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Revived: plan to give access to bases to US

so why did US supported Pakistan on Kashmir all this while ?

it shows duplicity of US ..and that's why we do not trust US .

Legal experts have said that the treaty is voidable ...and if current Cuban govt want to void it ...why the hell US is not vacating the Guantanamo bay ? I will tell you why ? because US is superpower and it does not care for wishes of small country like Cuba .

Bro, past is past, every country specially US do what is best for them thats why they supported Pakistan and still support Pakistan.

We will have good relationship when there will be a scenario. No permanent friendship and no permanent enmity. (exception though: paskistan) lol

Everything depends upon reality.

Association with YOU GUYS. You guys have a reputation for going after everything with a sledge hammer. That's why India has stayed away from many of your 'adventures'.

Bro this has been shattered by rise of PRC. Even they are giving away their long time friend Pakistan.

US has considerable hand in the rise of modern day terrorism by their support of Saudis, Pakistan and Taliban. If they don't understand that than this is the greatest weapon in China's hand.

I hope they must.
so why did US supported Pakistan on Kashmir all this while ?

it shows duplicity of US ..and that's why we do not trust US .

Legal experts have said that the treaty is voidable ...and if current Cuban govt want to void it ...why the hell US is not vacating the Guantanamo bay ? I will tell you why ? because US is superpower and it does not care for wishes of small country like Cuba .

You supported Russia all out. therefore US should be small minded like you and say- to hell with India, we are going to never trust them and help them. Silly little arguments make silliness continue.

Legal experts have said so. :lol: Again, you never read the article/blog you linked. It was an expert on Cuba, not an legal expert.

Btw I can show you many pakistani legal experts that will say Kashmir is rightfully Pakistan, and that the Maharaja's treaty was under false pretext.

Anyways, you are boring me now by just shrilling the 1st thing that comes to your head. Have a nice day
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I think modi govt is just showing carrot ...

I do not think that this will materialize

Given nationalistic credentials of BJP ...it is unlikely that they will do something which MMS did not dare to do despite his obvious proclivity towards US.

Let us watch how this actually unfolds ...

If ..if this happens it will be off course construed as military alliance with US ..and that's why india should avoid it .

It will materialize for sure, and more than materialize actually.

This agreement will not be a foundation to a specific relationship, rather, it is an after-effect of the recent shift in India's foreign policy.

Indian and American forces using logistics at each others' bases means ability to conduct joint strikes far away from home. One of the most likely place would be the gulf.
Well we shouldnt allow that.At least for now .NDA should stay away from this.
It will be domestic PR nightmare. Btw USA is highly unreliable. never forget 1971.

That's obvious. .but some voices say that it was the US that forcefully stopped pakistan from taking advantage during the 62 war as well as discouraged china to get engaged during he 71 war...no idea how much of that is true..

As for the topic...The US normally opens basis in third countries with a lot of stipulations in Stow for freer ops, no liability, cost sharing, doctrinal and geopolitical changes in foreign policy of the host country which are done through a number of agreements. I doubt India will provide so much leeway for the US like other host country provides the US to operate their military bases.

One more lament that most countries that host US bases are that when such agreements are in place all enemies of the US becomes the host country's enemies while all enemies of the host country do not necessarily become the US's enemies. Which translates into severe restrictions for the host country to follow an independent foreign policy.
That's obvious. .but some voices say that it was the US that forcefully stopped pakistan from taking advantage during the 62 war as well as discouraged china to get engaged during he 71 war...no idea how much of that is true..

As for the topic...The US normally opens basis in third countries with a lot of stipulations in Stow for freer ops, no liability, cost sharing, doctrinal and geopolitical changes in foreign policy of the host country which are done through a number of agreements. I doubt India will provide so much leeway for the US like other host country provides the US to operate their military bases.

One more lament that most countries that host US bases are that when such agreements are in place all enemies of the US becomes the host country's enemies while all enemies of the host country do not necessarily become the US's enemies. Which translates into severe restrictions for the host country to follow an independent foreign policy.

