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Rocket attack on Saudi Embassy in Iraq

We dont consider Salafists Sunnis as well just as you dont consider Alwaites Shias. So next time try to point yourself in right direction rather than generalising everyone.

Hizbullah is a Shia group there is no point beating around this bush.
Iran is the biggest financer of Hamas whether they are sunni or shia that is debateable.

Iran cant accuse any one as terror sponsors anymore as in last decade you literally put your self in reverse gear just as you were on the verge of being a developed and tolerant nation.
of course Hezbollah is Shia. Who said otherwise? We are proud of Axis of Resistance.

And what is the problem with Hamas? Do hamas and Hezbollah blow themselves up in Sunni mosques or Sunni markets?
Sorry, these barbarous actions are unique to Saudi-spnsoreds "mujahids"
Since when supporting a group or school of thought is wrong? why shouldn't we support Shia people?

:) It's not about supporting Shia people but about increasing Iran's sphere of influence. Like that takavar guy said;
Every country tries to increase influence.

Why don't you mention Saudis bombing Yemenis people 24/7? razing their infrastructures to the ground?
Why don't you mention Saudis crack downed peaceful protest of Bahraini people? in a country that majority is Shia?
Why don't you mention that majority of Iraqi people are Shia which were ruled by Sunnis for several decades ... mass graves of Shia people have been found in Iraq ....
Why don't you mention The Shia cleric executed by Saudi just called out for democracy in a state that a dynasty govern?
Why don't you mention Shia were neglected for decades in southern Lebanon and were living in poverty, Why don't you mention that israel occupied this country in 48 hours back in 1982 and it was a Shia group that kicked them out in 2006?
What did i say ?

Let's just skip the discussions of who is right and who is wrong. Iran has major contribution for the destabilization of the region via it's sectarian policies.

I'm not saying "It's all Iran's fault" but don't act like an angel, please.

Should i also talk about China's treatment against Uyghur Muslim Turks ?

I though, that you were rational so i tried to communicate. It seems like that's not the case. I always treat people as they deserve as my treatment for you will change after this post.

Yeah, they couldn't do anything against Iran. Although with your natural resources your people could live in prosper. Now you are dirt poor only have half of the Turkey GDP/Capita. (Although Turkey not having a drop of natural resources).

Keep believing in your mullahs fanboy.

Your answer lies in the post #15.
Of course Iran can't be as properous as Turkey, as we prefer to live with dignity rather than kissing the foot of European Union and West.
Of course Iran can't be as properous as Turkey, as we prefer to live with dignity rather than kissing the foot of European Union and West.
If you had any dignity you wouldn't practice taqqiya everyday and on every matter.

Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of hitting embassy in Yemen air strike

Yeah, i know you like to kiss different places.....
For the record: Sinan is manipulating my quotes and puting them out of contexts (after failing to address the points I brought up)
Nothing "dragged Iran" stupid. Iran was engaged in talks for deal for a more than a decade.

Tell me what would happen if Pakistan down a n American RQ-170? Or test ballistic missiles right after a deal? Or fire missiles as drill just close to a US navy warship, as Iran did? US bullying Iran? :lol:
Still u are messing with tiny country israel . we fought 4 wars with an enemy triple to our size while you play defensive against a tiny country.
of course Hezbollah is Shia. Who said otherwise? We are proud of Axis of Resistance.

And what is the problem with Hamas? Do hamas and Hezbollah blow themselves up in Sunni mosques or Sunni markets?
Sorry, these barbarous actions are unique to Saudi-spnsoreds "mujahids"

You said in your earlier comment that Hizbullah is sometime supported by Shias. So make up your own mind first.

Just bcz one is less evil doesnt make any better than bigger evil. Mujahid, Jihadis, Resistance fighter all branches of the same rotten tree that has cursed and eaten muslim world to its core. Like i said an extremist is an extremist you can give them lovely names but doesnt change who they are in reality.

There is no such thing as resistance or jihadists or mujahids. Just a bunch of power hungry maniancs who are being sponsored and supported by Iranians and Saudis.

The fire Iran and Saudis are trying to fan will burn themselves which you will see in very near future.
If you had any dignity you wouldn't practice taqqiya everyday and on every matter.

Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of hitting embassy in Yemen air strike

Yeah, i know you like to kiss different places.....
Iran is the most independent country of the region. Wr care about our dignity at any costs. We never kissed the foot of Eu and powerful countries to benefit economically, as Turks do.

Still u are messing with tiny country israel . we fought 4 wars with an enemy triple to our size while you play defensive against a tiny country.
The tiny country which beated the Arab World? And no other Muslim country except Iran and Axis of Resistance dares to oppose their aggressions?
Iran is the most independent country of the region. Wr care about our dignity at any costs. We never kissed the foot of Eu and powerful countries to benefit economically, as Turks do.
Lol, you are people of the country whose government hijacked by the religious corrupt fanatics....You think that being isolated and sanctioned means you are independent. Turkey always acted inaccording to it's interests and will continue to do so;

When was the last time you crossed swords with a EU country ??? Turkish invasion of Cyprus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim country except Iran and Axis of Resistance dares to oppose their aggressions?
:) Why you have bad blood with Israel, a country hundreds of miles apart you and has done nothing to your country in the history ?

You are simply using Lebanese shias, providing them against Israel and gain influence in the country, no other reason. :)

Try to increasing the sphere of Iranian influence with the blood of Lebanese.
You said in your earlier comment that Hizbullah is sometime supported by Shias. So make up your own mind first.

Just bcz one is less evil doesnt make any better than bigger evil. Mujahid, Jihadis, Resistance fighter all branches of the same rotten tree that has cursed and eaten muslim world to its core. Like i said an extremist is an extremist you can give them lovely names but doesnt change who they are in reality.

There is no such thing as resistance or jihadists or mujahids. Just a bunch of power hungry maniancs who are being sponsored and supported by Iranians and Saudis.

The fire Iran and Saudis are trying to fan will burn themselves which you will see in very near future.
You try to say Iran support for Shias is comparable to Saudi support for extremist Sunni/Salafi/Wahhabi ideology in Muslim world, which is ridiculous.
:) It's not about supporting Shia people but about increasing Iran's sphere of influence. Like that takavar guy said;
What did i say ?
Should i also talk about China's treatment against Uyghur Muslim Turks ?

What I said is crystal clear .. you better find the source of destabilization of the region somewhere else moreover you can not expect a historic majort player with a significant history ,culture and influence in the region stay aside and does nothing ...
Lol, you are people of the country whose government hijacked by the religious corrupt fanatics....You think that being isolated and sanctioned means you are independent. Turkey always acted inaccording to it's interests and will continue to do so;

When was the last time you crossed swords with a EU country ??? Turkish invasion of Cyprus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:) Why you have bad blood with Israel, a country hundreds of miles apart you and has done nothing to your country in the history ?

You are simply using Lebanese shias, providing them against Israel and gain influence in the country, no other reason. :)

Try to increasing the sphere of Iranian influence with the blood of Lebanese.
And why the hell Iran need influence in tiny Lebanon, professor? Israel was our ally before Revolution, and was quite powerful back then.
Iran opposition to Israel and support for Palestinian factions (maybe Iran need influence in mighty Gaza strip?) dates back to Iran's Revolution. The ideal of our revolution, which no one has understood here, was rising against foreign and foreign-back oppression, as we faced in Iran and its result was the 1979 Revolution. US (our ally) and Soviets had positive gesture toward Iran immediately after revolution. Our leaders cut ties with capitalists and world powers and started supporting oppressed nations from SAfrica to Bosnia and Afghanistan. They never thought some ignorant will come here and say Iran is supporting this or that to make an evil empire.

Anyway it doesn't seem you are here for a real discussion. As you're tone is like those of the trolls.
You try to say Iran support for Shias is comparable to Saudi support for extremist Sunni/Salafi/Wahhabi ideology in Muslim world, which is ridiculous.

Like i said earlier Dont bunch all sunis in the same rope or is it like a genetic response from all iranians. It is ok to hate but blind hate is a curse for a person himself. Even in Pakistan Suuni follow Hanfi sect of Islam which has nothing to do with Salfists or Wahabis.

Yes both Iran and Saudis are doing the same thing under different names which is not ridiculous but reality. If you think entire world is lying and only Saudis and Iranians are saints then i salute your intelligence. I dont care about what Iran and Saudis do to each other but they should do it in their own back yards rather than destroying other nations to achieve their goal.
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