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Racism aganist Iranians in more Hollywood movies

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That wasn't my point. Complaining about racism while spouting racism is fairly ineffective...

I know that and I am not that person who made that racist statement. I want your opinion that's all.
I love hollywood. such great movies much hot actors very much entertainment :)
dont these Movies show the current antagonists?
it used to be Arabs back in the 80s, delta force movies for example. and recently its the Pakistanis too

I really loved "from Paris with Love". Pakistani suicide bombers get blown up and shot in the face by John Travolta.

Iranians are not a glaring example in projecting any hint of positive image about themselves and their country which is a real tragedy. so their opponents will pick up anything to further defile them. only in 80s the Iranian regime executed over 10 thousand secular activist Iranians who played an instrumental role in removing the American puppet Shah of Iran.
I know that and I am not that person who made that racist statement. I want your opinion that's all.
It was framed in its time period. What I hated most actually is were the guy hunts a wolf. The Spartan youth actually hunted helots to "graduate"
It was framed in its time period. What I hated most actually is were the guy hunts a wolf. The Spartan youth actually hunted helots to "graduate"

The problem is, such movies will give people ideas about Persians... Like they are these evil being whom thirst for blood,war, riches and conquer. It causes people to subliminally think of Persians in these ways.
That wasn't my point. Complaining about racism while spouting racism is fairly ineffective...
Hi friend

long time no speak. I agree. I think movies are one of the final avenue where we can't be compelled to be PC
its becoming so hard now.
generally speaking we have to apologize to gingers, homosexuals, we cant afford to offend the Muslims by being alive and well. then we got vegetarians and eco-warriors.

.. yes there are political and ethnic undertones to some movies . there are many examples and I know posters can name many. just go with the flow and deal with it.

so my Iranian friends, Arabs have been butt of the jokes in Hollywood period movies , Carry on Khyber (a masterpiece makes fun of Pashtons) ..

a decade ago. I being a Pakistani also used to see an unrelated and unnecessary reference to Pakistanis in a negative way and then I look for the reasons in credits and tell me self oh a filthy Indian added that there to settle a score (usual suspects the movie for example)

but now I tend to enjoy that bad publicity because , because its is impossible for me to continuously denying that my countrymen are the willing minions and grunts of the Petro Dollar funded global Jihad. hence I said earlier that I loved "from Paris with love" and actually cheered when Travolta blew the Pakistani terrorist scumbags (although knowing so well that in almost all such cases those roles are played by smirking Indians )
It causes people to subliminally think of Persians in these ways.

such people deserve my pity. if they can form their opinion about such a rich culture and an ancient race over a 87 minutes movie made for the sole purpose of making money.

I once saw a program on BBC called Question time. and a young Scottish female who was a member of the audience demolished one of the participants who was reciting a recycled evil Iran this and that.

the girl gave many examples of current Iran the freedom of women, their education their art their contribution to science etc and played down the politician's rhetoric.
nothing new.....remember how they mocked indian culture in alexander....idiots didnt know tat there are no tropical forests in punjab......stupid people
The problem is, such movies will give people ideas about Persians... Like they are these evil being whom thirst for blood,war, riches and conquer. It causes people to subliminally think of Persians in these ways.
Actually I don't see any major adverse effect towards Iran in 300. 300 is a movie that insulted whole Asia together. Damage created towards Iran's image from propaganda through media barring 300 is significantly greater than this fictional movie. For example Argo, Stoning of Soraya and Not Without My Daughter have done a much much bigger harm. Not to mention mainstream news outlets.that exaggerate everything little thing coming from unfriendly countries of west.

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To Iranian fellow members, do not take it serious, they did racism with many other countries like china, North Korea, India etc.. it becomes common thing to make joke of Indian in Hollywood movies
but not in MI4 :D
such people deserve my pity. if they can form their opinion about such a rich culture and an ancient race over a 87 minutes movie made for the sole purpose of making money.

I once saw a program on BBC called Question time. and a young Scottish female who was a member of the audience demolished one of the participants who was reciting a recycled evil Iran this and that.

the girl gave many examples of current Iran the freedom of women, their education their art their contribution to science etc and played down the politician's rhetoric.

If only our pity could cure their problem.
The problem goes much deeper than that. People who go to watch these films have most definitely also been a victim of mass media propaganda machine which 24/7 brainwashes them about how evil country x an y is. Don't get me wrong, every country is guilty of doing such thing. if you are an individual, whom all your life you been told Iran is nation run by fanatics and then you watch 300... do you think they are informed enough to see the lies? of course not. This has nothing to do with their IQ but how informed they are. Hope I made sense.
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