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Russia to target SpaceX Starlink Satellites

The likely ultimate goal of Starlink is to get around all the local cellphone carriers/towers hardware and have a truly independent "world phone" Star Trek style hand-held communicator. They will likely license it to Apple and all the other major phone manufacturers.

From what I read the iPhone 13 was supposed to have satellite link circuitry but only for voice and text message and that too when the local carriers were not working ( your article points to that ). Well, the last is a commercial thing but the first two elements may be because an iPhone-sized phone cannot have high bandwidth connection with an LEO satellite.

And what is the sandworm thing in space ?
but the first two elements may be because an iPhone-sized phone cannot have high bandwidth connection with an LEO satellite.

"Necessity is the mother of invention"
And what is the sandworm thing in space ?

It was surmised that a long ago civilization had a Doomsday machine. If for some reason their solar systems got surprised attacked and destroyed/overun by their enemy this "worm-like" device (likely hidden away in a remote solar system) would be automatically sent to all their enemies solar systems and destroy all their planets. It is a ferocious completely robotic planet killer with a powerful laser type weapon like the Star Wars Death Star.

Unfortunately they never told it what to do after it finished destroying their enemies. So for 10's of thousands (if not millions) of years it has been going around destroying all the solar systems in its path. It eventually has reached Federation Territory and is wiping planets out.

They are trying to stop it by self-destructing a Starship inside of it hoping to somehow at least disable it.
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No offence, but anyone who swats down Musk's obnoxious squatters in the sky is doing humanity a favor.

The sky belongs to the people, not some money grabbing billionaire who thinks he now owns the sky also.

Starlink Network is for public use and is providing 'satellite internet access' to 29 countries in the present; coverage will be expanded in time. The satellites are sophisticated enough to avoid collision with other objects and will de-orbit at the end of their shelf-life (numerous contemporary satellites do not have these abilities). The network is secure and reliable - apparent from its performance in war-torn Ukraine. This is welcome development.

Elon Musk is serving humanity on a broader level.

- Tesla made Electric Vehicles (EV) reliable and mainstream, and sparked Electric Revolution by extension. Consumers now have the choice to buy an EV and save fuel-related costs.
- Tesla offers an assortment of solar panel solutions including Solar Roof to make houses off-grid.
- SpaceX created reusable rocket boosters to make space exploration affordable.
- SpaceX created Starlink Network for public use - to provide secure and reliable 'satellite internet service' to interested consumers around the world.
- SpaceX is creating Starship for public use - much faster than traditional passenger aircraft for long-distance travelling.

I do not see a reason to be offended by his works.
Elon Musk is serving humanity on a broader level.

Some of what you say is true, but most of Musk's babble is snake oil.

Thunderf00t and common sense skeptic are two channels on YouTube that expose Musks's snake oil over the years. They demolish many of his snake oil claims like the solar panel roofs, starship replacing airplanes, hyperloop, boring machine, million man mars colony, etc. etc. etc.

P.S. Also, i don't care what excuse he uses to put his squatters in the sky. The sky should not be polluted with so many satellites. He wants to put 60,000. His competitor will put 60 and someone else 60 and another 60. We accept countries putting up satellites as an acceptable cost-benefit ratio, but they are usually higher so they are mostly unobtrusive. So many satellites in LEO will also create a nightmare for space launches in the future.
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The Russians become Laughing stock (the One in the Kremlin). How this special operations going? They even said they going to use nuclear weapons (it means that they are losing badly). I always laughed at the Russian propaganda. I remember that every times Israel attack Syria they Said we successfuly destroyed the incoming missels.
Thunderf00t and common sense skeptic are two channels on YouTube that expose Musks's snake oil over the years. They demolish many of his snake oil claims like the solar panel roofs, starship replacing airplanes, hyperloop, boring machine, million man mars colony, etc. etc. etc.

Common Sense Skeptic is unnecessarily hard on Elon. I agree that the Boring Company's boring machine may have not a role on Mars but surely SpaceX is going to land at least four humans on Mars by the end of this decade in an inaugural mission and then by the mid-2030s have a small settlement going. Surely before the inaugural mission self-powered devices and reliable Mars suits will have been developed as will have advanced regenerative medicine, lab-grown meat ( it has already been ) / egg / milk, and Vertical Farming. Airships are again becoming popular so nothing stops that technique from being used to go out to the Mars polar ice caps with machinery to extract water and carry the liquid water back to the settlement.

@Hamartia Antidote

P.S. Also, i don't care what excuse he uses to put his squatters in the sky. The sky should not be polluted with so many satellites. He wants to put 60,000. His competitor will put 60 and someone else 60 and another 60. We accept countries putting up satellites as an acceptable cost-benefit ratio, but they are usually higher so they are mostly unobtrusive. So many satellites in LEO will also create a nightmare for space launches in the future.

