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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

Thanks havizsultan for clarifying your roots. I used to think Luffy insane for suggesting you are a muhajir who claims to be a pashtun, but it turns out he is not the insane one.

BTW you are making absolutely dishonest claim about people who moved to india from pakistan, those punjabis and sindhis are still very much a separate ethnic group in India, they do not claim to be a bihari or tamilian or marathi here. Your theories are downright weird, you just say what is soothing for most pakistanis to hear, although not true or just insane.
Thanks havizsultan for clarifying your roots. I used to think Luffy insane for suggesting you are a muhajir who claims to be a pashtun, but it turns out he is not the insane one.

BTW you are making absolutely dishonest claim about people who moved to india from pakistan, those punjabis and sindhis are still very much a separate ethnic group in India, they do not claim to be a bihari or tamilian or marathi here. Your theories are downright weird, you just say what is soothing for most pakistanis to hear, although not true or just insane.

True...I just felt utmost weird and laughable an UPite who migrated to Pak during Partition and who just managed to learn some Pushto talking down upon a born Pathan who probably lived in those lands for 1000 years as a refugee and using the words "us Pathans"..massive wannabe-ness and playing to the gallery..but then why should we as Indians tell that and add misery to that monkey fellow.

If a guy knew some tamil and started to talk down upon me, I would bitchslap him and show him his place as nothing but a wannabe..
Thanks havizsultan for clarifying your roots. I used to think Luffy insane for suggesting you are a muhajir who claims to be a pashtun, but it turns out he is not the insane one.

BTW you are making absolutely dishonest claim about people who moved to india from pakistan, those punjabis and sindhis are still very much a separate ethnic group in India, they do not claim to be a bihari or tamilian or marathi here. Your theories are downright weird, you just say what is soothing for most pakistanis to hear, although not true or just insane.

True...I just felt utmost weird and laughable a bihari who migrated to Pak during Partition and who just managed to learn some Pushto talking down upon a born Pathan who probably lived in those lands for 1000 years as a refugee and using the words "us Pathans"..massive wannabe-ness and playing to the gallery..but then why should we as Indians tell that and add misery to that monkey fellow.

If some other guy knew some tamil and started to talk down upon me, I would bitchslap him and show him his place as nothing but a wannabe..

Do you two Indians even understand the circumstances under which muhajirs are adopting this practice? I believe you don't,so why would you even bother to criticize hafiZsultan's stance,let alone berate him. What he is trying to do is very believable,he's trying to renounce the damage that the muhajirs have done over the last two decades.Being a muhajir myself parts of my extended family are doing the same,we would very much consider ourselves Sindhi instead.
Don't even get me started on why you both are sympathizing with Luffy.
Do you two Indians even understand the circumstances under which muhajirs are adopting this practice? I believe you don't,so why would you even bother to criticize hafiZsultan's stance,let alone berate him. What he is trying to do is very believable,he's trying to renounce the damage that the muhajirs have done over the last two decades.Being a muhajir myself parts of my extended family are doing the same,we would very much consider ourselves Sindhi instead.

Why is that the former migrants to India have no such pretensions and are happy with their own identity ?

Don't even get me started on why you both are sympathizing with Luffy.

Why ? I have made that pretty clear. I believe a person can have multiple identities like religious, linguistic, ethnic and national identities, give them all equal importance and still not be insecure about being a patriot. Luffy is prolly the only guy who thinks like that while u people want to destroy your ethnic identities because of your fear that it will overwhelm your national identities.

Any way consider my reply irrelevant to your politics and this thread...I was just replying to another Indian.
True...I just felt utmost weird and laughable an UPite who migrated to Pak during Partition and who just managed to learn some Pushto talking down upon a born Pathan who probably lived in those lands for 1000 years as a refugee and using the words "us Pathans"..massive wannabe-ness and playing to the gallery..but then why should we as Indians tell that and add misery to that monkey fellow.

If a guy knew some tamil and started to talk down upon me, I would bitchslap him and show him his place as nothing but a wannabe..

We English consider that laughable too.

Do you two Indians even understand the circumstances under which muhajirs are adopting this practice? I believe you don't,so why would you even bother to criticize hafiZsultan's stance,let alone berate him. What he is trying to do is very believable,he's trying to renounce the damage that the muhajirs have done over the last two decades.Being a muhajir myself parts of my extended family are doing the same,we would very much consider ourselves Sindhi instead.
Don't even get me started on why you both are sympathizing with Luffy.

You have hit upon a brilliant Idea. If all Pakistanis become Punjabis using this novel method then that would solve 99% of all Pakistan's problems.
it's a total waste of time to even delve into the name of the country....

