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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border


I didn't read the OP but I hope the Pak Pashtuns kick thier ***.:cheers:

Mate, you gotta change your handle! Do you know how many people hate you for no reason? :D

I'm outta here. Wonderful life calls. I'll leave bashing for later.

@Armstrong, please take over and chat the hell out of them.
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Me and luffy will not go against all Pashtuns of lar or bar for the doings of individuals but unknown creatures like yourself will beg our confrontation at any cost! nor we will go against all Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochs for the doings of their individuals.

Btw I have just found your topic on PF.com went through ten pages and found out that you aren't a Pashtun nor you know a damn thing about Pashtuns or Islam; I doubt you are a MQM supporter.

I have to say, that topic on PF.com has went almost to 50 pages but none of your crap was accepted by any one of Pashtuns there so you with your tail ran-away and started BS-ing with the rest of your 'qabila' in PDF here. You aren't man enough to confront Pashtuns that's what you are showing!

This "namona" is actually mohajir of karachi originating from farhang mahal in U.P. He thinks he might be descendant of pir rokhan just because his last name ends with ansari. He also thinks that he might be a descendant of some unknown pashtun princess. He also claims that he might have 15% blood in him (how do we calculate pashtun blood?). So he is trying to "adopt" pashtun race (how we adopt another race, it doesnt make any sense)...I find his claims funny and he went all hysterical on me.
But i have to admit that this mental disorder is quite popular among patriotic pak pashtuns.
What do you say to big game hunting in Northern Afghanistan, 2015?

Old memories need refreshing! :pop:

I think Afghan Pashtuns will massacre them on their own.

Of course the Pashtuns that are Tajik boot lickers will be executed first.
This "namona" is actually mohajir of karachi originating from farhang mahal in U.P. He thinks he might be descendant of pir rokhan just because his last name ends with ansari. He also thinks that he might be a descendant of some unknown pashtun princess. He also claims that he might have 15% blood in him (how do we calculate pashtun blood?). So he is trying to "adopt" pashtun race (how we adopt another race, it doesnt make any sense)...I find his claims funny and he went all hysterical on me.
But i have to admit that this mental disorder is quite popular among patriotic pak pashtuns.

What's logic with 15% blood? is there an instrument that gauges blood in the body with an ethnicity indicator? :lol:

Don't take it serious I know you have a big heart; time will cure people like him :) I was too actually laughing on his posts and counters in PF.com! that was the sole reason I left that place long ago.
You are reported for racist remarks. I only warned you back when you called mohajirs of karachi as degenerated race but this time i am reporting you.

Can you believe this guy? :woot: On the other forum he spends his time abusing Punjabis, Jinnah and virtually everyone else hiding behind the fact that such things are the norm there and he can say what he wants. Here he is acting like this little angel who is being shoved around. He insulted Firangi Mahal from where Muslim League was formed. lol. You are a real smartass aren't you?

Luffy you have insulted everyone who doesn't agree with you then run off to the other forum to carry on your insults and you dare talk about Hyperion?

Think, Luffy, think, if it is part of your limited capabilities and something your primitive brain can do. I just showed you a post from an MQM supporting Muhajir who kept calling me names and since I have told you about my family background you know how racist they can be. They can't talk without insulting another ethnic group, it comes up in every conversation.

I disagree with Hyperion feeding a wolf by replying to him in the same way. When you reply by insulting his ethnic group it gives the ethno-fascist what he wants. He suceeds in creating an ethnic war. This is how they eventually gain votes. Its simply in the interest of MQM to perpetuate the myth that Muhajirs are somehow oppressed which is how they win votes. Its very similar for other ethnic parties. We shouldn't take part in it. @Hyperion is emotional and does not understand this but he will. But if he doesn't... I have studied Waziristan for years... people there are far more emotional than anyone else in the country. :)

However I will stand for Hyperion because I know how hard it is not to loose your nerve with those guys. I stopped calling myself a Muhajir because of their stupidity and I who am by birth a Muhajir am very hostile against them and can confirm that they are a degenerate race who have dug up and shot Jinnah's grave and stomped on the Pakistani flag... especially if they support Altaf's speech.
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Next time this happens the Afghan National @$$ will be kicked so hard, the sound will be heard in the whole of afg.

Never mess with our tribals.
:confused: can anyone try if he makes any sense?

it will only make sense when you pastuns kick all the afghanis from your land and mine the afghanistan border

i mean they have all been nuiscence from the very start
That was unfortunate. The thread should be merged with that thread about Pakistanis tortured by Afghan border army.

This proves that farsiwan ANA has atlast succeeded in pitching Pukhtuns against each other.

time for bar shar lar bar Pukhtuns in Afghanistan to get their heads examined and kick these farsiwans to save their culture

Taking revenge is a Pushtoon tradition,so relatives taking the revenge complies with well established Pushtoon traditions..
Nothing Non-Pushtoon here.

Pakistani Tribal Pushtoons need to behave as Pakistanis first,and dont mix their identity with Afghans on Ethnic,linguistic grounds..
Until then sealing the border will remain impossible..
Taking revenge is a Pushtoon tradition,so relatives taking the revenge complies with well established Pushtoon traditions..
Nothing Non-Pushtoon here.

Pakistani Tribal Pushtoons need to behave as Pakistanis first,and dont mix their identity with Afghans on Ethnic,linguistic grounds..
Until then sealing the border will remain impossible..

Safriz man why you holding your nose so high. Andromache, Hyperion, hundreds of others are kicking these people in the buttock daily and you are saying we mix our identity with that of Afghans (from Afghanistan)...

We have nothing to do with them. They insult our people, they call all sorts of names to lar (Pakistani) Pashtuns.Nationality always comes first for us all. But you can't seal border when you have family members on other side. I think a more proper solution is needed.

Afghanistan may always remain an issue for us from what I saw on the other site. We should take that country and merge it. Pashtuns will be united in one country and everyone will be happy.
Safriz man why you holding your nose so high. Andromache, Hyperion, hundreds of others are kicking these people in the buttock daily and you are saying we mix our identity with that of Afghans (from Afghanistan)...

We have nothing to do with them. They insult our people, they call all sorts of names to lar (Pakistani) Pashtuns.Nationality always comes first for us all. But you can't seal border when you have family members on other side. I think a more proper solution is needed.

Afghanistan may always remain an issue for us from what I saw on the other site. We should take that country and merge it. Pashtuns will be united in one country and everyone will be happy.
For "revenge" i generalized it as an overall tradition,as Andro was painting it as Pushtoon fighting pushtoon..I counter argued that its a revenge.
About losing identity to Afghans I used the word "Tribal Pushtoons" as in the FATA....
I did not generalize....
Hope its clear now.
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