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Reunification of India and Pakistan only solution to Kashmir

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Aug 27, 2011
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Reunification of India and Pakistan only solution to Kashmir

NEW DELHI: Press Council of India (India) chairperson justice Markandey Katju today said that the only solution to the Kashmir problem is reunification of India and Pakistan under a strong and "modern-minded" government which will not tolerate bigotry.

"The cause of the Kashmir problem is the partition of India on a totally bogus basis - the two nation theory, that Hindus and Muslims are separate nations....I don't recognise Pakistan as a legitimate country because the whole basis is the two nation theory and I don't accept the two nation theory," he said.

"Therefore the one and only solution to the Kashmir problem or the militancy problem in Pakistan is the reunification of India and Pakistan under a strong, central, secular, modern-minded government which just doesn't tolerate bigotry," he said and added that such a government would deal with fanaticism with an iron hand.

Addressing a seminar organised by the South Asia Media Commission here, he said that the two nation theory was encouraged by the British post 1857 to create rift between Hindus and Muslims.

"Many of my Pakistan friends, they agree now that what nonsense this two nation theory is....the entire ploy was by the English and you people are a bunch of idiots," Katju said.

Katju said that "90 per cent of Indians are idiots" who can be easily taken for a ride and added that it was very easy for mischievous people to incite riots even today.

"Before 1857, there was zero percent communalism. Today 80 percent Hindus and 80 percent Muslims are communal. This is the harsh bitter truth, I am telling you," Katju said.

"Why am I saying such harsh things, I don't want to demoralise Indian people, I love Indian people, I love you all. I want you to prosper, I don't want you to remain fools. I want you to understand the whole game," he said.

Katju said that even the educated people in India voted in elections on caste or sectarian lines which showed how backward people are.

"I am saying all this because you need a big blow on your head to bring you to your senses, how backward you are. Unless you come to your senses and realise that you were taken for a ride by the British and later on by many communal forces which kept going on about Hindu-Muslim, the Kashmir problem cannot be solved," he said.

With regard to the Northeast, he said these areas had been ignored for long and employment and job opportunities had to be created there.

Speaking about the role of the Press Council, Katju said that it only had powers to admonish and censure about which not many people bothered. He said that Press Council be given more powers.

Reunification of India and Pakistan only solution to Kashmir: Markandey Katju - The Economic Times
She/he is hilarious... " you are idiot", and you are idiot and you there are an idiot too!" :rofl:

she/he ( i can't figure out that name is which sex) would fit in well in the cabinet of the NJ governor.
Lol, Katju is going nuts....

Pakistan will commit sucide before it accepts a democracy without the I word, forget unification....
Agree. Timur and his descendants gave indians civilization. india needs a strong hand from Islam.
Just a pipe dream nothing more than that the only solution is to increase trade and allow free movement of goods and people from either side of Kashmir but for that to happen we must come to the table for peace talks, from India's point of view we have security concerns which must be addressed.
Looks like Katju is trolling EveryBody :lol:

Reunification of India and Pakistan only solution to Kashmir

NEW DELHI: Press Council of India (India) chairperson justice Markandey Katju today said that the only solution to the Kashmir problem is reunification of India and Pakistan under a strong and "modern-minded" government which will not tolerate bigotry.

"The cause of the Kashmir problem is the partition of India on a totally bogus basis - the two nation theory, that Hindus and Muslims are separate nations....I don't recognise Pakistan as a legitimate country because the whole basis is the two nation theory and I don't accept the two nation theory," he said.

"Therefore the one and only solution to the Kashmir problem or the militancy problem in Pakistan is the reunification of India and Pakistan under a strong, central, secular, modern-minded government which just doesn't tolerate bigotry," he said and added that such a government would deal with fanaticism with an iron hand.

Addressing a seminar organised by the South Asia Media Commission here, he said that the two nation theory was encouraged by the British post 1857 to create rift between Hindus and Muslims.

"Many of my Pakistan friends, they agree now that what nonsense this two nation theory is....the entire ploy was by the English and you people are a bunch of idiots," Katju said.

Katju said that "90 per cent of Indians are idiots" who can be easily taken for a ride and added that it was very easy for mischievous people to incite riots even today.

"Before 1857, there was zero percent communalism. Today 80 percent Hindus and 80 percent Muslims are communal. This is the harsh bitter truth, I am telling you," Katju said.

"Why am I saying such harsh things, I don't want to demoralise Indian people, I love Indian people, I love you all. I want you to prosper, I don't want you to remain fools. I want you to understand the whole game," he said.

Katju said that even the educated people in India voted in elections on caste or sectarian lines which showed how backward people are.

"I am saying all this because you need a big blow on your head to bring you to your senses, how backward you are. Unless you come to your senses and realise that you were taken for a ride by the British and later on by many communal forces which kept going on about Hindu-Muslim, the Kashmir problem cannot be solved," he said.

With regard to the Northeast, he said these areas had been ignored for long and employment and job opportunities had to be created there.

Speaking about the role of the Press Council, Katju said that it only had powers to admonish and censure about which not many people bothered. He said that Press Council be given more powers.

Reunification of India and Pakistan only solution to Kashmir: Markandey Katju - The Economic Times

Unfortunately i am forced to agree with him on highlight part.
Solution is Bigger than Problem LoL .

Seems Legit .

we on PDF don't expect any less from you....and you don't disappoint ever here

You should feel proud that i am somewhat agreeing with an Indian which is rare

Beauty, indeed, lies in the eyes of the beholder.

Jinnah was an Indian and so was Maulana Azad.

Btw. so was Iqbal: who wrote: "Saare Jahan se achcha .. Hindustan hamara"

He is addressing to Today's Indians :angel:
it would be good to see india pak unite together not geographically..but atleast strategically...hope it happens in nxt 100 yrs at least
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