Pakistan is Pakistan, that's the name of the country. if people are gonna go into debates about the name of the country they are just wasting time

i wish some of PDF'ers i see here were in front of me so i could line them up and literally hold them by the shoulders and shake them back and forth so they could get all these stupid distractions out of their system

One reason I like debating with you is because I have become sure that I will get a reply... despite my sorry and insane-fully long posts. I have to wonder how you find the energy. Me, I do because I am a book writer and author of 40+ articles, so writing is a passion.

Personally I am undeserving of things such as respect. My purpose is to make a difference in this country and to help improve it. It is not our Nationalist way. I am glad there are people who understand these things. I just come here sometimes, then disappear on a project but personally I'd like to see u @Secur on the think tank. Though I must admit I would also like to be there as it may improve my position when I seek a publisher.

Well I always thought of you as Pushtoon who had a keen insight and interest in Mujahirs ( but yes this thought crossed my mind when I read one of Luffy's post however it was immediately dismissed by my mind ) but here I read it is the other way around , mate :D ... So , you were interested and impressed by Pushtoon culture and adoped it ? Thats great , actually thats what all people should do , look for their connections with other ethnicities , take an interest in other's culture , learn about them and clear their misconceptions and myths - so in the end they realize that it is utter stupidity to fight for ethnicity ... I think very highly of you now , sir ...

Learning another language is the hardest part. You see where I studied... I failed to learn both French or Arabic. :D
But when you love your country and understand its essence-loving all its people then basically it becomes much easier which it has. Still have trouble with the "has" and masculine feminine. Pashto has de (male for has) and da (female for has) and dee for plural. Urdu just has "hai."

Initially it was love for Pashtuns that led me to this and the bias I saw towards them... there is a lot in Karachi. Later when people were bashing me on the other forum and I was unsure of myself... I mean it was true what they were saying... I am a wannabe Pashtun... I thought it was more than about my love for Pashtuns. It was more about making a solid statement of ethnic unity. It would also give a strong statement to my family that we could integrate if we wanted and also against the MQM which wants to pitch Muhajirs against Pashtuns.

This ethnic unity has become my main purpose. I saw in Canada how we began fighting over it while Indians laughed at us.
I am genetically diverse , friend :lol: My mother came from UP and my father from the East Pakistan - both of which had migrated to Pakistan ... The count was one high for my father whose family first migrated from Bihar to East Pakistan and then from Bangladesh to Pakistan when the highly regrettable and sad tragedy happened on 16 Dec , 1971 ... However I was born on this soil and inherited deep loyalty to the state of Pakistan ... But always considered myself as a Pakistani first before calling myself " Muhajir " , " Urdu speaking " or immigrants ( which technically I cant be , since I acquired the nationality of this country by " jus soli " Latin " the right of the soil " ) ... Instead of becoming Pakistanis , the loyal immigrants took the word " Muhajir " - a kind of discriminatory word to be their identity ... No wonder , ethnic tensions increased , it has always happened around the world in the same manner ... Why the crime rose in the 80's ? Zia's blunder - more worst than what even after the separation of East Pakistan can be happened creating a very wider divide between immigrants and other ethnicities ... Because , they thought that just like Bengalis , they weren't being treated well , a few minor incidents were used by Muhajir nationalist leaders as a fuel for the process ... The negligence of the Govt was another cause , giving rise to the parties like MQM which can only thrive on ethnic cards - they have no other foundation ... The operation done in '94 was a well calculated one launched against a traitor and his very party's armed goons who were terrorizing the city ... Therefore , it can be in no way be understood as an action against Urdu speakers or anything like that ... The traitor ran away to London and his dream of dividing Pakistan was never fulfilled ... One asks " Why doesn't he return when his party is a coalition partner in the Govt ? " ... The answer is simple " he knows what we will happen to him " ... He wasn't even ready to appear in court facing the charges of contempt against court ... What son of soil fears his own motherland ?

It is good to know about your background. I agree. Brings me to the Biharis as well whose cause I have always supported. Very sad how we abandoned thousands upon thousands of our supporters there. A number of my uncles moved to East Pakistan after partition. Were very rich once. Now moved to what was left of Pakistan.

