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Raymond Davis Case: LHC rules murder trial valid, rejects immunity from prosecution

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There's no bogeyman greater than the so-called 'Islamic fundamentalism', on the contrary 'Modern imperialism" is real and the Iraq and Afghan wars are the latest proof of that.

The U.S. had nothing to do with Mubarak's but it was the biggest supporter of the Mubarak regime. As for Musharraf, the US had everything to do with the removal of Nawaz Sharif which led to the rise of Musharraf.

That's why it tells other states what kind of political system they should have and the consequence of not following the american advice, I suppose! We saw that in Gaza, did we not?

Which is worse, a feudal lord or a corporate rule of the feudal lords of america? America is not responsible for anything, it's just that it tells its despots to run the "extra-ordinary rendition programme" for the american security.

What do you want? You are part of a sick civilisation which cannot handle reality, that always thinks that it is the victim, so it does not need to do anything and everyone else can be blamed and whatever they do will not be enough. This is a vicious circle: your sinking into this victimisation of your civilisation only increase the magnitude of its problems.

the US is the only global superpower, and thank god for that! I do not want to imagine where the world would be if your failed civilisation was the major power in the world, with its pathology, its primitive and barbaric phenomenon, its inclination to radicalism. There are billion and a half Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia, most of them living in Muslim countries but their countries' contribution to human society is less than the Netherlands with its 8 million people because of the self destructive attitude of their societies.
You are part of a sick civilisation which cannot handle reality, that always thinks that it is the victim, so it does not need to do anything and everyone else can be blamed and whatever they do will not be enough.

are you talking about the jews and their holocaust?
are you talking about the jews and their holocaust?

Very clever, keep wallowing, if that is what makes you happy. In the deteriorated situation of your civilisation, what more can bring you comfort.
Very clever, keep wallowing, if that is what makes you happy. In the deteriorated situation of your civilisation, what more can bring you comfort.

Civilisation? You are too kind, I don't see one……

It's just funny to hear that coming from a group of people who insist on being eternal victims even when they slaughter tens of thousands, twisted psychology, and it's all yours……
Civilisation? You are too kind, I don't see one……

It's just funny to hear that coming from a group of people who insist on being eternal victims even when they slaughter tens of thousands, twisted psychology, and it's all yours……

Just tens of thousands? You are too kind - if you already exaggerate, then why not millions? It sounds better!

I know, we invented the Holocaust, Israel and Steven Spielberg together.

Jews were the victims of the most horrid crime in human history, but they did not stay in refugee camps in Germany blaming everyone in their situation, while their people in British Palestine waiting for someone to build them a country. Israel did it by its own with the support of several concious nations. It gave basic living conditions to all its citizens, including the Arab one, and Jews who were forced to flee from Arab countries (and not installing them in refugee camps to rot, like the Arab treatment towards Palestinians), it has built strong society with blooming economy. Israel did not wallowed in its misery and blame the West for it.

The colonial period is over! Get on your feet and start improve yourself! You are an independent country for more than 60 years! All this energy wasted on hatred will not help you.
Jews were not the victim of the most horrid crime you say.

That Is a twisted and disgusting fetish to even indulge in such a competition.

Jewish people, or many of them, fight very hard to be at the top of this victim mentality, you people use it as a tactic and you know it.

It's a twisted psychology, and it should be refuted, all genocides and holocausts are the same, there is no pecking order unless you have a motivation to be at the top, the Jewish state was gifted by zionists, and has since been funded by zionists, you guys have been freeriding of this since your inception
Jews were not the victim of the most horrid crime you say.

That Is a twisted and disgusting fetish to even indulge in such a competition.

Jewish people, or many of them, fight very hard to be at the top of this victim mentality, you people use it as a tactic and you know it.

It's a twisted psychology, and it should be refuted, all genocides and holocausts are the same, there is no pecking order unless you have a motivation to be at the top, the Jewish state was gifted by zionists, and has since been funded by zionists, you guys have been freeriding of this since your inception

The Holocaust is much more disastrous than a genocide because of the industrial planning behind it and the calculated murderer thought how to exterminate anyone who is Jewish. genocides are horrible too, no doubt.

Jews are not playing any victim mentality, as you claim. If we did we would be in your situation: not doing anything to help ourselves and thinking that our situation is an outcome of external forces' motivation to humiliate us, angry on the world, blaming the West for our situation, getting massive assistance and still hating the one who assist us.

From you it sounds like something negative that Zionists helped Israel, this is what Zionism all about, no?
...the government’s counsel could furnish some basic facts about Davis — a January 2010 notification issued by the US embassy about his appointment, his diplomatic passport and a pending request for registration with the Foreign Office....The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 has no requirement for a diplomat to register in the host country for getting immunity and other privileges. Accordingly, most countries do not have a registration requirement for foreign diplomats, but it is a legal requirement in Pakistan.
Because Pakistani can't dump the terms of a treaty it signed by mere whim, the registration process is merely an administrative convenience for the GoP itself. Davis' immunity status is unaffected. He doesn't fall under Pakistani jurisdiction and should never have been arrested.
Because Pakistani can't dump the terms of a treaty it signed by mere whim, the registration process is merely an administrative convenience for the GoP itself. Davis' immunity status is unaffected. He doesn't fall under Pakistani jurisdiction and should never have been arrested.

Eventually they will release him. His arrest is just a charade to please the masses who hates the US even more that they hate their government. I can understand their resentment towards their incompetent government, but the US helped Pakistan way much more than it deserved.

You can look at it as a publicity stun, and it is working so far.
Davis is a CIA agent and Pakistan knew it.

However, with the case having had such great publicity, it will be very difficult for Pakistan Govt to look the other way.
Davis is a CIA agent and Pakistan knew it.

However, with the case having had such great publicity, it will be very difficult for Pakistan Govt to look the other way.

All Pakistan's governments were experts in looking the other way. Davis will be released eventually, just wait and see.
Eventually they will release him. His arrest is just a charade to please the masses -
“Learn from the masses, and then teach them”. Mao Tse-Tung
Pakistanis could take a page from their Chinese ally's book. But that would take courage...
The Holocaust is much more disastrous than a genocide because of the industrial planning behind it and the calculated murderer thought how to exterminate anyone who is Jewish. genocides are horrible too, no doubt.

Jews are not playing any victim mentality, as you claim. If we did we would be in your situation: not doing anything to help ourselves and thinking that our situation is an outcome of external forces' motivation to humiliate us, angry on the world, blaming the West for our situation, getting massive assistance and still hating the one who assist us.

From you it sounds like something negative that Zionists helped Israel, this is what Zionism all about, no?

There you again justifying why the holocaust should be on top, always holocaust first, you never even mentioned how many millions more russian died, or how they too perhaps DESERVE MORE recognition?

To this day the Jewish genocide is rammed down our throats, I don't even know if Jews are allowedto recognise anythingelse, any time Israel feels pressure they mention holocaust, you guys are the worst offenders of bringing up the past, how about you stop first with the complaining???

Also, I am not the same as Arabs, and Pakistani issue is separate.
The Holocaust is much more disastrous than a genocide because of the industrial planning behind it and the calculated murderer thought how to exterminate anyone who is Jewish. genocides are horrible too, no doubt.

Jews are not playing any victim mentality, as you claim. If we did we would be in your situation: not doing anything to help ourselves and thinking that our situation is an outcome of external forces' motivation to humiliate us, angry on the world, blaming the West for our situation, getting massive assistance and still hating the one who assist us.

From you it sounds like something negative that Zionists helped Israel, this is what Zionism all about, no?

hahahahaha, what a failed attempt, u post must in the fail blog

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