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There is another, better way: Don't marry your first cousins. One of many strange Arab culture the South Asian Muslims have developed.
It is not Arab culture...

Let me put it this way...Take 2 couples:

1 - 1st cousin with a medical problem in either one or both
2- non related couples with medical problem...

The likely hood that the next generation would have the same medical problem is high in both! Sure higher in the 1st cousin but not by much!

Take 2 couples:

3- 1st cousins without any medical problem
2- Non related with medical problem

The chances of the next generation to inherit the medical problem is negligible in the 3rd couple, since there arent any medical problems....however it is high in the 2nd set. DNA doesnt float in air that you can inherit it from nothing...If you have a problem, and even if you arent related, you have SOME chances of passing it on! THEN AGAIN not all diseases are inheritable!

Yes it is. Cousin marriages in mostly practiced in Muslim countries and we adopted this disgusting practice from Arabs.
It is not an Arab culture we didnt adopt it from Arabs...It was a normal thing back in the day......Many pharaohs married their own sisters.
Many queens and kings were 1st cousin...It is a tool to keep the treasures within the family...Another thought was to keep a certain facial/ physic within the family or even worse not to pollute the caste!

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