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Featured SCO to hold joint anti-terrorism exercise at Pabbi in 2021

When were we too poor that time we finance to 91k army (POW) for Tea, Lunch and Dinner.... So, giving a tea example is nothing to me!

When will you Clowns stop dragging a 50-year old event, and start giving a more recent example?? Wait you don't have one! :omghaha:
This is the issue with you people talking about something without doing any prior research. Apart from 3 of those all are older than 2010. FC has not worn Shalwaar Kameez since 2010s. The three newer than 2010, two are from at least 4 years ago, one being from an older PSL and one is from soldiers deployed on COVID duties to enforce lockdowns, why would they kneed elbow and knee pads there? It’s been 12 years since then, which is when most of the re-equipment happened. Go look at some recent photos kindly.
I will re-iterate: all soldiers, including FC, have knee and elbow pads as standard issue, and the rest of the stuff is standard issue when deployed. This standardization started in 2005 and then spread to all forces in 2013 and was completely done by 2019-20. Nobody wears Shalwaar Kameez either, even as a non-combat uniform. Except Punjab rangers during ceremonies.
these below are all regular soldiers. Including the pics from FC.
You can check the army and FC multimedia channels for newer pictures.
You can deny to make yourself feel better but we've even seen this in recent videos of joint exercises and general deployment as well
You can deny to make yourself feel better but we've even seen this in recent videos of joint exercises and general deployment as well

Post the recent videos then, or as usual it is more BS from an Indian poster?
Here are some recent pics you may like, have posted the artciles they were taken from, all recent. These are WW2 era weapons.


https://indianexpress.com/article/i...ads-in-Azad Kashmir-says-indian-army-6357006/





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Letting Indian soldiers come that far inside Pakistan seems like a security risk. And why are we training them on how to deal with terrorists? They are the ones who sent half of the terrorists to Pakistan. I don't know what the Chinese are smoking. India will never be a peaceful player in South Asia.
You can deny to make yourself feel better but we've even seen this in recent videos of joint exercises and general deployment as well
Okay then, post the videos and watch your argument fall flat on its face. Or just prove me wrong with actual recent photos? You talk a lot but provide nothing. Or just open the media thread and read the last 200 pages and see if you find a picture to disprove what I showed and said. Not all armed forces are incompetent, underfed, ill-equipped and undertrained. Maybe after india stops using Bren guns and Lee-enfields y’all will move on to radios and food.
Okay then, post the videos and watch your argument fall flat on its face. Or just prove me wrong with actual recent photos? You talk a lot but provide nothing. Or just open the media thread and read the last 200 pages and see if you find a picture to disprove what I showed and said. Not all armed forces are incompetent, underfed, ill-equipped and undertrained. Maybe after india stops using Bren guns and Lee-enfields y’all will move on to radios and food.
I never claimed IA is fully equipped with the latest gear. There is an ongoing modernization program and it will definitely take a lot of time and resources to equip em all

Regarding yours, I just googled pakistan army and FC and those were the results that popped up. I didn't even enter any other key word which goes against your narrative. Again, my point is both armies are under an ongoing transition phase and not every soldier has the luxury of knee/elbow pads, latest BPJs, NVDs, Ballistic helmets etc
I never claimed IA is fully equipped with the latest gear. There is an ongoing modernization program and it will definitely take a lot of time and resources to equip em all

Regarding yours, I just googled pakistan army and FC and those were the results that popped up. I didn't even enter any other key word which goes against your narrative. Again, my point is both armies are under an ongoing transition phase and not every soldier has the luxury of knee/elbow pads, latest BPJs, NVDs, Ballistic helmets etc

Do not back track, post recent pictures of the FC that you claimed support your argument, or have we caught you out bulls**ting again!?
Ok Guys stick back to topic don't derail the thread and kick out the politics Indian Army visiting Pabi CT centre we welcome them aboard let's talk about which unit is visiting Pabi?
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I never claimed IA is fully equipped with the latest gear. There is an ongoing modernization program and it will definitely take a lot of time and resources to equip em all

Regarding yours, I just googled pakistan army and FC and those were the results that popped up. I didn't even enter any other key word which goes against your narrative. Again, my point is both armies are under an ongoing transition phase and not every soldier has the luxury of knee/elbow pads, latest BPJs, NVDs, Ballistic helmets etc
Now you’re backtracking mate, still false. Only your army is undergoing the transition phase, you’re just too butthurt to believe that we’re already done with it because we don’t politicize military purchases and actually give food to our soldiers.
I will keep saying the truth: all soldiers here have Knee/Elbow pads as standard issue, individual radios, ear and mouth pieces, eye protection and also NVDs, all regular infantry soldiers are issued NVDs on night ops and all squads are equipped with them at all times.
Now you’re backtracking mate, still false. Only your army is undergoing the transition phase, you’re just too butthurt to believe that we’re already done with it because we don’t politicize military purchases and actually give food to our soldiers.
I will keep saying the truth: all soldiers here have Knee/Elbow pads as standard issue, individual radios, ear and mouth pieces, eye protection and also NVDs, all regular infantry soldiers are issued NVDs on night ops and all squads are equipped with them at all times.

Yup, their reserve para-military units are very poorly trained and equipped, and if current stories are to be believed, very badly officered. I would not consider them as fighting units, and compare them more to the well equipped and well led KP Police



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Notice FC wearing heavy body armour ,
Though SSG has the most protected body armour in service which includes armour pads for for chest , arms , and some part of the upper thigh area.
@Zapper , watch this video of our FC Jawans giving food to ANA troops who hadnt eaten for two days as their resupply heli couldnt reach them due to weather.Our troops went inside Afghanistan and gave them food. Notice their armour and equipment; compare it to the ones you posted and then appreciate us for coming this long in only 10-13 years....
Also todays FC augmented with armoured, artillery and aviation component is more then capable of just stopping any of yours goons. They can thwart any misadventure from the west( both FC KPK and Baluchistan). What's more, they are strong enough that in any attack from from the east the corps previously deployed there will be completely free to support other formations on the east as they responsibilty of the western border will be on their shoulders.
Moreover I think that you people fear pathans fighting in shalwar kameez more then any well equipped fighting force in the world....
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First of all it is not Salwar, it is Shalwar. BTW wearing Shalwar does not suggest a lack of combat readiness. Shalwar Kamiz is ideally suited and practical dress for combat in our climate. Two super powers have been defeated by guys in shalwar Kamiz. Shalwar Kamiz is still the formal dress for FC and Rangers. Secondly, unlike India, wearing western clothes is looked down up by majority of Pakistanis. Wearing Shalwar Kamiz is not a sign of backwardness or belonging to lower economic classes. So please don’t apply your inferiority complex on Pakistanis. Remember you were ruled for 800 years by people wearing Shalwars and Pajamas, both dresses were brought in by the Muslims and are not part of original Indian heritage. In fact even your RSS anti Muslim prime minister wears Muslim clothes. Both Shalwar and Pajama are Persian words. Indian heritage is loin cloth. What Ghandi use to wear should be the national dress of India. We will stick with Shalwar Kamiz.
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