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Russia to target SpaceX Starlink Satellites

It's just easier to target communication center in Odessa .....
No offence, but anyone who swats down Musk's obnoxious squatters in the sky is doing humanity a favor.

The sky belongs to the people, not some money grabbing billionaire who thinks he now owns the sky also.
Recall Musk saying that he can launch satellites faster than Russia can bring them down. We get to see if that claim is true :pop:

If Russia can intercept an ICBM, I am pretty sure they can intercept the Falcon9 or whatever Musk uses to launch his pesky squatters.
Its impossible......to many Starlinks, and too costly. Elon would also be able to replenish those much faster than Russia could shoot them down.

The most economical and possible solution is directed energy weapons or laser. You can’t outrun or out wit light.
Sun is the infinite source of energy. Im sure you could figure out something when you don’t have it.
Cooling is major technical challenge but then again it is space so you just need to make a good conductor that emits heat as easily. Heat shielding and management will mitigate any heat signature.
And because it is space/vacuum laser of beam will be effective at longer range.
These days i know you can easily have 15-25kw small modules. 15kw was couple of years ago be lockheed martin. I think the system was tested on one of the arleigh burke class.
So not far fetched really.
All you need is funds and technology, not sure if Russia can pull it off in short span.


16.04.2022 10:30:39
View attachment 834974

Это связанно с новыми данными генерального штаба Российской Федерации. Согласно полученным данным, наведение и корректировка огня по флагману черноморского флота - крейсеру «Москва», осуществлялась с помощью группировки спутников Starlink (компании SpaceX).

Дмитрий Медведев сообщил, что для обеспечения безопасности всех подразделений участвующих в специальной военной операции, верховным главнокомандующим был отдан приказ об уничтожении группировки спутников Starlink, находящейся над территорией Российской Федерации, зоны проведения специальной военной операции и черноморского бассейна.

«Россия не занимается милитаризацией космоса, но и не позволит это делать другим», - отметил он.

Также председатель партии «Единая Россия» заявил об отстранении Осипова И.В. – командующего Черноморским флотом ВМФ России на время расследования причин потери флагмана черноморского фота.​

Google translation


16.04.2022 10:30:39
View attachment 834974
This is due to the new data of the General Staff of the Russian Federation. According to the data received, the guidance and adjustment of fire on the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, was carried out using the Starlink satellite constellation (SpaceX).

Dmitry Medvedev said that in order to ensure the security of all units participating in the special military operation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was ordered to destroy the Starlink satellite constellation located over the territory of the Russian Federation, the zone of the special military operation and the Black Sea basin.

"Russia is not engaged in the militarization of outer space, but it will not allow others to do it," he said.

Also, the chairman of the United Russia party announced the removal of Osipov I.V. - Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy during the investigation of the reasons for the loss of the flagship of the Black Sea fleet.
Russia = Pu$$y
Starlink satellites will be space junk in few years due to radiation in space.
"Russia is not engaged in the militarization of outer space, but it will not allow others to do it," he said.

A fair argument.

No offence, but anyone who swats down Musk's obnoxious squatters in the sky is doing humanity a favor.

The sky belongs to the people, not some money grabbing billionaire who thinks he now owns the sky also.

Agreed. Elon should have developed Starlink in an open collaboration with the people of the world including Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan etc and then the constellation should have been placed under management of the UNOOSA unit of the UNO.
Agreed. Elon should have developed Starlink in an open collaboration with the people of the world including Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan etc and then the constellation should have been placed under management of the UNOOSA unit of the UNO.

My objection is not because of Musk. I am against the idea of so many LEO satellites polluting the night sky for astronomers and anyone else looking up.
The most economical and possible solution is directed energy weapons or laser. You can’t outrun or out wit light.
Sun is the infinite source of energy. Im sure you could figure out something when you don’t have it.
Cooling is major technical challenge but then again it is space so you just need to make a good conductor that emits heat as easily. Heat shielding and management will mitigate any heat signature.
And because it is space/vacuum laser of beam will be effective at longer range.
These days i know you can easily have 15-25kw small modules. 15kw was couple of years ago be lockheed martin. I think the system was tested on one of the arleigh burke class.
So not far fetched really.
All you need is funds and technology, not sure if Russia can pull it off in short span.

Two years ago I read these reviews of Russian anti-satellite laser and electronic attack systems :
If Russia can intercept an ICBM, I am pretty sure they can intercept the Falcon9 or whatever Musk uses to launch his pesky squatters.

What the? LOL! That's not how it works.

The Falcon 9 doesn't go anywhere near Russian territory. The first stage lands in Florida and the second burns up over the Atlantic less than 10 minutes after launch long before Russia has a chance to do anything.

Or do you think they are going to park a boat with a missile off the Florida coast? That will be a suicide mission. Besides SpaceX can just move the launch site to Edwards and the rocket won't go over water.
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Starlink satellites will be space junk in few years due to radiation in space.

They only have a 5 year lifespan and are programmed to deorbit. So there isn't going to be any space junk. Only SpaceX has the ability to rotate at such a scale of sending up and pulling down satellites by the hundreds.

A fair argument.

Agreed. Elon should have developed Starlink in an open collaboration with the people of the world including Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan etc and then the constellation should have been placed under management of the UNOOSA unit of the UNO.

The likely ultimate goal of Starlink is to get around all the local cellphone carriers/towers hardware and have a truly independent "world phone" Star Trek style hand-held communicator. They will likely license it to Apple and all the other major phone manufacturers.

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