But people who work in the field become hopeless. I have also been a leader of a Nationalist organization in the past, its canada chapter. Frankly I have been struggling for my country for years but the issue I have noticed is we are too divided to basically even think of promoting Pakistan's interests. When we do the Indians and others don't let us. The Indians have a very strong lobby in the US.
Jinnah's dream of merging immigrants with the other communities of Pakistan , sadly remained distant but it is fast becoming a reality now by more and more immigrants marrying with other ethnicities of Pakistan and people fast forgetting to distinguish between different races in a big city like Karachi ... I study in a University at the moment and nobody honestly cares who's who now - they befriend and talk to students without bothering to ask " Hey , where are you from ? " ... But somehow I still believe we stomped on the Jinnah's grave by doing that mistake - by thinking partition was and by maligning other Pakistanis of different races :angry: ... But it will be rectified , ethnic identities will disappear and we will be one nation , the time will be soon ...

In my family there have been inter-marriages between us and Punjabi families even amongst a chacha. But I don't see the ideas disappearing. My chacha remains a staunch MQM supporter. But I guess the changes are coming about. What I see however are reactionaries being born and that worries me... these guys are basically fed on the childhood nonsense of non-existant oppression. It doesn't just apply here. For example Abdul Nishapuri. If we say its not a shia genocide they will say you are sympathizing with our killers.

If 5-10 people die in Karachi daily it has the potential to polarize society ethnically as terrorism has often done... people begin thinking of themselves as separate ethnic or religious groups. Its the fracturing power of these people I am worried about which makes me counter bigots and challenge them.

I see the same dream as you though I must admit I do not share the optimism. Perhaps an effect of working in the field. Many people know me on account of my social work and Nationalism. Basically people like us get disillusioned after working hard and not seeing a change. :) I have also been raised outside Pakistan. I want Pakistan to be prosperous tolerant and united. You see other countries doing well... no one dying daily... wish as hell we could be like that.

One wonders how exactly can a single political party in Pakistan represent all Muhajirs , do all the other people hate us ? Are we the new kid on the block who feels insecure somehow ? Who's willing to vote for a party that is involved in all sort of heinous crimes itself ? Does it happen that we have no choice ? That we have to vote for those who have perpetrated the murder of own people ( of Urdu speakers who again here disagreed with them ! ) , tortured and kidnapped the same immigrants , want protection money from the same people that they claim to lead ? Are we that blind ? Unfortunately , yes that will being the as you said the most prosperous group of people in Pakistan with extensive and proper representation in every single of the country's institutions ... It can only change once a nationalist party gains dominance in the city , opens the eyes of people and makes them realize that they dont need to vote to a specific political party to feel secure ...

Currently I don't see any Nationalist party in the political spectrum though. However I deeply wish for this change. Its up to us to bring about this change. It is my life's dream to host the Pakistan Nationalist Party but fortune isn't always kind. But I am greatly inspired by your views to continue my struggle. You can change things @Secur. You have found in me an ardent supporter.
The pride in the fact that we have struggled far more than anyone for this country isn't wrong but this doesn't makes us superior to anyone else ! We did what was better for us , we accepted the two nation theory , we knew what we faced before partition and we came to this country for good ! ... Yes we in a way control this city and want all others to be submissive ... Do others do the same to you ? I dont think so ... I know about this thing in our lot to dream of everyone leaving this city for good and for us only ... HAVE WE GONE CRAZY ! What are we teaching the next generation who are to take charge of this country next ? WHAT ? That this city is only for Urdu speakers , that we only deserve to work here , that everybody else has to seek our permission ? **** THAT THINKING ! This is Pakistan , not our personal mansion !

Yeah... and this is the most important thing. By understanding this we can save our Pakistan. Our country is for everyone... each of our cultures is beautiful... ours is the history of Mir Chakar (Baloch), ours was the empire of Ahmed Shah Durrani (Pashtun) ours were the kingdoms of Talpurs (Sindh), so was that of Malik Bir Khan Ghakar (Punjab)... its for all of us. There was a member here Bilal or something... have no idea where he went... i really liked him for being detached from the ethnic issue.
What does it change if the people dont appreciate your incredible detailed understanding of Pushtoons just to fight bigotry and bias ? Nothing , mate , nothing ... Get that thought out of here , we are here to defend it ! Loving every race that resides within the country is part of us ... I know how much anti Pakistan Afghans are , despite accepting our hospitality and our help in their liberation else their names would today be ending with Gregrowich or something ! We made a mistake , we should have let the Soviet's take control , let these kids teach a lesson who have been with each other for 200 years ... Instead we started importing the people from other countries in Central Asia which today are a major headache for us , a poison mix that be !

I agree. We have ruined everything for ourselves.

I am inspired. There are twice as many here for every bigot...
People are defensive because mistake race for their existence , they think they wont be nothing without it ... Which is what every politician loves most , because he can easily manipulate a whole lot of people to fulfill his agenda ... Am I loyal to India or Bangladesh despite my ancestors coming from both countries ? Then what the hell has gone wrong with some Pashtuns who think they are somehow incomplete without that hell hole called as Afghanistan ?

