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Saudi Arabia wanted to buy Pakistani submarines


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 18 November 2000 Issue : 06/44


Apparently we wanted to buy Pakistani submarines but Pakistan refused to sell due to American pressure :( really sad read for me.
Are you saying this just because most pakistanis here say saudi arabia is an american puppet???

No actually that thought didn't even cross my mind. I just read through that thing and found out about this and thought I would share it here for discussion.
Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 18 November 2000 Issue : 06/44


Apparently we wanted to buy Pakistani submarines but Pakistan refused to sell due to American pressure :( really sad read for me.

people here still wondering why don't u buy from pakistan. why u shopping overseas but not pakistan.
pakistan should have passed the deal under the table.
people here still wondering why don't u buy from pakistan. why u shopping overseas but not pakistan.
pakistan should have passed the deal under the table.

Actually what astonished me was why were the nuclear launch capability the deal breaker for us?? Why did we want a nuclear launch capable sub???
No actually that thought didn't even cross my mind. I just read through that thing and found out about this and thought I would share it here for discussion.

Mossa if this is correct I would de very disappointed. I would say we should try those in Pakistan who refused this for treason of the greatest order. They should be hanged. But I would also find it very difficult to believe
If it is true then rest assured , Pakistani "assurance" of so called "safe subs" is nothing but throwing a bone to the US policy makers. If we want to , we can integrate nuclear tech without US knowing or doing anything about it.

But now Saudis have better options ie U-216/214 etc.
If it is true then rest assured , Pakistani "assurance" of so called "safe subs" is nothing but throwing a bone to the US policy makers. If we want to , we can integrate nuclear tech without US knowing or doing anything about it.

Maybe the deal already went through but it is a strategic weapon that is kept under water (Lame pun coon)?
Maybe the deal already went through but it is a strategic weapon that is kept under water (Lame pun coon)?

I hope that you are correct. This would assist in making Pakistan to improve its manufacturing base. Pakistanis must never ever say no to any Muslim country if they want to buy weapons to defend themselves.

Our leaders are poor at propaganda and often do things behind the people backs which maybe they are not telling their public because of western pressure
I hope that you are correct. This would assist in making Pakistan to improve its manufacturing base. Pakistanis must never ever say no to any Muslim country if they want to buy weapons to defend themselves.

Our leaders are poor at propaganda and often do things behind the people backs which maybe they are not telling their public because of western pressure

One question: how many of these 'muslim countries' have helped Pakistan in recent, turbulent times?
Why did they Saudis want it despite having money and more capable platforms to buy ? :what:
Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 18 November 2000 Issue : 06/44


Apparently we wanted to buy Pakistani submarines but Pakistan refused to sell due to American pressure :( really sad read for me.

its a french sub, y not approach fr4ench to sell one??
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