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Raheel Sharif appointed chief of Islamic military alliance, confirms Khawaja Asif

KSA-Iran rivalry projections are long over. The case now is whether folks want to see fights inside Hijaz or nor??? By the by, this time they are all alone...

The way the Saudis have run the affairs of the Muslim World a fight within Saudi Arabia itself will one day become inevitable.I fear you are right. I hope it never happens. May it never happen but if it does the House of Saud will be directly responsible. I miss the Ottoman Empire. I wish Turkey will day try and regain its former position in the Muslim world. We need leaders. We only have donkeys.
Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Friday confirmed the recent development that former army chief General (retd) Raheel Sharif was made the chief of 39-nation Islamic military coalition to combat terrorism.

Speaking during a talk show at Geo TV, Asif admitted that an agreement in this regard was finalised few days back; however, the defence minister said he didn’t have much information at the moment about the details of the said agreement.

Asif said that the decision was taken after taking the incumbent government into confidence and “it was finalised here first”.

The defence minister said that any such assignment or posting requires proper clearance from the government and General Headquarters (GHQ) both and confirmed that the due process was followed before finalising the agreement. He was, however, unaware of the exact details.

“As you are aware that this thing was in the pipeline for quite some time and the prime minister was also part of the deliberations,” Asif said.

He was of the opinion that formation of such an alliance is a good step, as the “Muslim Ummah is in a spot of bother right now and needs unity among its ranks”.

Pakistan had initially found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

However, after initial ambiguity, the government had confirmed its participation in the alliance, but had said that the scope of its participation would be defined after Riyadh shared the details of the coalition it was assembling.
good development:tup:
He is doing in his personal capacity...He is a great warrior...Hope he will be able to bring peace with the help of fellow brethren....

Stabilization of Muslim countries is very necessary before ISIS starts knocking down on each and every home....

General Raheel....Steam roll those ISIS goons and other proxies which are destabilizing Muslim countries....Save those countries just like you saved Pakistan...

May Allah reward your honesty...Ameen. You are our pride..

oh yaar, why do pakistanis elevate fauji to some superhuman status. he is a professional soldier and a very good one at that. do i think he will suddenly change the fortunes of this hodge podge alliance? well he will do a damn better job than the current so called 'alliance leaders'. he was coas of pak fauj a battle hardened professional army which is constantly facing an enemy 10 times its size in all areas and cannot afford to relax. however this soo called 'alliance' is not pak fauj, there are huge differences. you cant expect a battalion of senegalese muslim soldiers or kuwaitis to be at a par with pak army, thats not arrogance its a fact. we are facing an existential threat from our neighbours since independence. he is going to have a hard time mark my word.
What makes me so sure? Well Arabs - I mean the 'real Arabs' of the peninsula who have the oil have gotten very arrogant. Their heads are floating in the skies and from that elevated position they look down at Pakistani's even if they need them to do their dirty work. The only people they see eye to eye or respect are Americans, British, French and other Europeans (in that order) and I can't see how they would place a Pakistani in command of a alliance force where he would be the numero uno. Advisor yes or consultant hidden away from the public limelight but with full glory of command nah!

I don't know if you guy's know about Battle of Khafji. This was fought in the First Gulf War when a Iraqi armoured battalion drove straight into the Saudi border town of Khafji trapping two US Marine recon platoons. This action caught the American's by surprise and everybody including Saudi's high tailed it out of that town. Then a Saudi and Qatari battle group was sent in to take back Khafji and save the American's. In the tough hand to hand fighting that followed the Saudi's ran away but the Qatari unit held ground and shouldered most of the battle leading to eventally the Iraqi's being thrown out.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khafji

What most people did not know was that most of the Qatari unit was made of contract Pakistani soldiers. However their heroism was 'stolen' when the Saudi General (some Prince) took all the credit and Pakstani contribution was buried in history books. This is typical example of Saudi's or other Arabs do.

I mean if KSA or rest of GCC had shred of real respect for Pakistan instead of 'buying out' piecemeal our skills I would ask @Zarvan and other cheerleaders for the ummah why did they NOT hire Pakistan Army to kick the Iraqi's out of Kuwait? Either they thought Pakistan was incapable or they much preferred to hand over $100 billion to America to get the job done.

Can you imagine if they had given that job to Pakistan? It would have given Pakistan a chance to make it's name in history and earn over $100 billion enough to buy all those toys PDF'ers dream of. Also no 'kaffir' army would have stepped their foot on the soil of KSA. Instead they hired the 'Jarheads' to do the job. So much for Muslim Ummah !

So in 2017 I hardly expect these people to privilage a Pakistan by placing him in a command level position that enjoys widespread publicity in the open that goes against the stereotype that has been built up in GCC of Pakistan as 'Miskeen'. It is for this reason I would would be most surprised if I am wrong.
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Very difficult task ahead...GOD speed
What makes me so sure? Well Arabs - I mean the 'real Arabs' of the peninsula who have the oil have gotten very arrogant. Their heads are floating in the skies and from that elevated position they look down at Pakistani's even if they need them to do their dirty work. The only people they see eye to eye or respect are Americans, British, French and other Europeans (in that order) and I can't see how they would place a Pakistani in command of a alliance force where he would be the numero uno. Advisor yes or consultant but in command nah!

