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Saudi Arabia builds major Islamic Centre in Afghanistan

Those people also host the Public distribution food security system probably the world's largest retail system.


But then again amusing that those from nation who believe in Aga Thermodynamics speak about Moon and Mars. :lol:

so is it incompetence or just sheer laziness?
If your system is great, why do you have the largest starving population on earth?

Again, get your priorities right.
Well if your version of modernity is limited to women getting naked than you will never see it but if you are refereeing to education than they are moving on that track at really fast speed latest ranking of Universities include 3 Saudi Universities

No my view of modernity is not to get women naked. It is to allow women to get naked if they WANT to, without losing my mind. I believe its their choice. Liberal thought will bring modernity. Conservative religious thought, will bring extremism. Whether you have schools, hospitals etc wont matter if they are "Islamic" in nature.
No my view of modernity is not to get women naked. It is to allow women to get naked if they WANT to, without losing my mind. I believe its their choice. Liberal thought will bring modernity. Conservative religious thought, will bring extremism. Whether you have schools, hospitals etc wont matter if they are "Islamic" in nature.

So you think "modernity" means that women can do what ever they want?
what if a woman wants to kill someone? is that modernity?
how about men?
Why can't men do what they want?

Just look at the stats in "Modern" USA
50% divorce rate
26% of Children are raised by a single parent.
And guess what? Those kids are much much more likely to end up in jail.
Oh and your modernity also means having the word's largest per capita population in Jail.

You can keep your "Modernity"

And is women not allowed to get naked is such a burden on them?
Boo Freaking Hoo
These princesses need to realize that they can't always get what they want.

I want a sandwich right now but I won't be able to get it, you don't see me crying oppression.
So you think "modernity" means that women can do what ever they want?
what if a woman wants to kill someone? is that modernity?
how about men?
Why can't men do what they want?

Just look at the stats in "Modern" USA
50% divorce rate
26% of Children are raised by a single parent.
And guess what? Those kids are much much more likely to end up in jail.
Oh and your modernity also means having the word's largest per capita population in Jail.

You can keep your "Modernity"

And is women not allowed to get naked is such a burden on them?
Boo Freaking Hoo
These princesses need to realize that they can't always get what they want.

I want a sandwich right now but I won't be able to get it, you don't see me crying oppression.

This is a strawman argument. Women that want to kill will kill, no one allows them. Similarly men who want to kill will kill, no one allows them. So that kind of an argument is stupid to say the least.

However in my view its backward to tell a woman what she can/cannot do. Women should be able to have educational, sexual, professional and social freedoms just as men should. As for the US's divorce rate - who told you that the US was a model for anything? Why dont you look at Canada the very place you live, where women have all those freedoms that I am talking about. BTW are you attributing all those divorces to WOMEN? I mean its because of WOMEN that divorces happen? Your understanding of social/relationship issues is at best rudimentary.

BTW who are you to "allow" a woman to get naked? Do you own them? No you dont. So dont make rules for everybody. If a woman wants to go to a beach and get topless, dont lose your mind over it. Just dont go to the beach if you dont like topless women. However you dont have a right to tell her that she is "wrong". She isnt.

BTW that last comment about "you cant get everything you want", is probably the dumbest I have ever heard. You are telling me life is such, so you cant have your freedoms? That statement is testament to why Islamic countries are so backward in just about everything.

Now getting back on topic. "Islamic" anything, wont do any good.
This is a strawman argument. Women that want to kill will kill, no one allows them. Similarly men who want to kill will kill, no one allows them. So that kind of an argument is stupid to say the least.

However in my view its backward to tell a woman what she can/cannot do. Women should be able to have educational, sexual, professional and social freedoms just as men should. As for the US's divorce rate - who told you that the US was a model for anything? Why dont you look at Canada the very place you live, where women have all those freedoms that I am talking about. BTW are you attributing all those divorces to WOMEN? I mean its because of WOMEN that divorces happen? Your understanding of social/relationship issues is at best rudimentary.

