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Sarkozy says Iran nuclear bid could provoke preemptive military action

Yet none of this will stop Iran from being hit if it doesn't reverse course on it's nuke program. And it won't be just France that acts but a coalition of countries. It won't happen with Obama in power though becuase he lacks the backbone. Even the collapse of the Eurozone whch I believe is emminant will not stop it. War is coming to the M.E. it's just a matter of when.

Well you better hurry up... The more you wait the stronger Iran gets. And once Iran actually builds its nuclear arsenal its all over. You will not dare touch Iran after that.

Plus i dont think Americans are in the mood anymore to send their sons and daughters to fight wars for Israel.
These whites think war is a sport.. I wish they would come to India with that attitude!

No more imperialistic wars from the war-loving exploitive parasitic white race! It is time the world, led by India put a stop to these evil westerners once and for all.

We will turn the sky bright orange with a thousand brahmos shooting up from the horizon to meet any western warplanes and warships who wishes to meet India on the "playground"..

Is this some kind of joke?

a) You're (presumably) sitting pretty in some corner of the US
b) India has just barely started industrializing and you think the IM, with its 1980's equipment, should attack a friendly superpower...
c) B-2's would wipe out every command and control center before US CBG's are even within range of Indian IRBM's
this is amazing
you guys have been trolling the entire planet with your "we will attack Iran" for 32 MOTHA FUDGING YEARS and you're telling me to stop trolling? You're a clown. That's not me being a troll, that's me giving you the cold hard truth.

btw, bankrupt yet? I want that AC

Well technically they did attack Iran by proxy. The Iran-Iraq war lasted for almost a decade.

If America goes bankrupt tomorrow the entire world will come crashing behind it. The entire global economy relies on American consumers to keep buying, which is precisely why the stock market dipped in Beijing earlier today.
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