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Rank of Pakistani commandos in the world?

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You know whats funny? Your own commandos taking days to take out Ajmal Kasab:rofl:

What is even more funny is that not a single militant has been caught alive in Pakistan in YEARS leave alone capturing one in Days.:rofl:
the usual ours is best in world paranoia..... :rofl:
not even worth responding tbh
fanboy thread

Israel, America, British and Russian and that is that ..
the order of the above is open to debate but they lead the rest of the world by miles.

Say what...? No French Foreign Legion...? I had always thought that they were equally bad a**.
this thread is a joke . Mods please close it down.:)
What is even more funny is that not a single militant has been caught alive in Pakistan in YEARS leave alone capturing one in Days.:rofl:

develop habit of reading newspaper (its good)

or at least google your claims before posting them here
Patriotism aside, SSG above Spetnaz GRU, Delta Force, Sayeret Matkal looks a joke.

(Not mentioning the Indian Paras)
What Miracles Your Delta force has done in Afghan war? Leave others where NSG stands?
Looks like the thread has been opened by a false flag Indian to embarrass Pakistanis :D
What is even more funny is that not a single militant has been caught alive in Pakistan in YEARS leave alone capturing one in Days.:rofl:

Over confidence kills.... KSM,Abu zubaida,mullah bradar etc etc... most of the high level Al qaeda operatives were caught by PAK.
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