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Sanskrit fever grips Germany: 14 universities teaching India's ancient language struggle to meet dem

Wow! Hah looks like sanskrit is coming back to life. No matter how hard the barbaric invaders of India tried to pull us down, at the end of the day our great culture rises again!

There are flaws in the ancient Indian society because of castes.

They made a mistake by dividing the society into castes or classes and educating only a select few.

When Invaders came the society is already divided and it became easy for them to attack the Native culture. This time around such mistakes should not be repeated.

Yoga now belongs to US.

Sanskrit now belongs to Germans.

Caste, sati, dowry and poverty belong to Hindoos and Indians. Secularism zindabad.

There are flaws in the ancient Indian society because of castes.

They made a mistake by dividing the society into castes or classes and educating only a select few.

When Invaders came the society is already divided and it became easy for them to attack the Native culture. This time around such mistakes should not be repeated.

Do you have any evidence that society educated only a selected few ? ........ or did you pull that out of your @ss ?
There are flaws in the ancient Indian society because of castes.

They made a mistake by dividing the society into castes or classes and educating only a select few.

When Invaders came the society is already divided and it became easy for them to attack the Native culture. This time around such mistakes should not be repeated.

Already this flaw of caste system is being corrected. Results are good too. Many from lower castes have reached high positions. As education reached deep into the rural areas this caste problem will hopefully be a thing of the past!

Sanskrit is not coming back to life ,German secularism under threat

Haha soon we will have shanghis there too))

Yoga now belongs to US.

Sanskrit now belongs to Germans.

Caste, sati, dowry and poverty belong to Hindoos and Indians. Secularism zindabad.

Do you have any evidence that society educated only a selected few ? ........ or did you pull that out of your @ss ?

Go through Manusmriti and shove into yours !
Rubbish. You mean to say all the kings, warriors and merchants in India were illiterate ? :lol:

The ones you have mentioned are all from forward castes they constitute only 10 to 15 % of the society, they have the access to the knowledge and scriptures!

The rest are supposed to do other works like carpenters, farmers, etc...etc...

When the invaders came, 50 to 60 % people thought what is difference if king is replaced, no change in their lives.

One of the main reason why no considerable resistance is offered.
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The ones you have mentioned are all from forward castes they constitute only 10 to 15 % of the society !

LOL. What forward caste ? :cheesy:

Kings and warriors were Kshatriyas. Merchants were Vaishyas. How can Brahmins, kshatriyas and traders constitute 10 to 15% of any society ? :lol:

The entire economy will collapse. LOL.
The ones you have mentioned are all from forward castes they constitute only 10 to 15 % of the society, they have the access to the knowledge and scriptures!

The rest are supposed to other works like carpenters, farmers, etc...etc...

You see in the past, around the world, not only in India was education reserved only for the elite. There was no internet etc, and all books were in their control. Only very recently does everyone has access to knowledge.
LOL. What forward caste ? :cheesy:

Kings and warriors were Kshatriyas. Merchants were Vaishyas. How can Brahmins, kshatriyas and traders constitute 10 to 15% of any society ? :lol:

The entire economy will collapse. LOL.

The lower backward caste constittes 15% to max 20% of our society.
There are flaws in the ancient Indian society because of castes.

They made a mistake by dividing the society into castes or classes and educating only a select few.

When Invaders came the society is already divided and it became easy for them to attack the Native culture. This time around such mistakes should not be repeated.
Caste based Discrimination is not a part of our ancient culture.
In past,Valmiki (considered as dalit) could become a maharishi,and write Ramayana.
The Yadavs are considered to be the followers of Krishna.So does that mean Krishna belonged to OBC ?
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