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Saudi Sex Scandal Simmers

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Dec 12, 2008
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Murphy's Law: Saudi Sex Scandal Simmers

September 10, 2014: Saudi Arabia is trying to cope with a huge scandal that involved the importation of Moslem women and arranging for them to marry Saudi men for a short period to serve, basically, as sex slaves. Many of the women were teenagers. For the women this is not always consensual and was often coerced. In effect this was a major prostitution ring that managed, for years, to operate within the letter, if not the spirit of Islamic marriage law. But as the popularity of this sort of thing spread so did the discreet but persistent criticism of it from many clerics and Saudi women.

Apparently the practice was so widespread that the government recently enacted some interesting laws, in addition to frantic, and very discreet, efforts to clean up the mess before it becomes widely known. A lot of publicity over this mess would mean trouble for the Saud family, which rules Saudi Arabia by virtue of being the guardian of the most holy places of Islam and, in effect (and not universally recognized) leader of the Islamic world. If this scandal became a major worldwide news story it would hurt the standing of the Saudis and encourage their rivals (as leaders of Islam) ISIL and Iran.

The new laws prohibit Saudi men from marrying women from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad and Burma. These are apparently the countries where most of the female sex slaves come from. According to official data there are currently 500,000 women from these four countries in Saudi Arabia. There are currently 8.1 million foreigners living in Saudi Arabia (about 30 percent of the population).

The Saudis have also changed the marriage laws. From now on all marriages with foreigners must obtain government permission. Saudi men must be over 25 in order to marry a foreign woman. Once a man has divorced one of his wives, he cannot marry again for at least six months. Saudi men must get permission from their first wife in order to marry a foreign woman. You can see from all these new rules how the prostitution scam operated. Technically legal but totally depraved.

Many foreign Moslems consider the Saudis racist and believers in the idea that, while all Moslems are equal, Arab Moslems are more equal and Saudi Moslems are the most equal of all. This has been a problem for a long time and this scandal, and the general abuse of all foreign Moslems working in Saudi Arabia puts an unwelcome (by the Saudis) spotlight on it.

Murphy's Law: Saudi Sex Scandal Simmers

September 10, 2014: Saudi Arabia is trying to cope with a huge scandal that involved the importation of Moslem women and arranging for them to marry Saudi men for a short period to serve, basically, as sex slaves. Many of the women were teenagers. For the women this is not always consensual and was often coerced. In effect this was a major prostitution ring that managed, for years, to operate within the letter, if not the spirit of Islamic marriage law. But as the popularity of this sort of thing spread so did the discreet but persistent criticism of it from many clerics and Saudi women.

Apparently the practice was so widespread that the government recently enacted some interesting laws, in addition to frantic, and very discreet, efforts to clean up the mess before it becomes widely known. A lot of publicity over this mess would mean trouble for the Saud family, which rules Saudi Arabia by virtue of being the guardian of the most holy places of Islam and, in effect (and not universally recognized) leader of the Islamic world. If this scandal became a major worldwide news story it would hurt the standing of the Saudis and encourage their rivals (as leaders of Islam) ISIL and Iran.

The new laws prohibit Saudi men from marrying women from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Chad and Burma. These are apparently the countries where most of the female sex slaves come from. According to official data there are currently 500,000 women from these four countries in Saudi Arabia. There are currently 8.1 million foreigners living in Saudi Arabia (about 30 percent of the population).

The Saudis have also changed the marriage laws. From now on all marriages with foreigners must obtain government permission. Saudi men must be over 25 in order to marry a foreign woman. Once a man has divorced one of his wives, he cannot marry again for at least six months. Saudi men must get permission from their first wife in order to marry a foreign woman. You can see from all these new rules how the prostitution scam operated. Technically legal but totally depraved.

