credit that most Indians though angry, tolerated all these nonsense and did not vote to power Hindutva right wing with absolute majority as they are equally afraid of these elements.
So what is the general opinion. Do Indians support secularism in their country??

Absolutely...But not the way our constitution understands secularism...My opinion is religion should be removed from the constitution and all citizens irrespective of religion need to follow the rule of law under the Indian constitution...no special treatments for nay particular religion...religion to me is a private affair between me and my creator..that's it.
But pakistan never proclaimed itself to be secular.from beginning itself it was meant to be an islamic state.So its not for pak to prove its secularism .rather its for india to prove it.

actually you are missing something , we don't need to India prove secular country to anyone , please at least not to Pakistanis,

I have seen Pakistanis who claim to india is non-secular because some one opposed to kill cow by Muslims .:lol:
You people are completely confused with the concept of Secularism.First of all you have to understand the difference between Secular State and Secular Society.India is a secular state but Indian society is far from being a secular one.

No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state's institutions, trait never vanishes away.
You people are completely confused with the concept of Secularism.First of all you have to understand the difference between Secular State and Secular Society.India is a secular state but Indian society is far from being a secular one.

People or society can never be secular, because people have religion;
Absolutely...But not the way our constitution understands secularism...My opinion is religion should be removed from the constitution and all citizens irrespective of religion need to follow the rule of law under the Indian constitution...no special treatments for nay particular religion...religion to me is a private affair between me and my creator..that's it.

I would like to concur. Thats probably the most intelligent post that I have read in this entire thread.
No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state machinery, trait never vanishes away.

If that is the case no country on the earth can be secular. Secular only applies to states and not to people or societies
No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state machinery, trait never vanishes away.

according to your logic no country in world is secular . Secular country is not free from religion there is always influence of majority religion but other religion can also survive there easily no one slaughter them every day but sometime riots happens nothing is perfect . but at least in secular country minority don't face religious,ethnic cleansing as compare to islamic country like pak.

If that is the case no country on the earth can be secular. Secular only applies to states and not to people or societies

This is true even for theocracy.
People or society can never be secular, because people have religion;

I dont agree....No religion preaches hate..and Also I dont believe that Even Islam says that.

But yes when you make religion a public affair the ego in us humans come out .....comparing whose is bigger, better, etc...that's why I believe Religion should be a private affair between my creator and me....!
No, I am not confused. The lawmakers of any state are not revealed from the heavens, they too are the part of society. The orthodox view of any society can be observed in state machinery, trait never vanishes away.

secular country mean Constitution give equal rights to every person in country no matter what religion , following it is in hands of people.

But in non-secular country like pak, constitution don't offer equal rights , other religious people are second class citizen ,they can face harassment by Constitution itself.

like non-Muslims in pak can't marry Muslim without converting this is insane .

If that is the case no country on the earth can be secular. Secular only applies to states and not to people or societies

I believe the tolerance which is there with majority Indians for ages makes them secular. They are religious but accomodate other religious beliefs as well. India is the only country where jews did not go through persecution. India is the country where Parsis sought asylum and became successful. These are just 2 examples.

In India, the state lacks secularism as it has to taken into consideration the religious aspect when formulating laws - in short, there is no separation of state and religion. It is the Indian society which is a moderate society and thus secular.
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