BTW who are you to "allow" a woman to get naked? Do you own them? No you dont. So dont make rules for everybody. If a woman wants to go to a beach and get topless, dont lose your mind over it. Just dont go to the beach if you dont like topless women. However you dont have a right to tell her that she is "wrong". She isnt.

BTW that last comment about "you cant get everything you want", is probably the dumbest I have ever heard. You are telling me life is such, so you cant have your freedoms? That statement is testament to why Islamic countries are so backward in just about everything.

Now getting back on topic. "Islamic" anything, wont do any good.

I was making a hyperbole to show how ridiculous that line of thinking is.

The problem with your line of thinking is that you think Women are somehow special and should be allowed more privilege.
Let me ask you, do you think laws are backwards? do you think it is okay to make laws that say "you cannot do x"

Please answer that with yes or no.
If you believe in laws then how can you say such silly things like we should let them do what they want.
I believe that neither men nor women should be allowed to do anything they want.
would you agree with that statement?

I did look at Canada and it's not a rose garden here either. Canada has similar divorce rate and almost as bad rate of single mothers. As for cause of divorce, well lets just look at the stats, 75% of divorces are initiated by the women. And yes, my understanding is rudimentary, I mean I only back up what I say with stats and studies, not feeling and emotional crap :rolleyes:

BTW, who is the government to "allow" me to do anything? Does the government own me? NO they dont. So they should not make the rules for everyone. If I want to go to the beach naked, or rob you, or make money by allowing toxic dumping in my neighborhood with kids then you and the government should get over it and not lose your mind. Just don't come to my neighbor hood. However the government doesn't have the right to tell me that I am "Wrong" I am not.

BTW, you are so right, I mean in America I can murder, rape and rob anyone I want. That is why America is so amazing and great. Us poor Muslims have to live by silly rules.
I bow to your superior wisdom :mamba:

On a serious note, I can get arrested for going naked out in public
So why do you think only Women should have the right to go naked?
An other mess preaching center in Afghanistan. These Saudis are master in planning mess through education on behalf of their masters. It was better if they invested in construction of infrastructure out of any Islamic Center, Mosques are everywhere so why need to spend money on it? Use this money in social development, modern education (anti-terrorism and anti extremism). Social infrastructure, roads, communication etc.

Its all just like " There is money so hell with money"
I was making a hyperbole to show how ridiculous that line of thinking is.

Hyperboles and strawmen are not logical arguments and as such do not logically counter an argument. Your statement still doenst mean anything.

The problem with your line of thinking is that you think Women are somehow special and should be allowed more privilege.

Please quote me again and tell me where I have said that "women are special" and should be given "privilege" ? I am not sure if you even read my post. I am talking about freedoms that a person MUST have. Be it a man or a woman. Freedoms are every person's right, they are not privileges. Of course in Islamic societies it is a privilege indeed.

Let me ask you, do you think laws are backwards? do you think it is okay to make laws that say "you cannot do x"

Please answer that with yes or no.
If you believe in laws then how can you say such silly things like we should let them do what they want.
I believe that neither men nor women should be allowed to do anything they want.
would you agree with that statement?

I will not let you lead the argument to the conclusion you want. I will state what I stated earlier. Women should have social, political, legal, sexual, professional and educational freedoms. So should men. If a law is based on religion and if it mandates a particular code of conduct based on gender, then yes, such laws are backward and wrong.

I did look at Canada and it's not a rose garden here either. Canada has similar divorce rate and almost as bad rate of single mothers. As for cause of divorce, well lets just look at the stats, 75% of divorces are initiated by the women.

Yeah, so women have the freedom to free themselves of abusive men or of relationships they dont want to be in. You think women initiate a divorce for the heck of it? What do you know about each of those cases of divorce, the relationship between the woman and the man that she divorce etc? I am sure you dont. Then how can you make a judgement? I have seen tons of women staying in marriages where they actually need to divorce their husbands, but they dont for the sake of kids and what not. Which finally ends up being harmful for them.

And yes, my understanding is rudimentary, I mean I only back up what I say with stats and studies, not feeling and emotional crap

Extrapolating a statistic to extraordinary claims that freedom for women is what causes all social evils does not show any understanding of "stats and studies". It merely shows that your understanding of relationships and social issues is rudimentary.