Many foreign Moslems consider the Saudis racist and believers in the idea that, while all Moslems are equal, Arab Moslems are more equal and Saudi Moslems are the most equal of all. This has been a problem for a long time and this scandal, and the general abuse of all foreign Moslems working in Saudi Arabia puts an unwelcome (by the Saudis) spotlight on it.
For GOD sake its decades old issue
So it's not a social concern of Pakistanis?

@Jungibaaz @Oscar @WebMaster

This is guy is trying to force his views upon Pakistani's until they submit to his Zionism. He will keep pushing out anti-Pakistani threads for the sole purpose of punishing the Pakistani people for their support to Palestinians. He is on a mission, don't let him get away with it.
In Saudi Arabia it happened behind closed doors, in many other nations its still happening under the name of legalised prostitution. Women from broken homes and Eastern Europe are victimised and exploited. I wonder when will news papers call it Christian or European scandals. Not to mention the BBC's paedophile gang was protected for decades by the British Establishment.
Mr Solomon <we Believe that Antichirst christ would be one eyed... it could also mean that a person/nation who can only evaluate or see what he/they wants to see and cannot be impartial.. Problem with U.S and Western analysts is that they ignore all such things when they have to use a nation.. get oil contracts .etc etc.. and all of a sudden when they have used a person/nation fully than comes the Abuse Part... it happened to Saddam/Hosani Mubarak .... and so many more..... now we will see more and more articles showing how bad the regime was... but who put regime in power ... who carved the current map out of Turkish Caliphate for Oil and other Strategic gains.....You people are true hypocrites.... you go as worshippers... and once you get the god's attention you just grab his feet and put other hand in his pocket.. once you are done with pocket you bend him over climb his back and start the abuse....Strange technique you repeat this again and again.. strangely these earthly god's never learn...
well, this saddens me, the laws the Saudis are putting in place now, had been put in place by Ayub Khan many years ago, as the "Family Law Ordinance" and were criticized a lot
...You people are true hypocrites.... you go as worshippers...
Your point, as near as I can tell, is that Pakistanis should ignore the enslavement of their women in favor of Zionist-hatred instead. That's pretty weird but not necessarily unique:

Your point, as near as I can tell, is that Pakistanis should ignore the enslavement of their women in favor of Zionist-hatred instead. That's pretty weird but not necessarily unique:

don't generalize, i hate Saudis
Your point, as near as I can tell, is that Pakistanis should ignore the enslavement of their women in favor of Zionist-hatred instead. That's pretty weird but not necessarily unique:

lol funny look who is saying... Hitler was not a Muslim and we were never involved in any genocide of Jews anywhere in the world infect we protected them from you .. Queen Isabella *fall of Grenada.... Crusaders * salahudeen enters Jerusalem ....its strange that i should learn how to free woman from a man living in a place where woman dance nude publically in pubs for the pleasure of Gentlemen how gentle are these men.... where a man can reach the top of any organisation through hard work and where woman have to blow their work up president's legs to reach high grounds....where woman have to shed off their clothes to feel liberated .. who have designed all these marketing gimmicks of capitalism.. has capitalism truly enslaved women for the pleasure of men..... you are the one who propagate theory of evolution... so going back to cave man taking textile off is what you call evolution 180 degree... funny that i should learn from you....
So it's not a social concern of Pakistanis?
how it could be?
we are Arabs by our actions and our attitude
whether or not our ethnicity might say something else which we choose to reject because Genetics is a Zionist lie

you are just jealous that we Arabs enjoy sex so much and have the Halal dollars to get multiple wives of agreeable ages to breed more Muslims for jihad, the bodily pleasures are just a bonus.

To their credit the Saudis recognize a problem in their society and are trying to apply the law to correct it. Much better than hiding stuff under the rug, imo.
we dont hide anything either
now that Saudis have recognized the... cough ... issue

we can also openly say it has something to do with ISI

it has to be ISI. so that its newly bred agents cant be traced back to GHQ and Rawalpindi and ISI's plan for world domination
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