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Saudi Arabia builds major Islamic Centre in Afghanistan

I do not see a point in building islamic centers and mosques in a country which is in desperate needs of schools, universities, hospitals and industry for job creation. Islamic centers are more of a drain on society as they do not generate an income of their own but depend on donations to survive.

Such project will definitely help Afghanistan in the long run.

can you tell me how it will generate sustainable employment for the long term? May be will help the mullahs in the long run as the management will fail over a period of time and mullahs will get fat on public donations!
I do not see a point in building islamic centers and mosques in a country which is in desperate needs of schools, universities, hospitals and industry for job creation. Islamic centers are more of a drain on society as they do not generate an income of their own but depend on donations to survive.

can you tell me how it will generate sustainable employment for the long term ?


Do you know simply ‘read’ ?

Afghanistan is ‘a country immensely rich’. Immensely rich. Ok.

See link :

GOOD MOVE BY KSA to show others who want to have bases here...KSA had funded for Faisal mosque in Pakistan and they have never ever intervene...Faisal mosque is added to tourism part. have libararys, lecturer halls and had housed islamic internaltional university with ALL modern science education AS WELL ...my friends in maths and computer science they arebased on this uni...This university was initialy housed in Faisal mosque and now have other campus and is among top ranked university in Pakistan.

I think we become over criticized to intentions, when others built miltary based and intend to remain in the ocuntry past 2014 then what's wrong with Islamic center!!!
what a terrible waste ---they should spend the mo ney on schools hospitals ....
This is rubbish, just KSA pushing it's own agenda forward and the naive Afghans welcome this trojan horse present.

When has KSA ever given money to a Muslim country to build hospitals, universities, or libraries?

Emir Sheikh Zayed of Dubai gave hundreds of millions to Johns Hopkins Hospital to build the Sheikh Zayed Center; never will you see them do the same for a Muslim country.

The whole country of Afghanistan is a major Islamic centre.

Your post is factually incorrect.
Visit lahore .. you will know.
Talk to some PAF oldies, you will know.
Talk to the KRL "supply chain" people, you will know.


In any of those aspects, there NEVER was any Iran....

Secondly, Why does Iran have "cultural centers" a.k.a : Khaana-e-Farhang all over Pakistan ?
Those Khaana-e-Farhang are not there to forward the Shia ideology ?

I dare, any one of you to come and refute this.
Your post is factually incorrect.
Visit lahore .. you will know.
Talk to some PAF oldies, you will know.
Talk to the KRL "supply chain" people, you will know.


In any of those aspects, there NEVER was any Iran....

Secondly, Why does Iran have "cultural centers" a.k.a : Khaana-e-Farhang all over Pakistan ?
Those Khaana-e-Farhang are not there to forward the Shia ideology ?

I dare, any one of you to come and refute this.

I'm not going to talk to those people nor have access to them at this time and situation, so why don't you tell me what exactly is factually incorrect with my posts. Of course, you're going to defend your country of residence.

According to Afghan government officials The Malik Abdullah Islamic Centre will comprise of a major Islamic studies university, a hostel that will serve at least 5,000 students, a hospital and a sports complex.

An "Islamic studies University"? So this University's main focus will be on religion, this is absurd this is no University at all. A University by definition is comprised of several colleges of various macro fields of study Computer science, mathematics, science, business school, etc.
I'm not going to talk to those people nor have access to them at this time and situation, so why don't you tell me what exactly is factually incorrect with my posts. Of course, you're going to defend your country of residence.

An "Islamic studies University"? So this University's main focus will be on religion, this is absurd this is no University at all. A University by definition is comprised of several colleges of various macro fields of study Computer science, mathematics, science, business school, etc.

OK !

sheikh zayed hospital lahore - Google Maps





When was the last time you were in DG Khan ?

You must be aware of Etisalat + PTCL !

Those are projects JUST by UAE ... which do not include the post Earth Quake / Flood stuff.

Some one show me 1/4th of that contribution ( pre sanction time) from Iran !

Yet the Shia religion people keep harping lies.

Again ...

I am waiting for someone to give me an alternative reason to Khaana-e-Farhangs in every major city of Pakistan which were put by the Ayotullahs to spread the Shia religion.
I do not see a point in building islamic centers and mosques in a country which is in desperate needs of schools, universities, hospitals and industry for job creation. Islamic centers are more of a drain on society as they do not generate an income of their own but depend on donations to survive.

can you tell me how it will generate sustainable employment for the long term? May be will help the mullahs in the long run as the management will fail over a period of time and mullahs will get fat on public donations!