So, what's the balance you think in having global communication coverage but also with much less satellites ?
surely SpaceX is going to land at least four humans on Mars by the end of this decade in an inaugural mission and then by the mid-2030s have a small settlement going.

A small group of highly trained specialists forming a research station seems achievable, although I would have thought it made more sense to build one on the moon first and gain a few years' experience.

So, what's the balance you think in having global communication coverage but also with much less satellites ?

That's a tough one because I don't believe internet access is a basic human right, whereas a clear, clean sky is. Ideally, there would be no satellites in LEO but I know there are many private satellites already so that is a lost cause.
Is this a joke? There is nothing to suggest the Starlink was involved in the sinking of the Moskva when there are multiple much-more-capable satellites that could do the job of locating her.
Wait. Apple is the next in line. Putin will destroy it because someone make with iphone images of the Moskwa. That’s terrible for russia navy, Ukraine antiship missiles used these photos to destroy the cruiser.
A small group of highly trained specialists forming a research station seems achievable

Agreed. Though specialists who are cross-trained with the others to some extent.

although I would have thought it made more sense to build one on the moon first and gain a few years' experience.

I think Mars is far more challenging and a different environment in terms of independence and environmental conditions. For example there are no vast sandstorms on the Moon. Also, being ambitious for Mars from the start will push humanity earlier towards asteroid mining and train for it by doing some short missions of Mars' two moons.

That's a tough one because I don't believe internet access is a basic human right, whereas a clear, clean sky is.

But internet should be a basic human right though a clean sky should also be.

Ideally, there would be no satellites in LEO but I know there are many private satellites already so that is a lost cause.

Agreed. Right from the start the UNOOSA should have managed all satellites and shouldn't have allowed military satellites.
I think Mars is far more challenging and a different environment in terms of independence and environmental conditions. For example there are no vast sandstorms on the Moon. Also, being ambitious for Mars from the start will push humanity earlier towards asteroid mining and train for it by doing some short missions of Mars' two moons.

We learn from experience and failures. There WILL be failures and it is easier to rescue people on the moon than on Mars. Musk already said that people will die as we colonize Mars. He means OTHER people, not himself, so I guess it's OK.

But internet should be a basic human right

I disagree. It cheapens the phrase 'basic human right' and makes it meaningless if we includes things like internet access.
We learn from experience and failures. There WILL be failures and it is easier to rescue people on the moon than on Mars.

What stops Elon from assigning a Starship in Mars orbit to be on standby for emergency use ? How will rescue from the Moon be different than from Mars ?

Musk already said that people will die as we colonize Mars. He means OTHER people, not himself, so I guess it's OK.

I am sure he will go to Mars once the research station has been set up. Or the second landing mission after the inaugural one.

I disagree. It cheapens the phrase 'basic human right' and makes it meaningless if we includes things like internet access.

I am a Communist and I say that internet / telecom is as much a basic right - via free access - as is free housing, free basic food, free water, free electricity, free free healthcare, free education and free bus transport.
If Russia can intercept an ICBM, I am pretty sure they can intercept the Falcon9 or whatever Musk uses to launch his pesky squatters.

Russia have tested ASAT in past but where the project stands is another thing, also does Russia have soft kill capabilities against Stats??
What stops Elon from assigning a Starship in Mars orbit to be on standby for emergency use ? How will rescue from the Moon be different than from Mars ?

Transit time to/from Earth. For critical supplies in and patients out.

Russia have tested ASAT in past but where the project stands is another thing, also does Russia have soft kill capabilities against Stats??

Not sure. It's hypothetical anyway. The US government would most likely extend protected to Musk's rockets and satellites, which would stop Russia actually doing anything to them.
What the? LOL! That's not how it works.

The Falcon 9 doesn't go anywhere near Russian territory. The first stage lands in Florida and the second burns up over the Atlantic less than 10 minutes after launch long before Russia has a chance to do anything.

Or do you think they are going to park a boat with a missile off the Florida coast? That will be a suicide mission. Besides SpaceX can just move the launch site to Edwards and the rocket won't go over water.

It depends if Russia have Air launch ASAT / Interceptor, then it may be possible to take out few rockets but US will not sit idle on that.

Transit time to/from Earth. For critical supplies in and patients out.

Not sure. It's hypothetical anyway. The US government would most likely extend protected to Musk's rockets and satellites, which would stop Russia actually doing anything to them.

The thing is that China is not covertly supporting Russia as they should, if China wants to avoid encirclement then this is the right time to counter it and keep it's enemies at bay.
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