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Russia to build 1000MW nuke power plant in BD

You can always trust the Russians, when they say they are going to complete something in a due timetable ;D
It means, we could not reach Pakistan in electricity production after 2021 and after then ever also. Really, we are far behind!


Mate, building and maintaining those reactors are not simple and cheap. One thing you need to be proud is, Bangladesh has one of the lowest consumption of energy. Lowest in the world. So why compare yourself to Pak/Ind ?
Mate, building and maintaining those reactors are not simple and cheap. One thing you need to be proud is, Bangladesh has one of the lowest consumption of energy. Lowest in the world. So why compare yourself to Pak/Ind ?

What is to be proud if we r lowest consumer of energy?! And I compare BD with Pakistan in sense of population only. And who is that stupid, want to compare BD with your India (Big population), hah?!
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Nuclear Plant Built for Iran Is Delayed, Russia Says
Published: November 16, 2009
MOSCOW — Russia added a new note of discord to its relations with Iran on Monday, announcing that a Russian-built nuclear power plant in Iran would not come online at the end of the year as planned.

Inspectors Fear Iran Is Hiding Nuclear Plants (November 17, 2009) Russia’s energy minister said that politics had played no role in delaying the startup of the plant, a focal point in a broader dispute over Iran’s nuclear ambitions. And although Iran’s senior leadership offered no immediate response, hard-line members of its Parliament excoriated the delay, calling Russia “dishonest.”

“If we wait another 200 years, the Russians will not complete the plant,” said Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a member of Parliament, according to Iran’s ISNA news agency. “It is naïve to believe that the Russians are cooperating with us.”



Russia will never complete nuclear plant, says Iranian spokesman

Tehran - A Russian announcement that it will not be able to keep to schedule on a joint Iranian-Russian nuclear power plant project prompted an Iranian official to question whether Russia will ever complete its part of the work. "The Russians have never told us the truth and just followed their own interests - the Bushehr power plant will never be completed by Russia," Mahmoud Ahmadi-Biqash, spokesman of the parliamentary foreign policy and security commission, said.

Russia will never complete nuclear plant, says Iranian spokesman : Energy Environment
"The Russians are playing with Iran over Bushehr for twenty years and even if we waited another 200 years, this power plant would not get ready," he told ISNA.
Anyone selling news sound bite that Russians will build nuclear plant in Bangladesh are selling just another digital deception. Above news is testiment to that fact.

Russia signed up to build Iranian plant in 1995. 15 years passing still Russians are dragging their feet and using this plant for their own strategic gain.

In case of Bangladesh, Russian involvement will be subject to indian influence on Russia and its interest to have no nuclear plan in neighborhood even for pure energy.
Please note that India produces more than 100,000 mw and Pakistan produces about 23,000 mw of electricity.

Yes, but then considering the size and the number of users ( legal and illegal) this amounty is not sufficient for India. For that matter if you consider the per capita energy production I think we are doing worse than our both neighbours.

Well in a fast developing country, the energy requirement is always huge, Hope India too will take up a few more such projects fast forward.
In case of Bangladesh, Russian involvement will be subject to indian influence on Russia and its interest to have no nuclear plan in neighborhood even for pure energy.

Why should India care if BD wants to have a nuclear powerplant for civilian use? And care to explain why and how India can achieve this?
In case of Bangladesh, Russian involvement will be subject to indian influence on Russia and its interest to have no nuclear plan in neighborhood even for pure energy.
Russian getting influenced by India?. Sure. Anything you say. I know of a RAW plan to destroy your reactor's in case you get help from any other country.
Why should India care if BD wants to have a nuclear powerplant for civilian use? And care to explain why and how India can achieve this?

If you did not understand from my earlier statement and Iran reactor fiasco then you have lots of catch up to do in geo politics before engaging in this discussion. Come back when you are done with it.
Russian getting influenced by India?. Sure. Anything you say. I know of a RAW plan to destroy your reactor's in case you get help from any other country.

India publicly pressured and prevented Russia from selling aircraft engine to China which was to be used in China-Pakistan JV JF-17. Indian could use same trick using their purchasing leverage and influence on Russia anytime india needs to create pressure point on Bangladesh. It is as simple as that. But offcourse indians will put deceptive spin, sooner than I finish typing. Only Chinese reactor could withstand such indian or any other game plan.
India publicly pressured and prevented Russia from selling aircraft engine to China which was to be used in China-Pakistan JV JF-17. Indian could use same trick using their purchasing leverage and influence on Russia anytime india needs to create pressure point on Bangladesh. It is as simple as that. But offcourse indians will put deceptive spin, sooner than I finish typing. Only Chinese reactor could withstand such indian or any other game plan.

i will rephrase, India pressuring ANY country to stop you from being 138th country to adopt nuclear power energy?
What is to be proud if we r lowest consumer of energy?! And I compare BD with Pakistan in sense of population only. And who is that stupid, want to compare BD with your India (Big population), hah?!

Ignorance is a bliss, they say. You sure beat the hell out of everyone i know of.
Mate, building and maintaining those reactors are not simple and cheap. One thing you need to be proud is, Bangladesh has one of the lowest consumption of energy. Lowest in the world. So why compare yourself to Pak/Ind ?

You are talking just the opposite thing. It is not that because the demand is less, so there is less production of power. Reality is, there is low production and, therefore, the consumption is also low. This is why the country is trying to rectify the past mistakes at last.

Since there was virtually no addition of power generation for the last few years, we are suffering now. More than 41,000 Crore Taka (about $6 billion) is idling in the Banks without being invested in building new factories. It is because a factory cannot be run without power.

New power plants will certainly raise our investment in capital goods and will raise the country's GDP. By the way, almost all the existing factories have a standby generator or two for use during the load sheddings. I do not have data to say what is the combined installed capacity of all these generators. It could be a few hundred MW, I guess. But,these are only temporary measures and are less reliable. We must raise our power output gradually to more than 40,000 megawatt in the next 20 years.
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You can always trust the Russians, when they say they are going to complete something in a due timetable ;D

But, I have heard that the Russians have backstabbed India on supplying a reconditioned and refurbished aircraft carrier. They have demanded a large additional money to do the job. They said that because they have no prior experince to recondition and enlarge such a ship, therefore, their previous contract price was not practical.

Now, after learning this can the Russians be trusted? A contract, once signed, must be respected by both the signatoriers.
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