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Raqqa: ''Humanity'' vs. ISIS and Kurds.

Apr 22, 2013
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The system: ISIS occupies, then US-supported Kurds step in, the ISIS leaves, and the ethnic cleansing starts: Turks and Arabs are lethally forced to leave or get tortured and killed, as the Amnesty International proved:

- https://www.amnesty.org/en/press-re...lys-razing-of-villages-amounts-to-war-crimes/

Now, as we talk, The same thing happens at Raqqa, even targeting kids.



Since June 6th... at least 340 civilians in Raqqa were likely slain by Coalition strikes and artillery...at least 140 additional civilians perished due to Coalition strikes in the first three weeks of the month.

... as many as 119 children are among those killed in and around Raqqa according to local reports, with most of the young victims named.

... Based on the quality of local reports, at least 87 and as many as 100 of those deaths appear likely to have resulted from US-led actions.

... “What we were able to confirm is that several Coalition attacks in these two towns resulted in significant civilian casualties,” said Ole Solvang, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s emergencies division.


Source: https://airwars.org/news/hundreds-of-civilians-are-being-killed-in-fight-to-take-raqqa-from-isis/

The US-supported Kurds are securing some critical lands in Syria; for example the most habitable lands eligible for farming thanks to water around is captured by Kurds, that land also is critical to the rest of Syria for the same resources.

Meantime, Kurds conduct an ethnic cleansing in the area captured, lethally force the Arabs, Turks and other locals into displacement under torture or death threats, even though Kurds have no any existance in those lands, as in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Turks,Arabs and Persians are dealing with each other, and Kurds with smile thanks to US and Israel.
The system: ISIS occupies, then US-supported Kurds step in, the ISIS leaves, and the ethnic cleansing starts: Turks and Arabs are lethally forced to leave or get tortured and killed, as the Amnesty International proved:

- https://www.amnesty.org/en/press-re...lys-razing-of-villages-amounts-to-war-crimes/

Now, as we talk, The same thing happens at Raqqa, even targeting kids.



Since June 6th... at least 340 civilians in Raqqa were likely slain by Coalition strikes and artillery...at least 140 additional civilians perished due to Coalition strikes in the first three weeks of the month.

... as many as 119 children are among those killed in and around Raqqa according to local reports, with most of the young victims named.

... Based on the quality of local reports, at least 87 and as many as 100 of those deaths appear likely to have resulted from US-led actions.

... “What we were able to confirm is that several Coalition attacks in these two towns resulted in significant civilian casualties,” said Ole Solvang, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s emergencies division.


Source: https://airwars.org/news/hundreds-of-civilians-are-being-killed-in-fight-to-take-raqqa-from-isis/

The US-supported Kurds are securing some critical lands in Syria; for example the most habitable lands eligible for farming thanks to water around is captured by Kurds, that land also is critical to the rest of Syria for the same resources.

Meantime, Kurds conduct an ethnic cleansing in the area captured, lethally force the Arabs, Turks and other locals into displacement under torture or death threats, even though Kurds have no any existance in those lands, as in Iraq.

Meanwhile, Turks,Arabs and Persians are dealing with each other, and Kurds with smile thanks to US and Israel.
You were not wrong in the final statement.
Glad to see Benim Turkice qardeslerim Hakikati guriyorlar.
The first issue is who was guilty, who provided a wide open area for western presence in Kurdish controlled regions?
I say it was not Iran that provided ISIS terrorists with safe passage and high tech weapons.
Puppets in KSA are supporting Kurds from decades ago and recently made it public and now supporting them openly.
Kurds, after ISIS-AlNusra-AlQaeda branches, are USA's second and most important strategy for a long term presence in the region.
The question is how can we deal with it?
First Turkey should end it's bad intentions about Iraqi and Syrian lands which may lead to weakening of all regional countries and benefit USA-Kurds-Israeli axis. Then start a cooperation with it's neighbors instead of religious and regional enmity with them.
Believe me no one has a problem with Turkey's progress, all of us desired good relationship with your country. Before you started a dirty game in Syria and Iraq with NATO's support.
Turkey had some 4 years to intervene directly, it didn't. The West then put a bet on the Kurds as the force on the ground.
Turkey had some 4 years to intervene directly, it didn't. The West then put a bet on the Kurds as the force on the ground.
Why don't you start it yourselves cowards?
We can send you in coffins to your mothers toole sage ashghal !
LOL. .
.take a chill pill loco, this isn't a Simpson cartoon
To me, you are a Simpson character boy!

