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Sarkozy says Iran nuclear bid could provoke preemptive military action

In his own country the poison dwarf has bombed in the polls. Internationally its clear whats happening. one year earlier sarkozy was cuddling gadaffi trying to sell jets to libya. Gadaffi said no i dont want your jets and give you money for charity
Sarkozy is almost sure not to win the next elections. He is the most unpopular president ever, as statistics show.

About the jets the jets were already bought
but it seems for unknown (or known lol) reason France was doing everything to deliver as late as possible

but the story Gaddafi didn't want to buy jets is untrue
and as well this is not possible to attack a country because this country didn't buy your jets
otherwise france would have attacked a lot of countries
The french are just oppertunity grabbers. Weak and ready to get on the bandwagon
you're damned good to say stupid comments
you know french people? they are more opportunity grabberrs than any citizens in the world?
how you can say such word about French people? you have any interesting word to say? any article to share? any study to show what you say?
Sarkozy is almost sure not to win the next elections. He is the most unpopular president ever, as statistics show.

About the jets the jets were already bought
but it seems for unknown (or known lol) reason France was doing everything to deliver as late as possible

but the story Gaddafi didn't want to buy jets is untrue
and as well this is not possible to attack a country because this country didn't buy your jets
otherwise france would have attacked a lot of countries

please see the link http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/3566-dassault-lunatic-sale-rafale-libya.html

France grovelled for several years trying to get libya to buy these jets in 2007 poison dwarf allowed gadaffi to pitch his tent in paris. This sale my freind did not go thru. Will be interesting to see if the interim council or whatever you call it now buys french weapons you will have your answer to why poison dwarf intervened.

Libya should have been left to libyans to sort out after all frances own revolution to democracy was bloody and no body interfered.

Back to thread who is this jumped up little poison dwarf to suggest which country can have nukes and who cant. Why can france but not iran.
France grovelled for several years trying to get libya to buy these jets in 2007 poison dwarf allowed gadaffi to pitch his tent in paris. This sale my freind did not go thru. Will be interesting to see if the interim council or whatever you call it now buys french weapons you will have your answer to why poison dwarf intervened.

Libya should have been left to libyans to sort out after all frances own revolution to democracy was bloody and no body interfered.

Back to thread who is this jumped up little poison dwarf to suggest which country can have nukes and who cant. Why can france but not iran.
thank you for your post
we will see in the future about the rafales
anyway here is a french link
Kadhafi : - L'EXPRESS
it is explaining Sarkozy accepts to sell high tech weapons as rafale in order to get a favorable response from Gaddafi about "union for mediterranean"
this union : they tried here hard to make Gaddafi , Ben Ali and Algeria to accept this project

About Iran , i totally agree with you
Personnaly i am against nuclear weapons, then for my country too, because of a religious reason: as a follower of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri i totally agree with what he said too:
we muslims should advocate to eradicate the massive destruction weapons
thank you for your post
we will see in the future about the rafales
anyway here is a french link
Kadhafi : - L'EXPRESS
it is explaining Sarkozy accepts to sell high tech weapons as rafale in order to get a favorable response from Gaddafi about "union for mediterranean"
this union : they tried here hard to make Gaddafi , Ben Ali and Algeria to accept this project

About Iran , i totally agree with you
Personnaly i am against nuclear weapons, then for my country too, because of a religious reason: as a follower of Grand Ayatollah Montazeri i totally agree with what he said too:
we muslims should advocate to eradicate the massive destruction weapons

Brother I too oppose nukes. But I do not agree that israel or america and west can dictate who can or cannot have nukes. Iran is a ancient civilisation and a country that is sovn and west tell us as that they cannot be trusted to have nukes. Yet israel and artifical entity that relies on americas charity is allowed. Its the hypocracy of this poison dwarf that is unacceptable
France threatens military action against Iran

The French envoy to the UN has warned Iran that it risks a military strike if it continues pursuing its nuclear program.

"If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," Ambassador Gerard Araud said on Tuesday during a panel discussion at the UN’s New York headquarters, AFP reported.

France threatens military action against Iran ; RT
Iran should finish the intercontinental missiles and also finish work on its nuclear program , we stand behind your efforts 100%

French are just eyeing oil which is why they constructed a base in UAE
OK let me refraise what i said before so you can understand it clearly.
No one is denying Americans have the power to destroy any country they like.but in case of hit on oil producing country Iran that will hurt the oil supply markets Big times .just taking out 4 millions brls/day the Iranians supply to the Europeans it will send oil prices way over 2 to 300dollars/brl.
capital is already flying out of USA by billions and having oil costing 10 to 20 dollars a gallon.American economy will hit the dust in short Iranians will lose in long term Americans will be part of the history.
i hope this will clear it for you.:cheesy:

like the world gives a rats azz you care or not what happens to iran is not going to stop the oil from jumping in price if catagory 1 hurican can add up to few dollars /brl imagine what an attack will do.before the attack on iraq oil was 10 dollras/brl.and hurricans at that speed cant do jack all to oil installations.

I understand Americans being the new best friends of India you cant imagine any thing happening to the formidable Americans.but hate to tell ya pal .the mess they are in today is making of there own.spending like a drunken sailor eventually will catch up.
specially spending the money you never had to finance wars you have no chance in winning and starting a new one you cant afford.i call that recipe disaster or cutting the branch you are sitting on to see if the fruit on the branch could be eaten if it falls on ground.guess who is going to hit the ground first.

the U.S. is much more resilient then you want to believe. during the depression of the 1930's 30% of all banks failed and unemployment reached 25%. we had a huge debt and bread and soup lines were in most U.S. cities. yet guess what? we didn't die and become part of history. hard times are definitly ahead for the entire world not just the U.S.

High energy and food prices world wide. coupled with bank, and severe stock market drops are going to wreak havoc. And every country of the world is going to be effected. Especially those countries whose economies are export oriented.

Yet none of this will stop Iran from being hit if it doesn't reverse course on it's nuke program. And it won't be just France that acts but a coalition of countries. It won't happen with Obama in power though becuase he lacks the backbone. Even the collapse of the Eurozone whch I believe is emminant will not stop it. War is coming to the M.E. it's just a matter of when.
France threatens military action against Iran

The French envoy to the UN has warned Iran that it risks a military strike if it continues pursuing its nuclear program.

"If we don't succeed today to reach a negotiation with the Iranians, there is a strong risk of military action," Ambassador Gerard Araud said on Tuesday during a panel discussion at the UN’s New York headquarters, AFP reported.

France threatens military action against Iran ; RT
is this a joke?

These frog eaters are bigger clowns then our mullahs! lol
These whites think war is a sport.. I wish they would come to India with that attitude!

No more imperialistic wars from the war-loving exploitive parasitic white race! It is time the world, led by India put a stop to these evil westerners once and for all.

We will turn the sky bright orange with a thousand brahmos shooting up from the horizon to meet any western warplanes and warships who wishes to meet India on the "playground"..
lol, yea, I noticed that just after I posted. War is coming though just just a matter of when.
1) you're a giant clown

2) look at this and marvel at your own stupidity (Israel and the US have been saying stupid **** like this for eternity). Meanwhile Iran is growing and you guys are becoming poorer.


3) are you guys bankrupt yet? We'll take that AC that's parked in the PG if you are. Keep us updated.
1) you're a giant clown

2) look at this and marvel at your own stupidity (Israel and the US have been saying stupid **** like this for eternity). Meanwhile Iran is growing and you guys are becoming poorer.


3) are you guys bankrupt yet? We'll take that AC that's parked in the PG if you are. Keep us updated.

We will see who is right most likely in the near future.
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