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Russians talking with aliens

Nothing wrong with wondering about alien life, even if you are religious, which I am.

God is infinite. He made 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or so stars.... how arrogant of us to assume one star (ours) is the only one with intelligent life. There may be thousands of worlds out there with civilizations, each with their struggles, each looking to a Creator. And perhaps travel through space is part of the plan.

But I would still agree that 99.999% of sightings are totally explainable. That still leaves dozens of very odd happenings.

Foo Fighters: Foo Fighters: UFOs of World War II

BTW, Foo Fighters is one of my fav band.. :D
off course there is alien life out there. Anyone claiming else is mad!
It is statistically impossible for us to be the only living beings in the universe/multiverse. Having said that, I believe pretty much all sightings are hoax.
I'm in the camp that "There's a lot of life out there, not so many sentient races, but visitation, crossing the vast gulf of interstellar space, is incredibly rare." Visitations might happen, but I think they are super, super infrequent, not one millionth the number pop culture says there are.

Food for thought - ever notice how the abduction stories always have a "kinky" element to them? Reproductive organs poked, prodded, eggs harvested. That is the primitive human brain at work. People have sexual dreams, these morph into abductions with a sexual element to them.

Any race that can cross the galaxy doesn't need our human eggs or sperm. They could make them from scratch using advanced DNA techniques.
I'm in the camp that "There's a lot of life out there, not so many sentient races, but visitation, crossing the vast gulf of interstellar space, is incredibly rare." Visitations might happen, but I think they are super, super infrequent, not one millionth the number pop culture says there are.

Food for thought - ever notice how the abduction stories always have a "kinky" element to them? Reproductive organs poked, prodded, eggs harvested. That is the primitive human brain at work. People have sexual dreams, these morph into abductions with a sexual element to them.

Any race that can cross the galaxy doesn't need our human eggs or sperm. They could make them from scratch using advanced DNA techniques.

Well i dont belive that part but am too a strong beliver that there is life other than earth
WOOT.... You got to joking right.... If we came here and we managed to colonized the entire planet then why did the cave man struggled to find fire..
It is not like we came with super advanced technology.

Here is my hypothesis on this subject:

"There you will live, and there you will die, and from there you will be raised (from the dead)." (Chapter 7, Verse 25)

This is a hint that first humans (Adam and Eve) were created by God Almighty and given special treatment. They resided in a 'garden like place' (probably heaven) but committed a sin (obeyed Satan) and were sent to Earth as punishment.

"We said, 'Go down from here together, but certainly guidance will come from Me to you – and whoever follows My guidance will neither fear nor grieve; but those who reject and deny Our signs, they are the people of the Fire; they will dwell in it.'" (Chapter 2, Verse 38-39)

The fire here refers to Hell.

5 things be kept in mind:

  • Heaven
  • Hell
  • Earth
  • Satan
  • Day of judgement
The first human (Adam) was created (as the most intelligent life form) and originally put in Heaven. Later on, a mate was provided to him.

However, in the light of the above details, this first 'human couple' was sent to Earth on trial basis.

God Almighty have informed humans that their will be a day of judgement, during which all mankind will be RESURRECTED. This indicates that humans will be destroyed or will face extinction one day. And will be resurrected and judged on individual basis. The true believers will go to Heaven and others to Hell. So our ultimate destiny will not fade with Earth.

Now coming to the main point:

Humans came to Earth and started to colonize the planet. Yes! This did not happened overnight. However, with passage of time, us (humans) gained advantage over the native species of Earth due to our superb intelligence. Us (humans) now have conquered the entire world and have eliminated many native species in the process.

Hollywood basically projects the face of human race. Can you deny this? No you cannot. Hollywood reflects our thinking and accomplishments.

Look at other species and compare their accomplishments to ours. You can notice a clear distinction between us (humans) and them. We are far more advanced in comparison, as our accomplishments have proved. Us (humans) are possibly an 'alien species' that is dominating planet Earth. And now we are curious about other planets.

Hence, my point.

Do we have Alien enemies?

Now if we are anticipating an alien enemy, then it is Satan. This thing is not human. It is alien to us. However, it possesses certain powers that us (humans) do not yet fully understand. One such thing is Satan's immense power of seduction. Satan is not visible to naked eye. And yet it is present on Earth and continues to misguide people. So our true war is with Satan and it is probably winning. God Almighty has given us capabilities to defeat Satan but we are still loosing. This is because of our weak belief. If we decide to win, we can win.

The bottom line:

Only God Almighty knows best. We can only speculate on hints provided to us by the Almighty and our own knowledge. My interpretation is not likely flawless.

Hence, this line in my previous post: "However, if we are to believe in Alien phenomenon;"

Saying this; I do believe in possibility of life on other planets. However, nothing like what Hollywood wants us to believe.

Thank you.
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