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Saudi diplomat thrashed in Delhi park

No. Hello my dear Indian brother. Jai Hind. :tup: Chaddis can't do anything. They are inanimate objects and they are worn by human beings. Trust me. :agree:
Really?Cos chaddis seem to have a inclination for doing a lot of hard work,doing absolutely rubbish.
Beat up foreign dignitary over something as trivial as walk a dog into a park which the victim couldn't read Hindi sign of no dog allow. The diplomat walk out of the park and still get beat up by a gang of aggressive Indian.
people like you are hell bent on to prove Islam is not the religion of peace,people like you are doing more damage to it that those terrorists,some of your comments make me wonder if you are even a muslim,but a false flagger.
Nope. He ain't out to prove Islam is this or that. He is also not a false flagger. :) I have met people - lots of them like him in real life in mainland India. :D
Really?Cos chaddis seem to have a inclination for doing a lot of hard work,doing absolutely rubbish.
Chaddis can't work on their own. They don't have life. They are just a piece of cloth stitched together. :partay: Like a T-shirt. Unless you believe some have special powers/voodoo etc. Now say Jai Hind with me. :P
shameful incident but there could be more to it than what's been told.

people like you are hell bent on to prove Islam is not the religion of peace,people like you are doing more damage to it that those terrorists,some of your comments make me wonder if you are even a muslim,but a false flagger.
I think he's an RSS troll
Chaddis can't work on their own. They don't have life. They are just a piece of cloth stitched together. :partay: Like a T-shirt. Unless you believe some have special powers/voodoo etc. Now say Jai Hind with me. :P
Oh that explains why all those chaddis drone on like zombies :D
Aren't dogs banned by Saudi Arabia as it is considered unIslamic and dirty?

Shows total double standards of the Saudis. Would he have kept a dog in Riyadh? He probably would have been subjected to a few lashes for going against the strict tenants of Wahabi Islam where keeping or petting dogs is considered blasphemy.
Aren't dogs banned by Saudi Arabia as it is considered unIslamic and dirty?

Shows total double standards of the Saudis. Would he have kept a dog in Riyadh? He probably would have been subjected to a few lashes for going against the strict tenants of Wahabi Islam where keeping or petting dogs is considered blasphemy.

How is that related to the topic ? ...... if anything it shows the diplomat as being open minded and a man with a mind of his own.
so a saudi diplomat who perfectlli knew that dogs are not allowed in such places (heck he cant keep dogs in saudia but just beacuse he is in india he takes them to a publik space)

but insist on talking one as he is a saudi when some passerbys try to confront him he abuses them and shows off his saudi status (maybe he thinks indians too will worship him like they do across the western indian border)

what was he thinking i think saudi govt should opologise for these kinds of roudies who abuse freedom and perks given to them in a foriegn nation

had this saudi diplomat done the same thing in saudia he would have been behind the bars

but i can understand pkaistani members jumping in rage buthey surprise surprise even indian opologists and pseudo seculars are trying there level best to bring in RSS or modi .. loosers
The attackers might have been deported from KSA for being illegal & they took their anger out on the poor diplomat :)
A diplomat is a ordinary person with extra ordinary legal protection.

Yes it is.That is why I said we should treat them decently .
We couldnt tolerate when one of our diplomats humiliated in US.
How is that related to the topic ? ...... if anything it shows the diplomat as being open minded and a man with a mind of his own.
Because keeping dogs or petting them is forbidden in Islam. Isn't he a Muslim? Or is he from Mars?

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