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قہر برپا کیا تم نے نبیﷺکا نام لے کر

if we remove this law then any body will kill any person in the name of blasphemy as it is natural that blasphemy hurts emotions of every Muslim so severely that he cannot control himself

so what about other religion shouldnt they also kill if there religious sentiments are mocked
but if at least improve the law giving abusers of this law punishment it will discourage this action but the issue is whoever raises the voice for improvement or abolishment is killed by religious fanatics. Is that right??
at the same time law should also protect other religious sentiments if it protect sentiments of muslims
if we remove this law then any body will kill any person in the name of blasphemy as it is natural that blasphemy hurts emotions of every Muslim so severely that he cannot control himself
Are you talking about Pakistan or whole world? The true followes are who make their path according teaching in Quran and Mohammad SAW, now it's your choice you present Islam as peace or opposite of it it's your choice you believe Mohammad SAW is Rehmatul Aalemeen or opposite of it ( Naoubillah ) Patience Reham Forgivness is the key to follow.
Because the problem is not implementing Blasphemy laws the moment State starts implementing this law with full power there will be no rogue groups taking law in there own hands but cases will be reported to Police.

I would happily debate this, but then stike '2' may occur because I respond back under 'derailing thread'. Which I don't care about. If I know I'm not wrong. I know I am not wrong and I hold to that firmly.
if we ask to forgive any person who killed blasphemer murderer or wrongly charged terrorist no one will forgive him but Holy Prophet [P.B.U.H] had also forgiven murderers of His[P.B.U.H] relatives .These are our double standard
Are you talking about Pakistan or whole world? The true followes are who make their path according teaching in Quran and Mohammad SAW, now it's your choice you present Islam as peace or opposite of it it's your choice you believe Mohammad SAW is Rehmatul Aalemeen or opposite of it ( Naoubillah ) Patience Reham Forgivness is the key to follow.
I would happily debate this, but then stike '2' may occur because I respond back under 'derailing thread'. Which I don't care about. If I know I'm not wrong. I know I am not wrong and I hold to that firmly.
Sorry but you are wrong ending this law will only increase these mobbing incidents and can't be stopped. But implementing this law will ensure people that if they would go to Police and report that somebody is doing Blasphemy will get punished also by state than nobody will take law in there own hand and will report to Police. Also when it gets proven than one is innocent and the accuser is a liar when he would get punished by state than false accusations will also reduce.
if we ask to forgive any person who killed blasphemer murderer or wrongly charged terrorist no one will forgive him but Holy Prophet [P.B.U.H] had also forgiven murderers of His[P.B.U.H] relatives .These are our double standard
It's not double or triple standard janab, if you murdered some one you pay for your crime or other party agreed on Qisas than there is another deal. And there is a punishment waiting up in there as well!

وَمَن يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُّتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا
Sahih International: But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment. ( 4:93 )
Sorry but you are wrong ending this law will only increase these mobbing incidents and can't be stopped. But implementing this law will ensure people that if they would go to Police and report that somebody is doing Blasphemy will get punished also by state than nobody will take law in there own hand and will report to Police. Also when it gets proven than one is innocent and the accuser is a liar when he would get punished by state than false accusations will also reduce.

So your only argument/excuse in favor of this Draconian un-Islamic law is that repealing/diluting it will increase mobbing incidents ??

Reform this law, make it Islamic, and then publicly hang a few such mobsters and inciters (who refuse to comply) for spreading Fasad fil Arz and challenging the writ of the state and you will see a significant drop in such incidents.
the similar punishment is for blasphemer because respect of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and HIS Prophets is more sacred and above some ones life.If murderer punishment is death then blasphemer punishment must be death
It's not double or triple standard janab, if you murdered some one you pay for your crime or other party agreed on Qisas than there is another deal. And there is a punishment waiting up in there as well!

وَمَن يَقْتُلْ مُؤْمِنًا مُّتَعَمِّدًا فَجَزَاؤُهُ جَهَنَّمُ خَالِدًا فِيهَا وَغَضِبَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَلَعَنَهُ وَأَعَدَّ لَهُ عَذَابًا عَظِيمًا
Sahih International: But whoever kills a believer intentionally - his recompense is Hell, wherein he will abide eternally, and Allah has become angry with him and has cursed him and has prepared for him a great punishment. ( 4:93 )
This Jahil Nation is on full Suicide mode ... if such people get their hands on nuke they will launch it on one person for blasphemy, This Law needs to be reformed
the similar punishment is for blasphemer because respect of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and HIS Prophets is more sacred and above some ones life.If murderer punishment is death then blasphemer punishment must be death

Please read the Holy Qur'an. Allah has forbidden Muslims to kill anyone unless it be for murder or spreading Fasad fil Arz.

Killing someone for committing blasphemy(or any other crime except the aforementioned two) is a blatant violation of clear Quranic injunctions
This Jahil Nation is on full Suicide mode ... if such people get their hands on nuke they will launch it on one person for blasphemy, This Law needs to be reformed

God have Mercy hit the nail *hi-5*
the similar punishment is for blasphemer because respect of ALLAH ALMIGHTY and HIS Prophets is more sacred and above some ones life.If murderer punishment is death then blasphemer punishment must be death
Again you interfering in Allah and teaching of Islam, who give you authority to kill someone? Give me any single verse from Quran where Allah mentioned to kill someone? Dude are you serious?
Again you interfering in Allah and teaching of Islam, who give you authority to kill someone? Give me any single verse from Quran where Allah mentioned to kill someone? Dude are you serious?

Quran talks about Fighting the non-believers and hypocrites on many occasions, but Blasphemy is not one issue where Allah directly has ordered to kill anyone , Those who were given death sentence in times of Prophet, what we forget that Prophet has the Authority of a Ruler, Judge and messenger of Allah, his decision is Allah's Decisions but anyone from the society without any Authority can not provoke Mob to slaughter anyone who do blasphemy,
So your only argument/excuse in favor of this Draconian un-Islamic law is that repealing/diluting it will increase mobbing incidents ??

Reform this law, make it Islamic, and then publicly hang a few such mobsters and inciters (who refuse to comply) for spreading Fasad fil Arz and challenging the writ of the state and you will see a significant drop in such incidents.
It's totally Islamic law and I know Hadith rejectors hate this law because there issue was always with RASOOL SAW and his status in Islam but this is law is totally Islamic and is there and will remain there no power on earth can take it from our constitution

Again you interfering in Allah and teaching of Islam, who give you authority to kill someone? Give me any single verse from Quran where Allah mentioned to kill someone? Dude are you serious?
Punishment was given to several people in life of RASOOL SAW.
Quran talks about Fighting the non-believers and hypocrites on many occasions, but Blasphemy is not one issue where Allah directly has ordered to kill anyone , Those who were given death sentence in times of Prophet, what we forget that Prophet has the Authority of a Ruler, Judge and messenger of Allah, his decision is Allah's Decisions but anyone from the society without any Authority can not provoke Mob to slaughter anyone who do blasphemy,
Right! I was talking about about blasphemy punishment.
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