Absolutely correct. There is no, absolutely no reason to define ethnic identity with another country. Plus its illogical. I proved it to him. 70-80% of all Pashtuns are in Pakistan, Afghanistan speaks Farsi and even most of the Pashtuns there Dari not Pashto, the other races dominate everything from transport to the military (see most of the ministers of the cabinet in Afghanistan and commander of the ANA), Pashtuns have become a slave race in that nation, the heart of Pashtun culture is Peshawar with a music, movie and entertainment industry with many events held for the promotion of Pashtun culture.

I think people who have to define their nationalism with Afghanistan are seriously the most dumb people to walk the planet. They are unfortunate not to see the deep bond between the people in Pakistan.
Yes , its a general problem you described ... This happens in almost all homes in some form whether it be the superiority delusions , be it kicking everyone out or in the extreme creating a whole new province or even a country ... That makes one thing clear - we aren't afraid of self-criticism because only through understanding can there be any hope for recovery ... Yes , like he's the authority on Pashtuns - declaring who's one of them and not ! I hate this kind of thing , tbh ...


Yes , we love our country , everything comes after it ... We are a part of this beautiful ancient civilization which is one of the oldest , we enjoy the diverse cultures , landscapes , weather everything , the blessing of God fall upon this land ... Make one thing very clear to everyone - there's no such thing as Muhajirs , those people are successfully integrated into the Pakistani society with more than equal share and today they are known as Pakistanis ...

Does it change anything ? :no: ... Stop taking these idiots seriously ...

You should be in the think tank secur. :agree:
Our views are largely in agreement.
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Arranged attacks: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border


At least 29 Afghans were thrashed and their travel documents torn near the Torkham border on Thursday, apparently in retaliation to a similar attack on Pakistani workers by Afghan officials last week.


So for dumbies like me who dont really understand Pashtunwali they beat up a random 29 Afghans that probably had nothing to do with what happened to their relatives under some strange concept of Badal?

In a time when the furthest you went was the next village perhaps there might have ben some point to the idea but in a world of international comunication what happens when ( note not if ;) ) Safriz posts some thing that pisses me off do i go down to the local take away and beat up the Pakistani waiter?

Perhaps time to stop beating up on innocent strangers because some thing gets your panites in a knot?
Bhartis should not be allowed to participate in this thread.

True...I just felt utmost weird and laughable an UPite who migrated to Pak during Partition and who just managed to learn some Pushto talking down upon a born Pathan who probably lived in those lands for 1000 years as a refugee and using the words "us Pathans"..massive wannabe-ness and playing to the gallery..but then why should we as Indians tell that and add misery to that monkey fellow.

You did not notice other Pashtuns talking to this Afghan-lover of course before shooting off like EDL member. Nationalism has been a part of me since I was born. Za Pashtun yam aw za Pakistani yam. Its not someones fathers job to tell the other who he is. As I said ethnicity is fluid.

And you seriously need to watch that mouth. Talking of monkeys those devils jump across rooftops in your country and break into your houses. Having been in Lucknow for a while can tell those things are a real menace. May steal your dhoti some day from your house. They get into kitchens anyway. Maybe they stole your food which may be the reason for your belligerence today.

If a guy knew some tamil and started to talk down upon me, I would bitchslap him and show him his place as nothing but a wannabe..

Watch your ****** mouth, it is as dirty as a gunda nullah of one of the old areas of Delhi where bare-assed children squat and pee. Learn something from people like @KRAIT rather than provoking people by hiding under your elite membership. We Pashtuns don't fear anything and the first one to get slapped would be you when you poke your nose in our affairs. if you think of me as a wannabe there are dozens of others like @AstanoshKhan @Hyperion and @Andromache.

You should watch whats going on at home:

A tamil liberation movement:
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alternatively you could think about this too:
How many people want independence for Tamil Nadu from Indian rule? I do not know. No one knows! Only way to know is to conduct a plebiscite (a vote) in Tamil Nadu with two choices: (a) I want Tamil Nadu to continue as a state of the Indian Union. (b) I want Tamil Nadu to be an independent country.

The Indian government would never allow such a plebiscite (a vote) voluntarily because they suspect that the outcome would be for an independent Tamil Nadu. Otherwise, they would have conducted such a vote and shut the few "loud voices of independence" once and for all. Given the choice between statehood within India and independence from India, and the future benefits to Tamil Nadu under statehood and independence explained by the pro-statehood and pro-independence leaders in public meetings, newspaper articles and radio-television debates, I believe that the people of Tamil Nadu would vote overwhelmingly for independence. I can never be sure but the only way to know for sure is through a plebiscite.

