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Revived: plan to give access to bases to US

@Folkindia I thought you would like to read about this offer we made to India. 1 out of 195 :P

Half the Indians here are dimwits. Don't waste your breath. They cant see past the old actions of the US. That's their downfall. Modi has full control of the gov't and has the will to do whatever is right to make India-Us relations work. That;s why I was glad to see him elected.

A lot of the Indian posters on this site were die hard, blind Congress supportes who couldn't see thru all the corruption and stupidity that political party did to India since Independence.
I don't think Indian forces will permit this type of agreement.Also such decision will blow the morale of Indian Army to smithereens.

But if this decision comes into action,geopolitics of IOR will totally traverse in opposite direction.

It will be a foreign policy nightmare. Not gonna happen..

Question: Did you actually read the article? If not, after reading the article please answer the following

1. Is this a military alliance or just a logistical alliance?
2. Will India get access to U.S bases for logistical purposes only or do you think Indian troops will be based within U.S bases, like U.S is based within NATO.
3. Will U.S be allowed to base itself similar to what we do with NATO or simply have access to logistical needs of fueling, berth etc within Indian bases.
4. Is India a part of a multi-national force in dealing with piracy? How is this different?

If you have answered all these questions correctly, you will see that you have blown the “logistics support agreement” into some sort of NATO like alliance.
But if this decision comes into action,geopolitics of IOR will totally traverse in opposite direction.

It wont.

BJP cannot run the risk of taking such a call with an outgoing US Pres & also run the risk of being torn apart internally at home.

It must get some concrete benefits first.
Though I m against the presence of any foreign bases in India but this sounds good
I don't see it happening, this won't go down well with the opposition or within the BJP's own ranks and India gains little from this, only the US really would benefit.

Agreed if the thugs under UPA govt weren't able to do this BJP sure as hell won't do it

Question: How many of you actually read the article? If not, after reading the article please answer the following

1. Is this a military alliance or just a logistical alliance?
2. Will India get access to U.S bases for logistical purposes only or do you think Indian troops will be based within U.S bases, like U.S is based within NATO.
3. Will U.S be allowed to base itself similar to what we do with NATO or simply have access to logistical needs of fueling, berth etc within Indian bases.
4. Is India a part of a multi-national force in dealing with piracy? How is this different?

If you have answered all these questions correctly, you will see that everyone of you have originally blown the “logistics support agreement” into some sort of NATO like alliance.

We hoes got time for that but on a serious note the agreement is equal but we will gain very little from such a plan & also your history proves that such bases are a threat to host country
It wont.

BJP cannot run the risk of taking such a call with an outgoing US Pres & also run the risk of being torn apart internally at home.

It must get some concrete benefits first.
Hence my "if"
I think modi govt is just showing carrot ...

I do not think that this will materialize

Given nationalistic credentials of BJP ...it is unlikely that they will do something which MMS did not dare to do despite his obvious proclivity towards US.

Let us watch how this actually unfolds ...

If ..if this happens it will be off course construed as military alliance with US ..and that's why india should avoid it .

Modi is very keen on rehabilitating his world image.

Question: How many of you actually read the article? If not, after reading the article please answer the following

1. Is this a military alliance or just a logistical alliance?
2. Will India get access to U.S bases for logistical purposes only or do you think Indian troops will be based within U.S bases, like U.S is based within NATO.
3. Will U.S be allowed to base itself similar to what we do with NATO or simply have access to logistical needs of fueling, berth etc within Indian bases.
4. Is India a part of a multi-national force in dealing with piracy? How is this different?

If you have answered all these questions correctly, you will see that everyone of you have originally blown the “logistics support agreement” into some sort of NATO like alliance.

We're very touchy about any kind of association.
We hoes got time for that but on a serious note the agreement is equal but we will gain very little from such a plan & also your history proves that such bases are a threat to host country

So you did not read the article?

Because there are no claims as " such bases", it's either your base we get logistical support or our base you get logistical support in the respective countries. Nobody is building their own " such base" in either countries case.

We're very touchy about any kind of association.

No you are not, you have it with Oman and few counties I believe. You were even requesting an Air Force base in Kazakhstan or tajikistan- I forget
1. Is this a military alliance or just a logistical alliance?
Logistical clearly but which side is pushing for this? Which side will it benefit more? The retd ACM himself pointed out this deal would be of little utility to the IAF, perhaps a little more to the IN but alas that is still of little utility.

2. Will India get access to U.S bases for logistical purposes only or do you think Indian troops will be based within U.S bases, like U.S is based within NATO.
India does not engage in the same kind of expeditionary military operations as the US and where it does it has had little issue sourcing the requisite supplies and logistics.

3. Will U.S be allowed to base itself similar to what we do with NATO or simply have access to logistical needs of fueling, berth etc within Indian bases.
Either way why should India allow its soil to to be used for the foreign expeditionary military missions of another nation?

4. Is India a part of a multi-national force in dealing with piracy? How is this different?
And? This is a one off example, India has berthing rights of its own in Oman and their own fleet of FRS so it can go it alone if necessary.

The crux of the matter is Indians are very very touchy on issues of sovenrirgtvy and whilst the LSA is, on the surface, just logistics sharing agreement it is just the tip of the iceberg. How else does the US leverage itself into its sovereignty breaching positions across the world? Bit by bit, subtle erosion. The LSA today and permeant US bases in the Indian mainland and down in the A&N islands tomorrow.

It is clear the LSA by nature favours the more expeditionary military and thus the US has far more to gain from this agreement than India.

It just isn't going to happen, the BJP opposed this when in opposition, if they proposed such a thing now there would be, justifiable, uproar from the now opposition as well as the Left parties. CISMOA wasn't signed and it has not really hurt India, LSA hasn't been signed and I haven't once heard an Indian official complain about not sourcing logistics abroad.
Oman and few other countries are not US !

And? what does that have to do with a logistical agreement. You have no problems with buying our military assets that you will in war. If we are reliable there, why not reliable here. Besides you get acess to ours too, it's a two way street.

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