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Saudi Arabia announces 20% defence budget increase

we are destined to rule Asia ;) if not the world

but better if we can win poverty , corrpution , caste system first :-)
There's a lot into it when i say.....
we are destined to rule Asia, if not the world
i was refering to winning by economic power and not by military strength. This is what at @Chinese-Dragon has pointed out aswell ,that by 2025 we would be economically developed enough to spend 3% + on our defence,when poverty would be under controll in both India & china. Untill then support our present Govt in building up India & keep calm, we will be there :)
That's where most people get it wrong.

Turkey/india etc. can not spend 11% of their GDP on defense because they do not have excess liquid cash as Saudis have due to their massive oil industry....

Exactly, Why not West give them ToT anyways?
yep against raja dahir of sindh,u see they captured ancient Pakistan & defeated ur ancestors
thanks for being on ground and keeping the sanity
Mr.Aero have right to have its own opinion .. so dont have Any apology for same..
we cant term anyone OPINION rubbish comments
but you can refute with your OPINION with logic and facts

which you did so did i
rest you on the spot..
india have its own kitty full of problems why the hell we will attack any one till others come to do mischief ..

So can it not be ,y opinion and label his comments as such?

He's pretty intelligent guy. So to make such comments are not good.
I don't know.

Saudis don't have enough local capacity to absorb ToT I guess.

Not sure

@al-Hasani @Mosamania @Yzd Khalifa will be able to elaborate on your question

Most of KSA arms deals come with TOT, take the EF for example. Missiles like the Pavway..etc.
Kind of busy now will get back with details if you are interested.
I don't know.

Saudis don't have enough local capacity to absorb ToT I guess.

Not sure

@al-Hasani @Mosamania @Yzd Khalifa will be able to elaborate on your question


Saudi Arabians do have that capability in part but not to the extend of becoming fully self-reliant YET. It will take a decade or so. The process in ongoing.

Most recent deals have included ToT.

BAE Systems Saudi Arabia in ToT contract with Al-Salam and AEC

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets

All that it requires for people is to do some research.

@Bubblegum Crisis is the man for all the links.

Building an industrial base is not something you do overnight. It takes some time. But eventually we will get there. No doubt about that.

Besides we got the money and thus want to buy the best weaponry that we can get. The West is producing the best weaponry BY FAR hence we buy it from them. Problem? We don't care whom we buy it from. The West are our partners and never did us any harm. I don't understand this obsession about what GCC is spending its OWN money on.

If we Arabs were leading in science like we once were in the world we would not buy foreign weapons and if other Muslim countries were producing great weapons we would be buying from them instead but they don't. End of story.
So can it not be ,y opinion and label his comments as such?

He's pretty intelligent guy. So to make such comments are not good.
Point is Freedom of Speech..sometimes you see its not logical...
but even consitition of both countries -india and pak .. said to have freedom of Speech but not necessary to be logical..
such commets are not good but that the way it is..
better rebute his opinin which you thinnk and me think is wrong
so better give opinion to prove his OPINION wrong ...

Saudi Arabians do have that capability but not to the extend of becoming self-reliant. It will take a decade or so. The process in ongoing.

Some recent deals have included ToT.

BAE Systems Saudi Arabia in ToT contract with Al-Salam and AEC

Saudi Advanced Electronic Company gains approved avionics repair status for Typhoon jets

All that it requires for people is to do some research.

@Bubblegum is the man for all the links.

Building an industrial base is not something you do overnight. It takes some time. But eventually we will get there. No doubt about that.

You think by 2030, Saudi Arabia will be producing its own high-tech tanks, submarines, ships, missiles, jets, engines, etc..and will have been industrialized?

Or to what extent you think the above is possible in next decade an a half
As this 80 billion includes the police funds as well I guess.

Turkish National Police:




And there we have Saudi Police cars :D




It's like playing NFS Hot Pursuit at Saudi streets :lol:

Most of KSA arms deals come with TOT, take the EF for example. Missiles like the Pavway..etc.
Kind of busy now will get back with details if you are interested.

Please hit me back when you are available. .need some details.
Point is Freedom of Speech..sometimes you see its not logical...
but even consitition of both countries -india and pak .. said to have freedom of Speech but not necessary to be logical..
such commets are not good but that the way it is..
better rebute his opinin which you thinnk and me think is wrong
so better give opinion to prove his OPINION wrong ...
I did offer at the end why he's weong
KSA was already a pretty strong country in terms of military might because this budget increase, I'd say they were even stronger than Iran and India in terms of Air dominance. With this massive increase I think they are trying will establish themselves as a very dominant military power not just in the Middle East but the world.
KSA was already a pretty strong country in terms of military might because this budget increase, I'd say they were even stronger than Iran and India in terms of Air dominance. With this massive increase I think they are trying will establish themselves as a very dominant military power not just in the Middle East but the world.
oil doesn't last forever

India tech economy will last long, or population
You think by 2030, Saudi Arabia will be producing its own high-tech tanks, submarines, ships, missiles, jets, engines, etc..and will have been industrialized?

Or to what extent you think the above is possible in next decade an a half

It's difficult to predict such things. It depends on so many issues. Such as investments, focus etc. What I can tell you though is that KSA along with the GCC as a whole is moving toward full industrialization and self-reliance but until now (if you want the best of the best as we tend to want) then you will have to look towards the West and buy from them.

If I should make a qualified guess then by 2030 KSA or the GCC as a whole will have a potent military sector and at least partial self-reliance on many important areas. I don't see why that should not be the case given the events and changes in the past few years an the focus on that.

The only thing that can change the current stream of water is for some major conflicts to erupt and being situated in the middle of the ME this is not entirely out of reach.
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As this 80 billion includes the police funds as well I guess.

Turkish National Police:




And there we have Saudi Police cars :D




It's like playing NFS Hot Pursuit at Saudi streets :lol:

Please hit me back when you are available. .need some details.
Whenever i see Saudis with supercars it reminds me this. :D

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