I have spoken in scores of meetings in Tamil Nadu about the need for independence for Tamil Nadu. It was always received enthusiastically not only by the younger generation but also by men and women in their fifties and sixties. Is this proof that a majority of the people of Tamil Nadu are for independence? I am not sure but the only way to ascertain it is through a plebiscite (a vote) and the Indian government refuses to conduct such a plebiscite.

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) is undoubtedly a dominant political party in Tamil Nadu. DMK's original political platform was the establishment of an independent Tamil Nadu. It ran on this "freedom platform" (or, as the Indian Government would call it, the "separatist platform") in the 1962 general election and emerged as the second largest party winning 50 seats in the Tamil Nadu legislative assembly. In 1962, Congress was a powerful united party in Tamil Nadu under the leadership of the very popular and totally un-corrupt Kamaraj. DMK won fifty seats even against this powerful Congress Party on the "freedom platform". This scared the Indian government. What if DMK were to win a majority in the next election under the "freedom platform"? Within a year, the Indian government (under the pretense of national security against foreign threats) enacted a law prohibiting any party or person contesting elections on a "separatist platform". That is, no individual or no party can contest an election in Tamil Nadu (or, any other part of India) on a "freedom for Tamil Nadu" platform. Thus the Tamil people now have no way of expressing their view about whether they want Tamil Nadu to be a state in the Indian Union or want Tamil Nadu to be an independent country. Let the people of Tamil Nadu decide their future. Who gave that decision-making power to the Indian government controlled by Hindi speaking politicians?

I challenge the Indian government to conduct a poll in Tamil Nadu about independence for Tamil Nadu. Let both sides, those for independence and those against independence, go around Tamil Nadu and canvass for their position. Let there be debates on radio and television. Then let the people vote. If the majority of the people of Tamil Nadu vote to stay with India, the current status will continue. If the majority vote for independence, Indians should pack up and leave as the British did in 1947.

[While at it, I suggest that the Indian government conduct such plebiscites in Punjab, Assam, Kashmir, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur and every nationality that seek independence from Indian rule also. Let the people decide whether they want to be part of India or want independence from India. Let the people decide instead of sending the Indian army to terrorize them. Let the people voice their opinion in a secret ballot instead of sending the army to brutalize the peace loving, freedom loving peoples of these nations.]

Now let us turn to Mr. Damodaran's second question.

2. Is it possible to achieve independence?

Yes, it is possible. None of the Tamil Nationalists, including myself, is under any illusion that the liberation of Tamil Nadu from Indian rule (Hindian rule, actually) will be easy or quick. Under certain geo-political situations it could be easy and quick but the development of such a situation is beyond anyone's control. Such geo-political situations emerge through unforeseen random events. Even for Tamil Nadu to get its freedom under such a fortune circumstance, there must be an "independence movement" ("freedom movement") alive and in place. Let me give an example.

Minority Slovak people in the former Czechoslovakia got such a fortunate geo-political situation in the early 1990s when the Berlin wall came down and Russian troops left Czechoslovakia and the rest of Eastern Europe. Seizing the opportunity, the Slovak Independence Movement was able to divide Czechoslovakia into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. Had there been no Slovak Independence Movement alive and in place at the time the Russian troops left Czechoslovakia, Slovak people would still be a minority in Czechoslovakia without a country of their own.

Look at Armenia. Armenians were an ancient people; they once had a great kingdom with mighty emperors. Then they were subjugated by Turks and Russians and were a people without a country for over a thousand years. But their desire for an Armenian nation never died. Flames of freedom were kept alive wherever Armenians lived. Then, seizing the occasion of a failed military coup in the Soviet Union and the ensuing "disorder" there in the early 1990s, Armenian Independence Movement declared an independent Armenian Republic and now they are a free people with their own country. Had there been no desire for independence in Armenian hearts, had there been no independence movement in Armenia, there would have been no independent Armenia today; it would have become a province of one of the other nations that emerged out of the Soviet Union. So an independence movement is necessary and the thirst for freedom should be kept alive in Tamil Nadu also.

Barring such fortunate geo-political circumstances, as it happened to the Slovak people and the Armenian people, can Tamil Nadu achieve independence from Indian (Hindian) rule? Yes, we need not wait for things to happen, we should make things happen. There is an old saying "The baby that cries gets the milk". It is for us to raise the independence slogans. It is for us to fight for independence. A small independence movement already exists in Tamil Nadu. I was fortunate enough to know some Tamil Nationalist in my younger years and they instilled in me a thirst for freedom for my country, Tamil Nadu. I know of Tamil Nationalists in the Indian Air Force and in the Indian Foreign Service. There are lawyers, movie actors/actresses, students, school teachers and professors; I would say that there are Tamils in virtually every walk of life who yearn for a free Tamil Nadu.

