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  • They think that by killing Muslims in Kashmir, they are seeking retribution for the sadist history they have.
  • They know that if they extend the same 'democratic' right to the Kashmiris as they do to themselves and brag about it all the time, it will result in the people of Kashmir choosing to break away which is too big for their ego to accept.
  • They know that an independent Kashmir will align itself with Pakistan and China which will create another insecure border for them.
  • In their minds freedom for Kashmiri people will encourage Punjabi Sikhs to seek independence as well and will give confidence to other insurgencies in the South.
The genocidal instinct of all Indian citizens who unanimously support the suppression and murder of Muslims and stealing of their lands is a product of the above factors and a historic sense of insecurity. Now that India is classifying itself as a Hindu country, we need to make sure that Kashmiris get all support they need. We cannot leave our kin at the mercy of genocidal hegemons.

  • Most Muslims being killed in Kashmir are those from Pakistan Punjab. Retribution indeed.
  • The people of Kashmir have the same rights as the people of Delhi or Karnataka have. Infact, they have a bit more with Article 370. Hopefully the BJP will abolish that stupid piece of legislation soon. And this coming from a member of Congress who diligently pays his party membership fees.
  • Indeed that is a possibility of an independent Kashmir. Even more reason for India to ensure that this state never breaks away from the union. Too many Muslims so close to Pakistan may cause more of a headache for India (and possibly even China). Wise statesmanship on India's part, don't you think ?
  • Unlikely that the Kalistan movement will ever revive itself. The core of Indian Sikh leadership are way too patriotic towards the Indian Union for them to consider that outdated theory. More chances of a free Pashto state being created in Pakistan than that happening.
No genocidal instinct buddy. Just ensuring the secure balance of South Asia. Muslims in South Asia were given enough land to compensate for their insecurities. Those who remain in India or who fall under Indian governance had better get used to Indian rule. Those who cannot stomach Indian or non-Muslim governance are welcome to push off to Pakistan or Bangladesh or Timbuktu for that matter. Who cares. Whether India classifies itself as a Hindu or a Pokemon country is simply the business of nobody else. Your country of origin has been attempting to liberate your "kin" from "genocidal hegemons" for decades. See where that landed it. The only evidence of genocide is the historically recorded drastic decrease of the population of Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan. Address that first before you hype about any perceived genocide in India. Until then you simply sound like a hunter accusing the local greengrocer of being inhumane for selling eggs at his supermarket
State Sponsored Terrorism in Indian Held Kashmir.
Sponsor terrorism in Balochistan is it your point ???
this thread is for Indian Held Kashmir plebiscite troll is not allow...
i asked you one question what is geogrpay of kashmir .. still waiting for ans.. if you raise question your responsibility to ans the same
state sponser terrorisma
Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander says - Politics - CBC News
Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism, Chris Alexander say

Christopher "Chris" A. Alexander (born September 9, 1968),PC,[1]MP is Canada's Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. He has represented the riding of Ajax—Pickering, in Ontario, in the Canadian House of Commons since 2011.

Alexander served as Canada's first resident Ambassador to Afghanistan from 2003 to 2005
Pakistan warned it could be declared a 'terrorist state': US says Islamabad must end its support for Kashmiri militants Pakistan warned it could be declared a 'terrorist state'
Pakistan warned it could be declared a 'terrorist state': US says Islamabad must end its support for Kashmiri militants Pakistan warned it could be declared a 'terrorist state' - World - News - The Independent
need more?
  • we need to make sure that Kashmiris get all support they need. We cannot leave our kin at the mercy of genocidal hegemons.
Dude, you have been busting your a$$ for last 60+ years doing exactly that. You have brought your country to the precipice of destruction and have lost half your country in the process. Were you doing this half heartedly till now ?? :lol:
The Monkey Trap
seriously horus ????

why India is killing muslims only in Kashmir , if they are seeking retribution for the sadist histroy they have???population of muslims is increasing in India not decreasing mate

kashmir is not going anywhere mate..........if it is going ......as i said before , India will destroy Pakistan even if it cost India few major cities ....."TRUE STORY"

Pakistanis shall pray that Kashmir dont get so called freedom by violent means .......diplomacy is the only way forward.

look at SOuth SUdan .......look at Scotland ..........diplomacy was the key here............not religion based stuff
musslim ummah long die . its natural death..
it was only pak who was jumpin kacj for it..
these guy cant live like human .. kill based on sect .. and calling for indian muslim...for what for more killing calling them muhajir , shia sunut ... ahmadi
Dude, you have been busting your a$$ for last 60+ years doing exactly that. You have brought your country to the precipice of destruction and have lost half your country in the process. Were you doing this half heartedly till now ?? :lol:
The Monkey Trap
they almost lost nation for kashmir
now dont know they will put world in gamble for kashmir
as that only left ..
What about article 370 ?
Deployment of troops has more to do with freedom fighters across the border than population in valley.

freedom fighters where !!!
They are Imaging the whole population as freedom fighters and deploying troops for every citizen of Indian held Kashmir
freedom fighters where !!!
They are Imaging the whole population as freedom fighters and deploying troops for every citizen of Indian held Kashmir
so ISIS are freedom figter right as per your paramert
so does the boko haram ..
so does TTP right
Look under the section "similar threads",you will see your pakistani brothers getting the neccessary anwsers
Look under the section "similar threads",you will see your pakistani brothers getting the neccessary anwsers
that the problem
they dont see with open eyes and brains..
even they know it is there.. they dont wnat to see .

pakistanis and their plebiscite obsession...Damn,I wonder where was this "Sane" approach when UN resolution was rejected by Pakistan on 1948..
by the way..........................the reality.........................................

