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Saudi diplomat thrashed in Delhi park

Saudi's probably tried to show of his high handedness and got himself whooped. Not that i agree with physical violance.
This Delhites are a total embarassment to entire India.You shouldnt treat our guests like this.

Please do not make such statements, based on few hooligans....... Yes there are embarrassing incidents happened in Delhi, just like in any other area, Since Delhi is the capital the news are taken seriously.......
As a Delhi-ite who has multiple dogs, I have been told to leave certain parks on many occasions but no one has ever been acrimonious or violent. I've even lived in the area that this incident took place in, I find it very hard to imagine that he was beaten up for taking his dogs in. Plus, Indians in general tend to be servile to foreigners, including Saudis (Africans are the unfortunate exception- when it comes to black people, Indians are exceedingly racist). There has to be a lot more to the incident. Of course, no matter what the diplomat said or did, there is no excuse for beating him up.
Welcome to Modi's Bharat.

Bharat was like this even before modi become the PM........ Do not blame PM for every incident happens in India, I have seen people doing that with NS, no way they can control something like this......Tomorrow you will blame on NS for 2 neighbors fighting over a cattle????..........
Chaddis can't work on their own. They don't have life. They are just a piece of cloth stitched together. :partay: Like a T-shirt. Unless you believe some have special powers/voodoo etc. Now say Jai Hind with me. :P

Yesterday i told him what would happen to a Chinese if he said to a North eastern indian that he is the great Han Chinese and the Chinese is the master of Arunachal Pradesh like the Chinese say in Tibet. They have erased every proof of genocide in Tibet. Everything seems accomplished but then....

He called me cow piss drinker and i told that he eats dog meat known as "fragrant meat" in Chinese. Not my words.

He called India brutal casteist and i told India has not seen even 1% of the epic unspoken genocides in China during 1939 to 1969 resulting from unspoken distinctions in Chinese society. But I did not tell him that China is nudist vs casteist India. i controlled myself. and then he pretended to be a decent talker who talks on basis of facts which he himself could not prove.

Therefore he and his gang is going to be up in flames for at least the coming 100 days on this forum demonizing India but they are not taken seriously. They have ridiculed themselves enough on this forum.
Stop that nonsense. Firstly, a guest needs to behave like a guest. He should know that he is in the capital of non islamic country. He might be wearing the long skirt in the public place and he wont be treated as a personal from respectable country. Secondly he should have apologized straight away. Thirdly, he asked the local person to speak in english. Which is again a no go now a days.

Proud that Delhites are not bowing every tom d! Ck and herry frm other country. Personals from other country should obey rule of land

So you think it is perfectly alrite to thrash this guy?
This Delhites are a total embarassment to entire India.You shouldnt treat our guests like this.
Maybe you should tone down your rhetoric.
The only reason Delhi stays in news is because all the news channels are located there.
Yes it is.That is why I said we should treat them decently .
We couldnt tolerate when one of our diplomats humiliated in US.

Our Diplomat was humiliated ON PURPOSE by the US GOVERNMENT. This Saudi diplomat was beaten up by a few local residents. (....for reasons yet unknown)

You see no difference between the two incident ?

I have NEVER seen an Indian treat a foreign dignitary badly. Most Indian's by nature are servile towards foreigners.

Now unless the diplomat said something like " If Indians are allowed, dogs should be allowed too" or something similar ...I do not see why any sane person would attack him.

The only other alternative is that he was attacked by a couple of insane goons who went around beating people for no reason. You are free to believe that explanation.
Now unless the diplomat said something like " If Indians are allowed, dogs should be allowed too" or something similar ...I do not see why any sane person would attack him.
could have just been some goons drinking and just looking to pick a fight, or, there was some sort of miscommunication and the Saudi guy provoked the locals.
could have just been some goons drinking and just looking to pick a fight, or, there was some sort of miscommunication and the Saudi guy provoked the locals.

They were identified as members of the Welfare Association of the posh safdarjung enclave. Hardly comes across as goons.

Besides they asked the diplomat to leave the garden and leave the COUNTRY. Now why would anyone say that unless the diplomat insulted India or Indians ?

You put 2 and 2 together and most times its 4.
The news said the miscreants have been identified as members of the Resident Welfare Association.

They do not come across as thugs. There is a good chance that there is more to the story that what is being told. Members of resident welfare associations do not go around attacking diplomats unless they have some very good reason.

Though I do not approve of this cowardly attack, It would appear as if they were provoked.

Members of Residential Complex?? then there is more to the story, otherwise arrests would have been immediate as the victim is a diplomat!! The diplomat must have provoked severely, though also Delhites are also known for their short tempered behavior!!
Members of Residential Complex?? then there is more to the story, otherwise arrests would have been immediate as the victim is a diplomat!! The diplomat must have provoked severely, though also Delhites are also known for their short tempered behavior!!

Even short tempered Delhites do not go around beating diplomats withdrawing from a fight.

It does appear like serious provocation. Of course, I could be wrong.

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