The Kennedy administration supported India during the 62 war.
As the sole superpower in the world the US can do what it likes bro, it pays to be king.

That said @US_statedept_retired there are but a few nations in the world who stand up to the US and don't accept their every word as gospel- China, India, Switzerland and Russia. Of these Switzerland isn't at all a threat nor powerful enough to truly get in the way of America's interests. Then we have Russia and China, we all know the history the US and Russia share which continues today. China is being projected as the US's next great threat because it refuses to lay down before the US and that just leaves India. Whether by carrot or stick the US is trying to ensure it remains th sole superpower in the world, as is their right, and thus don't be surprised when people in India question the US's motives and are reluctant to jump into bed with you.

The Chinese have their own hegemonic designs and a needing desperation of becoming a super power greater than the US. The unnatural rise of china is a threat to many, having said that. ..The US has very little option other han take on China in their own backyard because china unlike Russia is limited to its nearby geography and does not have a reach beyond its borders hence the push for the Asian pivot by the US. The US is looking for confrontation - if not direct than at least a energy sapping military engagement or conflict in a third country that will drain the Chinese and the Chinese aren't giving them the leeway by playing games.

The US will have to one day take on china just to keep the west's level of control which the Chinese are trying to erode.

The Kennedy administration supported India during the 62 war.

I was sure of the 62 war, wasn't sure about the 71 war..especially in the backdrop of kissinger asking the Chinese to open a front with India.
That's obvious. .but some voices say that it was the US that forcefully stopped pakistan from taking advantage during the 62 war as well as discouraged china to get engaged during he 71 war...no idea how much of that is true..

No it is not true and it betrays your knowledge on this subject.
I think it's best to wait and see if this arrangement even happens and if yes then what shape this manifests into.
Association with YOU GUYS. You guys have a reputation for going after everything with a sledge hammer. That's why India has stayed away from many of your 'adventures'.

Oddly enough, we've have grown our NATO membership. I guess that sledgehammer must have not worked well.
You supported Russia all out. therefore US should be small minded like you and say- to hell with India, we are going to never trust them and help them. Silly little arguments make silliness continue.

Legal experts have said so. :lol: Again, you never read the article/blog you linked. It was an expert on Cuba, not an legal expert.

Btw I can show you many pakistani legal experts that will say Kashmir is rightfully Pakistan, and that the Maharaja's treaty was under false pretext.

Anyways, you are boring me now by just shrilling the 1st thing that comes to your head. Have a nice day

You must really feel like a punching bag on this forum; damned if you do and damned if you don't ! :lol:

If you say something in support of Pakistanis; you're made out the bogeyman by Indians and vice versa ! :D

And Kashmir rightfully belongs to me; as I am a Kashmiri ! :smokin:

So support me ! :tongue:
You must really feel like a punching bag on this forum; damned if you do and damned if you don't ! :lol:

If you say something in support of Pakistanis; you're made out the bogeyman by Indians and vice versa ! :D

And Kashmir rightfully belongs to me; as I am a Kashmiri ! :smokin:

So support me ! :tongue:

It would be better for all with you in charge. :D
Oddly enough, we've have grown our NATO membership. I guess that sledgehammer must have not worked well.

We have our own issues - a rampant left that uses militancy, a huge muslim population, severe necessity of oil, need to maintain composure and peace in a crazy neighborhood filled with crazy nutjobs, Mullahs, extremists and Islamic terrorists. Two volatile enemies - one which is called an army that runs a country and that army has sworn enmity and terrorist jihad against us for a thousand years and the other where a party runs a country. Both countries nuclear armed, having territorial designs against us and have fought wars with us for territory and both are partners. Secondly, a region that has the highest muslim population and is host to hundreds of terrorist organizations that bay for blood of innocents. A region that has its share of medieval people and ultra radicals which is largely poor and illiterate and clamouring for resources.

Leaves us with a very thin line to choose partners and fall into any alliance groupings. Hence the non aligned or independent policy to a large extent.
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