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Recent Sino-Indian border conflict

September 18, 2016, 4 insurgents killed 23 Battle Hardened IA soldiers and injured 30 at Uri Army Base.
2 January 2016, 6 insurgents killed 7 Battle Hardened soldiers and injured 20 at Pathankot Air Base.
Battle Hardened Indian soldiers took 4 days to hunt down a few insurgents inside Pathankot Air Base.
What a Battle Hardened JOKE of an army.
Wow great logic . You idiots cant even respond rationally . So your PLA is going to do terrorist attack like those jihadees? Let me tell you they are ready to die, PLA is not.
History tells over confident large armies got defeated by relatively small armies because of stupid assumptions about enemy. PLA is no match for battle hardened IA, IAF or Navy. when was the last time PLA had exposure to tank or air battles? I mean real battles not Chinese war games.

Indian Navy stronger than PLAN? :rofl:
Look at your pathetic Indian Navy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_Naval_accidents

PLAN ranks #2 Hindu get your fact straight
Wow great logic . You idiots cant even respond rationally . So your PLA is going to do terrorist attack like those jihadees? Let me tell you they are ready to die, PLA is not.
From Wiki:
Terrorism, in its broadest sense, describes the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious or ideological aim.[1] It is used in this regard primarily to refer to violence against civilians or non-combatants.

How could you label Freedom Fighters killing Battle Hardened soldiers as terrorist.
I know you are ready to die at your KEYBOARD.
PLA is not ready to die, PLA will make Indians on Donglang ready to die.
We have fought battles operating aircraft carriers 60's 70's and have done operations supporting allies in IOR. PLAN has none of those.
It is not wise to base performance on past experience long ago and on different types of aircraft carrier.
USA high tech war in Iraq is very different from the experience gained in Vietnam war.

It is more accurate to gauge Indian Navy performance based on how recently India are able to explode and sink a submarine inside dock and capsize a warship in a dry dock.
How India sank the Thai fishing trawler, Ekawat Nava, and later lie that it is a pirates mothership is also telling about the quality and integrity of the Indian Navy.
It is not wise to base performance on past experience long ago and on different types of aircraft carrier.
USA high tech war in Iraq is very different from the experience gained in Vietnam war.

It is more accurate to gauge Indian Navy performance based on how recently India are able to explode and sink a submarine inside dock and capsize a warship in a dry dock.
How India sank the Thai fishing trawler, Ekawat Nava, and later lie that it is a pirates mothership is also telling about the quality and integrity of the Indian Navy.
Well PLAN have lost sub in peace time . Indian navy has done several anti piracy operation which PLAN can only dream about .
Petty mind. Chinese does not care about superpower status. Power does not come from fear. If you want to be enemy of Chinese, we will become your worst enemy. Let's see who will have last laughs.
After war India will be like the following.:rofl:
Well PLAN have lost sub in peace time . Indian navy has done several anti piracy operation which PLAN can only dream about .
PLAN for the life of them will not do what the Indian Navy are capable of doing.
Indian navy sank Thai trawler thought to be pirate ship
" Wicharn Sirichaiekawat said the Indian frigate attacked the Ekawat Nava 5 while it was being hijacked by pirates.
One crew member from the trawler was found alive after six days in the Gulf of Aden, but another 14 are missing, the BBC reports.

The Indian navy said its vessel fired in self-defence at a pirate ship which had been stacked with explosives.
Indian Navy apart from sinking ships in dock, also have the distinction of making up stories of bravery that are incomparable.
Incredible India Navy
Thanks for nice road infrastructure you have built for us Indians to reach Lhasa easily . Same tibetans above will be more than happy to welcome Indian army. Tibetan govt in excile will form legitimate govt after 60 plus years. UN will see new country added ala Bangladesh in 71.

They have to Say Hi to PLA other wise they will kill them, it's not Indian army even they not say Hi Indian army will not kill them but in China it's totally Different

even in the form Chinese will not comment against China or CCP because every in and out comment's which will be watched by Chinese internet Security so if they noticed some one commenting against CCP or any govt officials then they will hang them in the name of hurting Chinese(CCP) Feelings

So we don't need to expect comment's from Chinese against their feelings(CCP)

After war India will be like the following.:rofl:

very funny, do you thing you can survive after the war in the world,
and same with India, india become a nuclear wasteland:p:

Don't even thing Nuclear wasteland, India is bigger then Pakistan you have to send lot of nuclear to destroy India, but to destroy Pakistan very few Nuclear is enough and not even single life can survive
Don't even thing Nuclear wasteland, India is bigger then Pakistan you have to send lot of nuclear to destroy India, but to destroy Pakistan very few Nuclear is enough and not even single life can survive
Radiation kill all of them slowly, painfully
Nepal is hungry for any investment. China can do wonders for them and it should. Congress in Indin squandered 50 Fking yrs .... howvever it a different india now... I see great things happening in the future
You should give credit to Congress, or India would have gone to hell long time ago under Warmonger's rule.
You should give credit to Congress, or India would have gone to hell long time ago under Warmonger's rule.
Modi has many problems at home with shoddy GST implementation, Ghorkaland strikes, low PMI and exploding population. Dokalam is really an attempt to deflect criticism at home and bait China. China really doesn't need to start a War which only fuels Hindu fanatacism. Real issue in Dokalam is to change perception in Bhutan that opening trade and diplomatic relations with China will benefit people of Bhutan, which is really lost in the shuffle of this dispute. Bhutan as a democracy will decide its own future as Indian influence declines rapidly with progress of technology.
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