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Reported 250 people have died in Fighting Between Taliban and ISIS

US forces patrolling Kabul roads due to high threat alerts.

i am happy for both sides are terrorists , sending one another to hell .

You Indians mind you own business. Don’t take Pukhtoon lives for your foolish games against our Pakistan.

Afghanistan has nothing to do with you.
Pukhtoons are not. You are interfering in an area where you are not welcome. But you will learn that the hard way, Hindu.

What'll happen? They kill themselves some more?

Looks like you guys need some one to fight, if none exists, you lot will start fighting with goats even.
Afghanistan would have thrived under the USSR backed Democratic Socialist government which granted full rights to women. It is unfortunate Pakistan supported jihadists and overthrew the Democratic Socialist government in Afghanistan. What is to come is worse, for both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

very true .

Afghans are going full throttle towards Syrian models. They need to see the elephant in room which is America and say enough is enough. Their facilitation of America which in turn has brought ISIS into Afghan theatre will only cause more destruction to their country. Regional countries will not sit idle and watch ISIS become a monster waiting to be unleashed on them by CIA. Since this news is about Northern Afghanistan, it seems like a case of Russia supporting whoever is fighting the CIA backed ISIS. Pakistan will also be left with no choice but to follow suit in the western/south Afghanistan.

It will be Afghanistan who will get mauled in this power game between the world powers. They can start by telling the occupational power, America to leave their country.

we will take care of afghanistan very well , we will reconstruct it once talibans are finished .
Taliban captured another village Khustar Blaq in Darzab and Blocked All Road Connections for ISKP Movement in the Region.
well its seems now USA want to get rid of this war but war do not allow USA to go away .

very true .

we will take care of afghanistan very well , we will reconstruct it once talibans are finished .
i did not mean to insult you sir sorry to asking do you know afghan history ?
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