Once the Tamil Nadu independence struggle gathers momentum, we may get support and help from unexpected quarters. How did America get its freedom from Britain? It all started with a small army of dedicated volunteers. Who would have thought that it would soon send the mighty British army go home packing? Once the American independence struggle gained momentum, help came from an unexpected quarter; from across the ocean, thousands of miles away, from France. Soon American independence became a reality. Had they never started that independence struggle, there would never have been the French help and America would have been a British colony for many more decades at the least.

How did Afghanistan get rid of Soviet occupation? (Soviet Union was at that time a true superpower and was just next door to Afghanistan.) Once the Afghan freedom struggle intensified, help came in the form of sophisticated weapons and training from a far off land, the United States of America because the liberation of Afghanistan suited its geo-political interests. Had the Afghans never started their liberation struggle, thinking that they had no chance fighting the mighty Soviet Union, there would have been no American help and no liberation.

So, let us not get into a defeatist mentality. Let our cry for independence be loud and clear, we may get outside help from sources we may not even think of today.

Also, people of Tamil Nadu could expect cooperation and collaboration from other nationalities in the Indian subcontinent itself. Sikhs, Assamese, Tripurans, Kashmiris, Nagas, Mizos- all have disgruntlement about India with respect to the siphoning off of their central government taxes to the benefit of Hindi heartland and imposing Hindian-Aryan culture on them. Cooperation with these groups and a coordinated action plan would be a mighty force against the Hindian dominated Indian Government. We, the people of Tamil Nadu, should not wait expecting their help. We should make our demand for freedom heard loud and clear, and intensify our struggle for independence now. In due course we will get cooperation and collaboration from the other nationalities seeking independence from India too. Once all the disgruntled nationalities cooperate and put forth a coordinated fight against Indian rule (instead of each waging their struggle on their own), the Indian Union will not last for long. Let us light the flames of freedom, now.

We, the people of Tamil Nadu, should let go the "can't do" mentality and get into the "can do" mentality. Yes, we can free Tamil Nadu from Indian rule. Where is the Soviet Union now? How long will the Indian union last if Tamils and other discriminated nationalities form a coordinated force and fight for our freedom? We cannot speak for others; let us speak for Tamil Nadu; let us speak for our freedom! Other discriminated nationalities in India may cooperate with us, may collaborate with us. Outside help may come from unexpected sources. I am NOT saying that we should sit idle quietly waiting for other nationalities within India and other countries to come and liberate Tamil Nadu. No, not at all. We should continue with our independence movement and help will come in due course. But it is for us to start and continue with the independence movement. If we do not start the struggle, if we do not carry on with the struggle, no outsider will come to help us. Road to freedom may neither be short nor straight. There will be turns and dips and rises. But it is worth the effort. Freedom is sweet, rewards are great.

I will end this response with an anecdote. Some years ago, circus was in town. I took the children to the area where circus animals are kept. There were the circus elephants. One leg of each elephant was tied by a piece of iron chain to a little wooden peg driven into ground. These were very small pegs; elephants could easily pull them off and walk away, but these elephants did not. I asked about it to one of the men tending the animals. He told us about the mental conditioning of these elephants. When an elephant is captured, it is tied securely to the trunk of a large tree by iron chain. The elephant will try its best to get away but will be unable to do so. It will try day after day for several days in vain. Finally it will give up trying. Once the elephant stops trying, from then on it is simply tied to a little wooden peg by a piece of iron chain. The elephant is already mentally conditioned to think that it cannot escape. It will not try to pull off the peg and walk away.

Many Tamils and other discriminated nationalities in India are also conditioned to think that we cannot liberate our nations (yes, Tamil Nadu is a nation by any objective criteria) from Indian rule. Let us shake off that "can't do" mentality.

A free independent Tamil Nadu is our birthright!

Let us ask for it!

Let us fight for it!

We will achieve it!!

If you don't want a Tamil like this coming and other telling Tamil people what they ought to do and what not then best leave us to deal with our Mir Jaffar's. It is extremely annoying when Indians put their nose in other peoples affairs trying to use an ethnic or sectarian issue for their short-sighted goals. This guy is in all probability a Taliban monkey sitting on the lap of Hakimullah Maseed, you support him and he will bomb Delhi. You can check Hakimullah's address greatly praising Afghan-lovers and Afghanistan for support but oops you don't know Pashto... at least I learned enough of the language to understand that message and am still learning. At least i know every bit of history, geographical location of tribes and the culture. But funny a Tamil from a place a liberation movement is in full swing is talking about a culture he has no idea of.