BTW, who is the government to "allow" me to do anything? Does the government own me? NO they dont. So they should not make the rules for everyone. If I want to go to the beach naked, or rob you, or make money by allowing toxic dumping in my neighborhood with kids then you and the government should get over it and not lose your mind. Just don't come to my neighbor hood. However the government doesn't have the right to tell me that I am "Wrong" I am not.

Strawman and irrelevant comparisons. I am talking about laws based on religion setting standards for people based on gender. You are talking about robbing and toxic waste dumping, which doesnt even compare. As for going to the beach naked, yes the govt should not bother if you wanted to sunbathe naked. Such beaches exist in a lot of places. However this doesnt mean people run around naked, which will be a stupid extrapolation, the kind you seem to be making.

BTW, you are so right, I mean in America I can murder, rape and rob anyone I want. That is why America is so amazing and great. Us poor Muslims have to live by silly rules.

I am not sure if you even live in the west. Do you?

On a serious note, I can get arrested for going naked out in public
So why do you think only Women should have the right to go naked?

This is where your understanding fails. This is not about getting "naked". This is about FREEDOMS. Ill repeat it once again. Women should have social, political, legal, professional, educational AND sexual freedoms. Religion should NOT dictate what they can or cannot do when it comes to personal freedom. (dont come up with the murder, rape and robbing analogy, it doesnt follow and it is a strawman). If it does, then yes, it is extremism and it is wrong. Period. Also, please quote me where I said, they can go out naked in public? There is a minimum amount of decency everyone everywhere adheres to. I was talking about topless beaches, which exist. And if women wanna sunbathe topless then that is not against the law even in the US, in a lot of places. It is their prerogative, their choice. There, they dont dictate gender roles and behavior for women based on religion. Islamic law does, and hence it is backward and wrong.
An other mess preaching center in Afghanistan. These Saudis are master in planning mess through education on behalf of their masters. It was better if they invested in construction of infrastructure out of any Islamic Center, Mosques are everywhere so why need to spend money on it? Use this money in social development, modern education (anti-terrorism and anti extremism). Social infrastructure, roads, communication etc.

Its all just like " There is money so hell with money"

There is a mosque in my neighborhood in Pakistan which has been under construction for something like 38 years now. While mega donations are collected in the name of building the mosque, it is always under going refurbishing, rebuilding, modifications expansion etc. I did investigate on my own and it became evident a number of people are involved in kickbacks so to sustain their bread and butter it was necessary to maintain mosque under construction all the time...

There needs to be strong oversight on mosques and deeni madaris!
Somebody said the center has a hospital and it was a great contribution for Afghanistan. Read carefully, the 'hospital' is more like a 'sick bay' to serve the students. It will most likely not have capacity to serve normal Afghans. Everything else in the center is useless for Afghanistan to come out of its situation.

Saudi king made an ad for the madarassa. The caption is: "Dare to think beyond Pakistani madarassas".
IIMs finally give up, concede that IIPM is beyond them | Faking News
There is a mosque in my neighborhood in Pakistan which has been under construction for something like 38 years now. While mega donations are collected in the name of building the mosque, it is always under going refurbishing, rebuilding, modifications expansion etc. I did investigate on my own and it became evident a number of people are involved in kickbacks so to sustain their bread and butter it was necessary to maintain mosque under construction all the time...

There needs to be strong oversight on mosques and deeni madaris!
In Pakistan and in many other countries where Saudi have decided to build a thing they have made sure it gets completed
More than Mosques what actually Afghanistan needs are schools and colleges and heavy investment in infrastruture. SA should spare Afghanistan with its Wahabi version Islam which has nearly destroyed Pakistan.
Total joke! Saudis wants to invest 45 million dollar for AFG but for what? To build a mega mosque... Today what AFG need is education which will chain religion and death squads which will hunt down stupid souls to became taliban terrorists or tribal leaders/mullahs who refuse state authority.Either as soft power make some schools , hospitals or roads and as hard power create an afghan air force by donating some jets so they bomb taliban targets 7/24.
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