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Protestors warn of anarchy if blasphemy law changed

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You are a metro from noida, u wont understand what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did at especific times during his Prophethood, and why,
Dear Ego Boy, why do u think I wont be able to understand what Muhammad did during his times of prophethood ?
You and I don't have to be part of history to know the history. We have the same sources to rely on and those are the Sira, the Quran and the Hadith.
If you want to doubt these books which history you believe? The one which is the figment of your imagination?
Can you disprove me for the sake of debunking my misconceptions? Can you show my errors?
Plz try.
next time on this forum if use the pharse " Victim's of Muhammad ". I will give u such a wordly treat that u will...........i hope u got the point.
I am afraid that is not enough. You issued a warning. What was that about? What should I be careful of? Please explain.
If I distort history or anything, it can be easily demonstrated. Where is your proof? Show me exactly which things I have distorted and what is your evidence. I quoted Sahih Hadith and Sira in my previous post to put my word. Is this distortion of the truth? Do you have any other version of history? Show me your evidence.

Source: Dove World Outreach Center U.S
No sir.
Sources are- Hadiths and Siras. Cant u see them ?

What a moronic post... and such bold claims... Mr metro... Instead of challenging us why dont you show us a Bahai reference for this story...

See now how he runs away with his tail between his legs...
No sir, I m not going to run away. If u prove me wrong, I would humbly accept my ignorance and apologize for it. But before that u need to prove me wrong.
Like I said its not me, who concocted that story of Jewish lady throwing garbage on Muhammad, its your own brethrens who did that. I merely asked you to show me the proof of that story. Can U show me a single authenetic hadith advocating this story.
This story was first claimed by the Baha'is and is attributed to their prophet Abdul' Baha, who was exiled with his father to Akka and was ill treated by the Arab inhabitants of that town. Muslims, have plagiarized this story and have attributed it to Muhammad, who ordered a Jewess, a mother of five small children, to be assassinated only because she had composed a poetry against him. This story is all over the Internet and I must have seen it over 100 times in this very forum. It cannot be found in any early source and yet no one tries to stop it because it is an expedient lie.
U think im lying ? Plz show me my lie.
Plz try.

Overseas Pakistanis know the difference in free, democratic nations vs. the still struggling quasi-democracy in Pakistan. You are not subject to harm if you speak up objectively for moderate, down to earth needs and goals you might wish for your homeland.

Not all Muslims are hate mongers. However, it is fair to say that most of those who take their religion seriously are.
There are also wonderful and peaceful Muslims; nonetheless you would have a hard time finding them in a mosque. If you want to find good people among Muslims, look among the non-practicing non-believing members. Muslims are most dangerous when they come out of the mosques and after they listen to the fiery sermons of their mullahs. It does not take a genius to see the problem is Islam. The more Muslims believe in Islam and practice it the more barbaric and dangerous they become. If some Muslims are not bad people, it is because they are not good Muslims. You’re a living example of that.
Refresh your religious know how, go read Prophets biography during Madani Period and what Khulfah Rashadeen did to people who insulted prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Saying TO HELL WITH BLASPHEMY LAW MEANS TO HELL WITH SHARIA LAW, so before opening your mouth, think what u r saying.

Dont get sucked in by Media and Enlightened, secular, democratic Hypocrites, go back to Quran and Sunnah "IF" u r a Muslim, and thats a big "IF".

and don't get sucked in by the mullahs they don't have a monopoly on islam go read the life of the prophet yourself and read about his mercy he forgave people when they threw garbage on him and even tried to kill him !
your just a sick person and insulting the prophet himself if you think he would make a law to kill those who criticize him again you people have made up your own law in islam ! i'm not saying to criticize him but that his blasphemy law in unislamic and abusive tool against minorities and even muslims IF YOUR MUSLIM YOU BELIEVE KORAN IS THE WORD OF GOD NOW WHERE DOES IT SAY IN THE KORAN YOU MUST KILL SOMEONE WHO ASKS WHAT HAS MUHAMMED DONE FOR MUSLIMS OR THROWS AWAY A BUSINESS CARD WITH THE NAME MUHAMMED ON IT ??? COZ THATS EXACTLY THE KIND OF CRAP THIS BLASPHEMY LAW HAS IMPLEMENTED :hitwall:
This thread has gone way off course now, with citations of hadith and counter claims of these being doctored hadith. 11 pages of discussion is enough. Let's move on now. Thread closed.
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