Same Old mistakes cant be repeated and Im sure the Saudi Authority are aware of that.
The center will Includes University, hospital and recreation center. This will give people of afghanistan an opportunity for high quality of education and better health service. The Islamic center will help bring back afghanistan together to Islamic modernity and pull it away from radicalism and extremism. It will be competitive to Islamabad university.
Afghanistan is going to have a huge modern and will equipped hospital provides high stander health care.
Afghanistan needs Education not jobs, needs health care, social services, basic human resources IG. Nowadays, a lot of afghani people study in many countries e.g pakistan or looking for treatment abroad. why they cant have access to these thing at home?. Guys let the people live. they have suffered a lot. This is good step better than nothing and Im sure Saudi Arabia and the rest of GCC will help rebuild afghanistan in all sphere of life.

Political View :

NATO has announced to leave afghanistan by 2014. Saudi Arabia will not allow afghanistan to fall into Iran's hand like what happened to Iraq. It has pledge to rebuild Afghanistan for the benefit of the people and both countries's interests. Afghanistan will be introduced in the near future to balance the regional power in the ME.
Im hoping to see progressive afghanistan.
An "Islamic studies University"? So this University's main focus will be on religion, this is absurd this is no University at all. A University by definition is comprised of several colleges of various macro fields of study Computer science, mathematics, science, business school, etc.

Al-Azhar Islamic university in Egypt is the number one source for Egypt for Doctors, Engineers and Scientists... Just to let you know.
Wish that this money was spent on building schools and hospitals...
At the very least Afghanistan needs schools. But Taliban will blow the schools as it has been doing in the past in AfPak
Many Afghans are illiterate. Their youth are very vulnerable and religous extremism is big among the Pashtun ethnicity in that country (the taliban is pretty much all pashtun). With or without this mosque, there will be hundreds of pashtun suicide bombers blowing themselves up among the shia and Persian speaking people of AFG (as it's already happening). But a place like this will only make things worse in a society that needs it least. I can almost guarantee that some two bit mullah is going to go up on the pedestal and start preaching hate about Northern Afghans and by the time the kids are leaving the mosque, at least one of them is ready to blow himself up among the Hazara or Tajik shia "kafirs" up North.

The last thing AFG needs is a mosque, let alone an "Islamic Centre" funded by the saudis.
Al-Azhar Islamic university in Egypt is the number one source for Egypt for Doctors, Engineers and Scientists... Just to let you know.

Now that you have mentioned it ...

Al-Azhar was initially setup to deseminate the Shia religion.

Once the Fatmids got a bye bye, the Al Azhar university came back to being what it is today.

Why have the "persians" run away ... ??
well done to KSA for the help. all help is good.

afghan turkish school kandahar


Afghanistan–Turkey relations have always been very warm and extremely brotherly due to strong ethnic and historical links between the two modern states, and have remained strong following the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2002. Ahmet Davutoğlu has described this relationship as "exemplary" even if the two countries do not border, but are close. A recent survey in Kabul of 1,259 people shows that Afghanistan rely mostly on Turkey, and consider Turkey to be Afghanistan's one and only true, best friend (as of July 2012)

Turkish asphalt laying machine

Turkey launched a trilateral summit process between the two states and Pakistan in February 2007, following a visit by then Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gül to Islamabad, as the backbone of its diversified foreign policy in Southeast Asia and Pakistani deputy Humair Hayat Khan Rokhri confirmed that according to Gül “we are all brothers who need to support each other,” in order to, “bring security and stability to the region.”[4]

An April 1, 2009 meeting between Afghan and Pakistani leaders, conducted as part of the trilateral Ankara cooperation process, saw the three countries pledged to increase coordination between their political, military and intelligence tiers in the fight against militancy and terrorism. Turkish Parliamentary Deputy Kayatürk has stated that, “It is the first time that the military and intelligence chiefs of Afghanistan and Pakistan have attended the trilateral summit, which is a reflection of the deeper commitment to work together.”[3]

Afghan and Pakistani parliamentary deputies came together in Ankara on May 5, as part of the trilateral Ankara cooperation process, where they met with the now Turkish President Gül and new Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu to discuss a variety of issues. Head of the Turkish Parliament’s Foreign Relations Commission Murat Mercan stated;

“Today we need cooperation between our countries more than ever. I believe Turkey, having historical brotherhood relations with both, is in a special position to improve and deepen this cooperation. Turkey is confident that the cooperation to be established between Afghanistan and Pakistan will help a lot to solve the problems.”[5]

Vice-Chairman of the Afghan Parliament’s Foreign Relations Commission Mohammed Shakir Kargar responded by reaffirming this historical friendship built upon by Attatürk and thanked Turkey for its help with the post-Taliban restructuring. Mercan concluded, “We are finally on the verge of institutionalising the trilateral Ankara cooperation process within the framework of parliamentary joint initiatives,” with follow-up meetings due to be held in Islamabad and Kabul at four-month intervals.
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