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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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“Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and we will not tolerate any attempt to amend the law,” a leader of the pro-Taliban Jamiatul Ulema-e-Islam (JUI), Maulana Ahmad Khan told the participants.

Jinnah played the religion card and unleashed a ghost, 60 years on and Pakistan is still haunted by it.
Well seems like it'll be hard to get it off with so much radicalisation still in the society..
It's really sad that people are actually protesting. Blasphemy law was made by Zia ***** who was a wahabi fanatic. He is the reason why we have this taliban problem and afghani refugee problem.

Quaid e Azam, Allama Iqbal,Liaqat Ali Khan,Ayub Khan and other great secular leaders would never ever want this law in Pakistan.

This blasphemy law is only used to target religious minorities and muslims for personal gains. I can throw a paper away with the name Muhammad and I will be framed for blasphemy put on death row like Asia Bibi because she did not want to convert to Islam.

These Jamatis are the same people who opposed the creation of Pakistan.

And this Zia the fanatic is the same person who nurtured MQM to create an alternative power agianst JI in Karachi... tsk tsk
Safriz with due respect. You are a good member and i like most of your posts. I really have respect for you. And i know how it feels when someone insult prophet. Its like you want to put whole 75 rounds of AK47 in the person (Atleast i feel like that). But the point is did Islam really want us to kill the person?? or do islam want us to tolerate.

You must be aware when prophet went to Taif to spread msg of Islam. What happend there. Prophet was insulted. People threw so much stones that Prophets (S.A.W) shoes filled with blood. And then came Gibreel and said if you order i'll smash the mountains on the Taif. But Prophet raised his hand and prayed for people of Taif that they don't understand, Show them the right path. And we know people of Taif embraced Islam.

Now things to note about the story above; Here Prophet was insulted, He was insulted personally, Then its not he didn't had power to kill them. He had the power and choice that by his one word the whole Taif will be destroyed. But He prayed? why? Because he wanted to give lesson of tolerance. Not lesson of voilence. Today we ourself don't have tolerance in us thats why we are just changing islam and making Islam a religion which can say that we did the right thing. The mullahs can't argue on this matter and don't want to accept that they themselves are low on tolerance thats why they'll issue fatwa as soon you'll start talking about this matter.

Forget the loopholes in the law and how its been misused just tell me when there are many examples are present in Prophet's life in which he tolerated then who are we to say that there should be no tolerance on this matter. Its not Islam saying this its our intolerance coming out and we are using islam to cover our own personal insecurities.


Dear MJ... That tolerance was before Muslims had power in Madina... Once the Islamic State came into action, no blasphemy was ever tolerated...

This is an issue of life and death for Muslims... in our current situation obviously this law is being used unfairly... and we do not have an Islamic State, but blasphemy against the Prophet will not be tolerated in the Caliphate (or outside in any other country) and states which promote any such activity will become hell on earth if they dared insult our prophet...

A man once killed his wife because she insulted the prophet and the prophet asked about the murder during congregation prayer... The man came out trembling with fear thinking that he will be punished for his crime but the prophet saw declared that if he murdered his wife because she blasphemed against Rasool Allah then there is no punishment for him...
Dear MJ... That tolerance was before Muslims had power in Madina... Once the Islamic State came into action, no blasphemy was ever tolerated...

This is an issue of life and death for Muslims... in our current situation obviously this law is being used unfairly... and we do not have an Islamic State, but blasphemy against the Prophet will not be tolerated in the Caliphate (or outside in any other country) and states which promote any such activity will become hell on earth if they dared insult our prophet...

That doesn't paint a very good picture. I think some of these concepts should be best ignored.
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That doesn't paint a very good picture. I think some of these concepts can be best ignored.


Don't poke your nose into the religious matters of Muslims, go to some Bharati forum and tell Hindus what they should ignore and what not.

Don't poke your nose into the religious matters of Muslims, go to some Bharati forum and tell Hindus what they should ignore and what not.

ooo I am so scared..
BTW, I am a Bharati Athiest . No point bringing Hinduism into this. Blasphemy law is stupid and even countries like Saudi Arabia don't implement so strictly. What ever the previous poster said was so intolerant and scary.

It is sad how politics and foreign money can mold people's psyche. Do you think Pakistanis would have had the same ideologies if Zia hadn't introduce the law for his political gain or US and Saudi didn't fund the radical elements for their strategic gain?
ooo I am so scared..
BTW, I am a Bharati Athiest . No point bringing Hinduism into this. Blasphemy law is stupid and even countries like Saudi Arabia don't implement so strictly. What ever the previous poster said was so intolerant and scary.

It is sad how politics and foreign money can mold people's psyche. Do you think Pakistanis would have had the same ideologies if Zia hadn't introduce the law for his political gain or US and Saudi didn't fund the radical elements for their strategic gain?

The top most scholars of the Muslim world have consensus on this law! We decided to implement and enforce it.

NOW watch on your words from NOW on!
The top most scholars of the Muslim world have consensus on this law! We decided to implement and enforce it.

NOW watch on your words from NOW on!

Pakistan is a lot more tolerant and a modern state compared to many other muslim Kingdoms and dictatorships. But you have the strictest blasphemy law in the whole muslim world. I feel the law totally goes against the idea of Pakistan and how it wants to be identified.

Pakistan is a lot more tolerant and a modern state compared to many other muslim Kingdoms and dictatorships. But you have the strictest blasphemy law in the whole muslim world. I feel the law totally goes against the idea of Pakistan and how it wants to be identified.

Blasphemy law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Absolutely NOT, Pakistan was made for the Muslims of sub-continent where they can live in accordance with the laws of Qur'an and Sunnah, this was idea of Pakistan, two nation theory.
Absolutely NOT, Pakistan was made for the Muslims of sub-continent where they can live in accordance with the laws of Qur'an and Sunnah, this was idea of Pakistan, two nation theory.

OK. Good for you.
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ooo I am so scared..
BTW, I am a Bharati Athiest . No point bringing Hinduism into this. Blasphemy law is stupid and even countries like Saudi Arabia don't implement so strictly. What ever the previous poster said was so intolerant and scary.

It is sad how politics and foreign money can mold people's psyche. Do you think Pakistanis would have had the same ideologies if Zia hadn't introduce the law for his political gain or US and Saudi didn't fund the radical elements for their strategic gain?

If you felt scared at my comments then the purpose was served...

You should be scared... and if you are a man discuss the blasphemy law is "stupid" in real life amongst Muslims... Its easy to do what you do over the internet dummy...
These people are the product of lack of an education and stupidity

I bet you dont have half the education that I have Mr Dance...

Try to discuss instead of making comments that make you look silly...

No one should have the right to insult anyone... and once it goes to the very master of all Muslims... the one who dares such a thing shall have to pay dearly...

Like it or not... We are dangerous people... you dont want to mess around with us...

Feel welcome to insult me personally... I will tolerate that... but not if it gets directed at my master...
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