Thanks havizsultan for clarifying your roots. I used to think Luffy insane for suggesting you are a muhajir who claims to be a pashtun, but it turns out he is not the insane one.

BTW you are making absolutely dishonest claim about people who moved to india from pakistan, those punjabis and sindhis are still very much a separate ethnic group in India, they do not claim to be a bihari or tamilian or marathi here. Your theories are downright weird, you just say what is soothing for most pakistanis to hear, although not true or just insane.

Why don't you research what happened to every Muhajir who came to Pakhtunkhwa after partition? They started calling himself a Pashtun rather than Muhajir, learned the tongue and settled, now people can't even tell which is which. I know people like these especially in the Punjab. Now use your brain before shooting off. You know nothing about our politics and geography but you act like a drunk, scandalous wench at a bar or club eager to talk to or dance with every guy just so he may take you home and bang you...

The thing with Luffy is that his butt eternally is glued to Afghanistan and he has no intention of being removed from it. On the other hand your bum is glued to India but you are interested in clawing your way to Pakistan even if it means India is divided like pan pizza. Which is more unfortunate?

Muhajir is supposed to be a temporary term given to migrants. it is far different for us to call ourselves Lucknowites... its a simple regional identity and can barely be used to give birth to an ethnic divide. As I have stated before I am proud of the Lucknowi background and my links to our ancestral house. I believe it hurts you that we (some members of family) are still in Lucknow while their hearts are in Pakistan. ;)

I could give you a link to Jinnah's speech that hinted at how temporary this term was meant to be but I believe you are not here for the purpose of learning about the issue. Your purpose I'm afraid is to kiss Luffy on the cheek or acting like a typical bacteria share some sort of symbiotic relationship with him... but Luffy being a coward ran off because of the vociferous opposition he faced here.
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Bhartis should not be allowed to participate in this thread.

Seriously 200% agree. Its very very annoying. Wish something could be done about this. They don't know about the topic and derail the debate other than taking advantage of our eternally existent ethnic issues. I have been a little sick today... all morning a little fly kept whizzing around my head as I slept. That's what these Indian members remind me of.

So for dumbies like me who dont really understand Pashtunwali they beat up a random 29 Afghans that probably had nothing to do with what happened to their relatives under some strange concept of Badal?

In a time when the furthest you went was the next village perhaps there might have ben some point to the idea but in a world of international comunication what happens when ( notre not if ;) ) Safriz posts some thing that pisses me off do i go down to the local take away and beat up the Pakistani waiter?

Perhaps time to stop beating up on innocent strangers because some thing gets your panites in a knot?

Badal is in fact a tradition (and the name of my book) and part of Pashtunwali... but everyone I have spoken to (Pashtun) seems to look down upon it though I tend not to discuss it as it is not a positive topic and (some) people still tend to think of me as a wannabe, concepts of race being drilled into us from birth. In other words many Pashtuns now reject Badal though I can take exception to some from Waziristan and tribal areas. Its not really a weakness of Pashtun culture as such... in fact even a positive aspect which made Pashtuns generals, soldiers and warriors. It was an ancient tradition and way because in those days there was no real police and justice system especially in the rural areas and big cities weren't the norm then (urbanization wasn't a trend back then). This made the Pashtuns strong and mighty and if you read our history you will be impressed at the empires we established. When someone was wronged it was basically up to you to take justice in those times and if you were meek and couldn't raise your sword you could do nothing. Personally for me it has even been suggested that I change the name of my book because it may be giving a negative connotation of Pashtun culture even though within I portray Pashtuns as victims... but the thing is that would spoil some things in the book and points i'd like to make (including some on drone attacks and collateral damage) through the story. Pashtun Intellectuals are now looking at this aspect a little more critically now... though I won't comment on my feeling as it's like I am trying to tell other Pashtuns what to do after adopting their race.

In either case its like the issue of Ijtehad as suggested by Iqbal. Iqbal stated that some of the principles of Islam ought to be re-interpreted on account of modern times. In the same way Pashtunwali needs to be re-interpreted on account of modern times. That is my personal assessment but @Hyperion @AstanoshKhan @Andromache @TaimiKhan @PakHtoon @Pashtun @ghilzai can cast better light on this. Personally I believe it would be a very interesting discussion but the issue is most Pashtuns don't know much about themselves and their culture much which gives people like Luffy an advantage. I personally have recited in front of Pashtuns poetry of Rehman baba and they don't know who he is even though he is the father of Pashto poetry.