The resolution recommended that in order to ensure the impartiality of the plebiscite Pakistan withdraw all tribesmen and nationals who entered the region for the purpose of fighting and that India leave only the minimum number of troops needed to keep civil order. The Commission was also to send as many observers into the region as it deemed necessary to ensure the provisions of the resolution were enacted. Pakistan ignored the UN mandate, did not withdraw its troops and claimed the withdrawal of Indian forces was a prerequisite as per this resolution. Indian claim is that Subsequently Pakistan refused to implement the plebiscite until India accedes to it and continued holding on to the portion of Kashmir under its control.

pakistanis and their plebiscite obsession...Damn,I wonder where was this "Sane" approach when UN resolution was rejected by Pakistan on 1948..
by the way..........................the reality.........................................

The resolution recommended that in order to ensure the impartiality of the plebiscite Pakistan withdraw all tribesmen and nationals who entered the region for the purpose of fighting and that India leave only the minimum number of troops needed to keep civil order. The Commission was also to send as many observers into the region as it deemed necessary to ensure the provisions of the resolution were enacted. Pakistan ignored the UN mandate, did not withdraw its troops and claimed the withdrawal of Indian forces was a prerequisite as per this resolution. Indian claim is that Subsequently Pakistan refused to implement the plebiscite until India accedes to it and continued holding on to the portion of Kashmir under its control.
given this 100 times by many that too in microscopic detial but stll same cirlce is on
thats what we call "Delusion".
A delusion is a belief held with strong conviction despite superior evidence to the contrary
even that cant be said... because even for call it as delusion .. other side shoudl see the EVIDANCE to deney..
which that also gone in marina trench
7 Signs That You're Living in Denial
7 Signs That You’re Living in Denial
By SJW on March 13, 2008 in Development, Negativity

a0080fb008cf1ce4636a2956bd78ed16.jpg“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.” – Bill Watterson, Creator of Calvin and Hobbes.

People everywhere from the online entrepreneurs in Qatar to the shoe shines in Gary, Indiana, live in denial without even knowing it. I can’t be referring to you, can I? If your gut feeling is, “No way!“, then as strange as it may sound you may actually be showing the first signs of living in denial.

Denial is something that anyone and everyone is susceptible to.

While it won’t kill you, it can certainly dampen your day, your job, and your life. Does that sound alarming? It most definitely should and, if you are starting to have doubts, here are 7 of the most important signs which can help you realize if you are living in denial or not:
    1. I Am Above Failure
      So you think that you are somehow far too talented, hard-working or knowledgeable and that everything you touch will turn into gold? Sorry to burst your bubble there, but we humans are flawed by nature so that, my friend, I?m afraid that you may just be living in denial if you have such a way of thinking.
    2. It’s Impossible to Take Me by Surprise
      If you think that being taken by surprise is impossible if you have everything planned then I have one questions: how is life in that fantasy world of yours treating you? Yes, planning ahead is always recommended but thinking that you can actually be able to prepare for absolutely everything is just plain foolish on your part.
  • If You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself
    Do you think that others should never be trusted and do you think that, if you want something done right, you should do it yourself? Aren’t you giving yourself just a little bit too much credit there? It may just be me, but you most definitely don’t strike me as a person with his or her feet on the ground.
  • I’m Never at Fault
    Others are always at fault, aren’t they? You keep doing everything right and they just ruin things for you, do they? Sorry to have to say this, but not assuming responsibility is one of the most obvious signs that you are living in denial.
  • Everything Has an Excuse
    “I’m not going to do this because…” “I would have done that, if not for…” Do you somehow manage to find excuses for everything? Good for you, maybe you will find someone who pays you for that, but for the time being, your attitude is yet another sign that you are simply living in a fantasy world.
  • Everyone Else is Wrong
    Are all of the people who don’t agree with you clueless? Are they that ignorant, can’t they understand your brilliance? I’m sorry but, if that’s the way you see things, I am afraid that the problem lies elsewhere. One tip: it’s not with everyone else.
  • It’s All One Big Conspiracy I Tell You
    Does it seem that everyone and their dog is working against you? Are you just a poor innocent victim in what seems to be one huge conspiracy against you? In that case, have you considered getting some help? No, everyone is not conspiring against you, and it’s about time you stopped living in denial and started seeing how things actually stand.

7 Signs That You're Living in Denial
Plebiscite time was when the resolution passed, when Pak was ready but india refused to do it; Now after such a long time, the demographics have changed, peoples minds have changed, now plebiscite is not acceptable either for india or Pakistan; bcoz then Kashmir will be an independent country....

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