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Russia offers Bangladesh Sputnik V jabs for $9.95 each

Hungary provides the best test case for the efficacy of the Sputnik vaccine which they have been using pretty widely since February:

It had a surge in late March/early April as it only started vaccinating with Sputnik/Sinopharm in February but now we can see the vaccines really pushing the virus down - more due to Sputnik than Sinopharm if we look at performance of Chinese vaccine in Chile and Turkey:

Screenshot 2021-05-08 at 14.39.03.png

Population fully vaccinated.

Germany 9.1% New Cases +17,550 New Deaths +245

France 11.2% New Cases +19,124 New Deaths +235

Italy 11.7% New Cases +10,554 New Deaths +207

Turkey 12.5% New cases +20,107 New Deaths +278

The numbers and data from yesterday with the European countries look pretty close to me compared to Turkey. It strange that you only single out Turkey because it use Chinese Vaccine. The only country I see doing much better was UK with 25.2% of the Population fully vaccinated and only +2,613 new cases and +13 New Deaths.

Yes as Turkey has a younger population profile that is less fat than Western Europe and so less "vulnerable" as percentage of population.

Also remember that the EU vaccinations only properly took off from April and so if you look at the numbers at the start of last month, Turkey would have been well ahead.

Edit - I am not saying that the Chinese vaccines do not work. Yes they are pretty good but when there are others even better available, then if you can get them no need to use Chinese vaccines.
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Try harder, go deep into your true self...and you will find you are completely fluent in it.

your homo erotic hindutva fastasies fits in specialised forums that you doubt are very familar with.... i would suggest they are spectacularly however missing the mark here.
your homo erotic hindutva fastasies fits in specialised forums that you doubt are very familar with.... i would suggest they are spectacularly however missing the mark here.

see...you're now getting closer to your true personality
What if a Noakhailla or Barishailla Covid strain appears and destroys the planet?
literally shaking
Dumb BD government.

Stop haggling over the price as that is the same as everyone else is paying and much cheaper than other vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna.

BD just needs AstraZeneca, Sputnik and it’s own homegrown vaccine and it will be good. Chinese vaccine procurement was a bad move and anyway apart from free 500,00 doses this month no new doses till December for a vaccine less effective than the others.
don't matter how effective or less effective one Vaccine is compared to another. The effectiveness of ''NoVax'' is 0%. get as many ppl vaccinated as quickly as possible.
See this is why I say go for all available sources of vaccine. Raw material supply will hinder supply from every source at some point.
shortage of vaccines would be inevitable since countries would be in a rush to vaccinate ppl and get their economies running. how hard is that to predict?
literally shaking

don't matter how effective or less effective one Vaccine is compared to another. The effectiveness of ''NoVax'' is 0%. get as many ppl vaccinated as quickly as possible.

shortage of vaccines would be inevitable since countries would be in a rush to vaccinate ppl and get their economies running. how hard is that to predict?

a vaccine with 35% efficacy (Chinese) will not give you herd immunity even if 100% of population is vaccinated. As increasingly seen by multiple countries that have taken the chinese vaccine.
@UKBengali @F-6 enthusiast @mb444
Given the circumstances in BD, we should get Astrazenica, J&J, Pfizer, Sputnik V, Moderna and any other effective vaccine from anywhere in whatever quantities available.

I am even open to Indian Covaxin being co-produced in BD provided the vaccine is found effective in independent trials in third countries. This will not compromise Bongavax's market in any way as we need hundreds of millions of dosages.

This is a disaster in the making. See this:

There is no alternative to mass, rapid and mandatory vaccination of our retarded masses. Stupid morons will never socially distance so we will need booster shots every six months for all.
Hope Bongavax proves to be very effective as it would save us a lot of foreign currency in the next five-ten years.
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a vaccine with 35% efficacy (Chinese) will not give you herd immunity even if 100% of population is vaccinated. As increasingly seen by multiple countries that have taken the chinese vaccine.

It seems better than that from Chilean real-world data which is the best we have so far - 50-60% but this is far below the 70-80% from AstraZeneca and 90%+ from Pfizer, Moderna and Sputnik.

Two other issues with the Chinese vaccine is that one dose is practically useless(3% efficacy from Chile data) and although it stops 80% of deaths of those vaccinated, this is far worse than near 100% from the other vaccines available from US, Europe and Russia.

In short if you can get other vaccines, avoid the Chinese vaccine as it only reduces your chances of dying by 80% but by taking any of the others will mean you almost certainly(99.9%+) do not die if you have access to proper medical treatment on the small chance(5%) you get severe disease.
It seems better than that from Chilean real-world data which is the best we have so far - 50-60% but this is far below the 70-80% from AstraZeneca and 90%+ from Pfizer, Moderna and Sputnik.

Two other issues with the Chinese vaccine is that one dose is practically useless(3% efficacy from Chile data) and although it stops 80% of deaths of those vaccinated, this is far worse than near 100% from the other vaccines available from US, Europe and Russia.

In short if you can get other vaccines, avoid the Chinese vaccine as it only reduces your chances of dying by 80% but by taking any of the others will mean you almost certainly(99.9%+) do not die if you have access to proper medical treatment on the small chance(5%) you get severe disease.

Even 50 to 60% will not give you herd immunity. If 80% of the whole pop is effectively immunized, the pandemic is stopped. With 50% effectiveness, even if all your people are immunized only 50% of pop has effective immunity.
Even 50 to 60% will not give you herd immunity. If 80% of the whole pop is effectively immunized, the pandemic is stopped. With 50% effectiveness, even if all your people are immunized only 50% of pop has effective immunity.

Yes my point is who wants to take a vaccine where you still can get infected and die when there are others that are nearly 100% guaranteed to save you if you are vulnerable to the disease.

Only if you have no other option then the Chinese vaccine is better than the others.
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