Btw I would request you and @KRAIT and other members to please deal with these annoying Indian individuals who are here to exacerbate tensions between local Pakistani people and don't have even a slight understanding of the various ethnic groups in Pakistan.

And another thing. No one is really defending what was done to those Afghans (nation) but basically another point was being made which I believe is too complicated for outsiders to actually understand. By the way Afghans (nation) killed 2 Pakistanis and manhandled many more before this. In either case it does not justify a revenge attack. The point of posting the thread was to prove another point which was for Luffy and Sher Malang.
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You did not notice other Pashtuns talking to this Afghan-lover of course before shooting off like EDL member. Nationalism has been a part of me since I was born. Za Pashtun yam aw za Pakistani yam. Its not someones fathers job to tell the other who he is. As I said ethnicity is fluid.

And you seriously need to watch that mouth. Talking of monkeys those devils jump across rooftops in your country and break into your houses. Having been in Lucknow for a while can tell those things are a real menace. May steal your dhoti some day from your house. They get into kitchens anyway. Maybe they stole your food which may be the reason for your belligerence today.

Watch your ****** mouth, it is as dirty as a gunda nullah of one of the old areas of Delhi where bare-assed children squat and pee. Learn something from people like @KRAIT rather than provoking people by hiding under your elite membership. We Pashtuns don't fear anything and the first one to get slapped would be you when you poke your nose in our affairs. if you think of me as a wannabe there are dozens of others like @AstanoshKhan @Hyperion and @Andromache.

You should watch whats going on at home:

A tamil liberation movement:
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alternatively you could think about this too:

If you don't want a Tamil like this coming and other telling Tamil people what they ought to do and what not then best leave us to deal with our Mir Jaffar's. It is extremely annoying when Indians put their nose in other peoples affairs trying to use an ethnic or sectarian issue for their short-sighted goals. This guy is in all probability a Taliban monkey sitting on the lap of Hakimullah Maseed, you support him and he will bomb Delhi. You can check Hakimullah's address greatly praising Afghan-lovers and Afghanistan for support but oops you don't know Pashto... at least I learned enough of the language to understand that message and am still learning. At least i know every bit of history, geographical location of tribes and the culture. But funny a Tamil from a place a liberation movement is in full swing is talking about a culture he has no idea of.

LOL,Nice try troll,You made up that website really fast.:lol:
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You did not notice other Pashtuns talking to this Afghan-lover of course before shooting off like EDL member.

Ofcourse I saw..but my post was pointedly at you for a particular reason.

And you seriously need to watch that mouth. Talking of monkeys those devils jump across rooftops in your country and break into your houses. Having been in Lucknow for a while can tell those things are a real menace. May steal your dhoti some day from your house. They get into kitchens anyway. Maybe they stole your food which may be the reason for your belligerence today.

Wow hold on to your words Mr.My name is Insecurity. I meant Monkey D Luffy.

You should watch whats going on at home:

A tamil liberation movement:
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alternatively you could think about this too:

If you don't want a Tamil like this coming and other telling Tamil people what they ought to do and what not then best leave us to deal with our Mir Jaffar's. It is extremely annoying when Indians put their nose in other peoples affairs trying to use an ethnic or sectarian issue for their short-sighted goals. This guy is in all probability a Taliban monkey sitting on the lap of Hakimullah Maseed, you support him and he will bomb Delhi. You can check Hakimullah's address greatly praising Afghan-lovers and Afghanistan for support but oops you don't know Pashto... at least I learned enough of the language to understand that message and am still learning. At least i know every bit of history, geographical location of tribes and the culture. But funny a Tamil from a place a liberation movement is in full swing is talking about a culture he has no idea of.

Now this gets even more interesting. A mohajir wannabe Pathan teaching a native Tamil about his own land. That sounds just about right. NOT !

Liberation movement in full swing ? Oye bhaiya come out from the fiction world you seem to be onto the real world..

The thing with Luffy is that his butt eternally is glued to Afghanistan and he has no intention of being removed from it. On the other hand your bum is glued to India but you are interested in clawing your way to Pakistan even if it means India is divided like pan pizza. Which is more unfortunate?

Actually when the Luffy guy was saying you were slightly disturbed, I just took it as verbal banter. Now I see what he meant. Me interested in clawing my way into Pakistan ? lol wtf.. For what genius ? For being branded a kaffir and be killed or go boom-boom in a market place. Just look at what you are writing. Would make Tom Clancy go rose on his cheeks for the sheer amount of aggrandizement and rhetoric.

LOL,Nice try troll,You made up that website really fast.:lol:

This is the problem when you let fiction writers let you give facts. :lol:
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