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Russia confirms it deployed Uran-9 UCGV in Syria battlefield

Russia in Syria is to fight terrorists and help Syrian goverment, not to fight Israel.
Russian mind Russian business, we mind our own.
Iranian were means to a goal, which now mostly achieved
Wouldn't this weapon be easily incapacitated with a sniper shooting its cameras off?.
Russian mind Russian business, we mind our own.
Iranian were means to a goal, which now mostly achieved

Nope. Not even close to being achieved. Iranians come to Syria to convert Sunni to Shia.

Wouldn't this weapon be easily incapacitated with a sniper shooting its cameras off?.

These things have thermal. Anyone within 1 km of it probably dead within minutes.

Everyone have their own interest but jointly is to making money..
High oil price,testing and selling weapons,cheap exercise on real battlefield and money for rebuilding are main goals!
russia knows not to mess with israel . they are securing only their own interests in syria.
Did you, Your government or any government of any country you suppose to be friendly ever supported Russia with whatever help he gave to Syrian Army to Defeat Alqaeda and Daesh on One Front and to counter Israel with whatever they can muster with their weak economy? The Modernization of S200 systems that shot down Israeli F16, Pantsir SAMs and the fact that Israeli Aircraft no longer fly in syrian airspace like before, They only shoot from Lebanese Airspace or from Kurdish held areas.
Did even you ever individually supported Russia Efforts?
Or just empty Criticism?
At least Russians are dowing something no matter how marginal to stop or even slow down this zionist onslaught and Takfiri Terrorism. What about your country and your community?
Did you, Your government or any government of any country you suppose to be friendly ever supported Russia with whatever help he gave to Syrian Army to Defeat Alqaeda and Daesh on One Front and to counter Israel with whatever they can muster with their weak economy? The Modernization of S200 systems that shot down Israeli F16, Pantsir SAMs and the fact that Israeli Aircraft no longer fly in syrian airspace like before, They only shoot from Lebanese Airspace or from Kurdish held areas.
Did even you ever individually supported Russia Efforts?
Or just empty Criticism?
At least Russians are dowing something no matter how marginal to stop or even slow down this zionist onslaught and Takfiri Terrorism. What about your country and your community?
i never compared our govt with russian govt. i was just talking about russian policy. as far as our govt and govts of muslim countries are concerned well they have already sold their souls to the devil zionist agenda decades ago and have been serving their masters for decades.
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