On the real battlefield American soldiers were killed in Israel. That's an example for you

And again you hadn't the guts of direct interference, so take care of your head, it's shooting into your own a$$
To me, you are a Simpson character boy!

On the real battlefield American soldiers were killed in Israel. That's an example for you

And again you hadn't the guts of direct interference, so take care of your head, it's shooting into your own a$$
Take your pills crazy man
kurds and turks are two of the most racist ethnicities in iran .
Why don't you start it yourselves cowards?
We can send you in coffins to your mothers toole sage ashghal !
kurds and turks are two of the most racist ethnicities in iran .

Apparently the 'a' in 'war' stands for 'atrocities', and those are exactly what are being committed in Syria.While U.S. allies are indeed guilty of committing horrific massacres, whether the battlefield is Raqqa or Mosul, the Iranians and Assadists should not forget that their hands are stained with blood as well, everyone knows that Assad and his allies were bombing hospitals in the liberated and besieged :-)p:) East Aleppo, having killed entire sunni families and are enforcing mass starvation in eastern Damascus, the list goes on.
Iranians and Assadists should not forget that their hands are stained with blood as well, everyone knows that Assad and his allies were bombing hospitals in the liberated and besieged :-)p:) East Aleppo, having killed entire sunni families and are enforcing mass starvation in eastern Damascus, the list goes on.
Please back your claims with credible sources my friend.
4 million Sunni families are seeking for asylum on the streets of EU countries thanks to the terrorists who are turning Syria to an other Afghanistan.
Unfortunately the ordinary citizens were indeed the main victims of this semi world war in Syria!!!
ISIS or Al-Nusra terrorists are responsible for ruining beautiful Syria not SAA or Syrian folks who are resisting against NATO-backed militias.
Search for safe passage that was provided for ISIS terrorists, where their arms came from and who funded them. Syrian citizens were displaced and killed because of those terrorists.
One issue was barrel bombs which were used against the areas that were already evacuated from citizens and only terrorists were operating from those regions.
ISIS is still in Raqqa and Deir ul Zur province, Turkey has stained it's hands too. Is it supposed to be a Sunni country or not? Why would they attack ISIS in Raqqa?
Is Turkey massacring Sunnis or you supposed ISIS and Al-Nusra as Sunni groups?
Please back your claims with credible sources my friend.
4 million Sunni families are seeking for asylum on the streets of EU countries thanks to the terrorists who are turning Syria to an other Afghanistan.
Unfortunately the ordinary citizens were indeed the main victims of this semi world war in Syria!!!
ISIS or Al-Nusra terrorists are responsible for ruining beautiful Syria not SAA or Syrian folks who are resisting against NATO-backed militias.
Search for safe passage that was provided for ISIS terrorists, where their arms came from and who funded them. Syrian citizens were displaced and killed because of those terrorists.
One issue was barrel bombs which were used against the areas that were already evacuated from citizens and only terrorists were operating from those regions.
ISIS is still in Raqqa and Deir ul Zur province, Turkey has stained it's hands too. Is it supposed to be a Sunni country or not? Why would they attack ISIS in Raqqa?
Is Turkey massacring Sunnis or you supposed ISIS and Al-Nusra as Sunni groups?

Ah , yes , I'm trying to post the links to my sources here, but the forum is saying that I have'nt posted enough replies here yet.

Well, excluding ISIS but including Jabhat al-Nusra(or Hayat Tahrir al Sham,as it is known today), the rebels are almost entirely composed of ordinary Syrians who were compelled by the Assad regime to take up arms,there is indeed evidence to suggest that the Assad regime ruled Syria with an iron fist.

Nonetheless,the rebels are also guilty of some war crimes, but all of the destruction and devastation across Syria is not entirely their doing, after all, one cannot clap with a single hand :-)
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