I don't know if you guy's know about Battle of Khafji. This was fought in the First Gulf War when a Iraqi armoured battalion drove straight into the Saudi border town of Khafji trapping two US Marine recon platoons. This action caught the American's by surprise and everybody including Saudi's high tailed it out of that town. Then a Saudi and Qatari battle group was sent in to take back Khafji and save the American's. In the tough hand to hand fighting that followed the Saudi's ran away but the Qatari unit held ground and shouldered most of the battle leading to eventally the Iraqi's being thrown out.

Link > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khafji

What most people did not know was that most of the Qatari unit was made of contract Pakistani soldiers. However their heroism was 'stolen' when the Saudi General (some Prince) took all the credit and Pakstani contribution was buried in history books. This is typical example of Saudi's or other Arabs do.

I mean if KSA or rest of GCC had shred of real respect for Pakistan instead of 'buying out' piecemeal our skills I would ask @Zarvan and other cheerleaders for the ummah why did they NOT hire Pakistan Army to kick the Iraqi's out of Kuwait? Either they thought Pakistan was incapable or they much preferred to hand over $100 billion to America to get the job done.

Can you imagine if they had given that job to Pakistan? It would have given Pakistan a chance to make it's name in history and earn over $100 billion enough to buy all those toys PDF'ers dream of. Also no 'kaffir' army would have stepped their foot on the soil of KSA. Instead they hired the 'Jarheads' to do the job. So much for Muslim Ummah !

So in 2017 I hardly expect these people to privilage a Pakistan by placing him in a command level position that enjoys widespread publicity in the open that goes against the stereotype that has been built up in GCC of Pakistan as 'Miskeen'. It is for this reason I would would be most surprised if I am wrong.

If Raheel will be appointed at any position it will be because of zarb-e-azb. Pakistanis knew before hand eliminating TTP was just matter of developing consensus which is so hard to do in Pakistan for most issues apart from nuclear bomb and IoK. While most of islamic/arab world is getting destroyed by rag tag militias despite all the support from west.
If Raheel will be appointed at any position it will be because of zarb-e-azb.
I am not doubting Raheel's abilities and his track record. Zarb-e-Azb is widely acknowledged as to have been a rare example of shining success in Pakistan.

What I find incredulous is the thought that the Arabs will place a Pakistani in such a high profile public position as alliance commander. I just struggle to see that happening given Arab record with regards to Pakistani's. A background position as advisor or consultant is very real possibility and so far all the evidence points to this.

A command position is very open to the public and without any ambiquity. Think of General Norman Swarzkopf commander of Allied forces against Iraq. Think Gen. Eisonhower supreme Allied commander European theatre WW2. However I think he is going to be pushed to some background advisor role. So far the evidence points in that direction. Notice the hush, hush nature of reporting. Why the fvckn secrecy? It's not like he is going to do a RAW Kulbhushan Yadav in Balochistan.

A commander is very public position. The fact that no GCC mainstream media has reported this and even in Pakistan we are getting gossip suggests that this is going to be some background advisory role while some Saudi prince wearing the uniform of a general will be the public face.

I certainly hope I am wrong. If Raheel is placed and declared publicly as commander of a alliance force it will bring much good publicity to Pakistan on the international arena which would be great thing even if I had to take retirement from PDF..
Hope we Muslim can be united but America for sure will not allow it

If this force will deploy to protect Muslims like in Myanmar, Kashmir and Bosnia great it's a good step

If it's going to wage war in Yemen, Syria and Iraq then I hope we are not part of this alliance

Any war which allows Muslims to divide Pakistan has stayed away in past and should stay away in future

Raheel is the best man for the job, nuclear power and madinah and Makkah a fantastic combination Muslims have never been this powerful before we just need the guts

I sincerely hope this alliance is a success
Hope we Muslim can be united but America for sure will not allow it

If this force will deploy to protect Muslims like in Myanmar, Kashmir and Bosnia great it's a good step

If it's going to wage war in Yemen, Syria and Iraq then I hope we are not part of this alliance

Any war which allows Muslims to divide Pakistan has stayed away in past and should stay away in future

Raheel is the best man for the job, nuclear power and madinah and Makkah a fantastic combination Muslims have never been this powerful before we just need the guts

I sincerely hope this alliance is a success

When they announced alliance countries like Egypt, Syria, Libya; Yemen and Iraq were mentioned. Mostly arab countries ravaged by war, and as token Afghanistan. This look more like alliance of muslim countries to defeat terrorists in arab countries. Maybe by making Raheel chief they are trying to get Pakistan to involve in Yemen.
Watch around 17 minutes... thats where he says

A brave decision by Islamic Countries specially by KSA. Now we should say that slowly slowly all things will be Ok.
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