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Prophet Muhammad Movie in Iran

Many Iranians now hate Islam and the prophet more than anything you can think of. One doesn't need to go far to know. Just by reading the comments of many Iranian members throughout PDF, you could see the intense hatred. I think the Iranian Regime is artificially trying to present a picture for their own people as "religious", while the truth is completely different. A lot are living in serious doubts and uncertainty while bitterly wishing that their country remained Zoroastrian as it was before Islam. That doesn't necessarily have to do with them being Shia. Arab, Pakistani, and Afghan Shia are quiet religious.

The Iranian communities living abroad are the quickest communities to assimilate. Signs of religiousness among them (like hijab for women) is extremely rare, compared to other Islamic communities like Pakistanis, Afghans, and Arabs. Some people attribute this to the improper management of the current regime for the country, or the systematic secularization that the Pahlavis have done, and some say it is an inherent part of Persian culture that considers Islam to be the enemy that made them loos their prior significance in the Middle East.

My two cents.
and what's your problem???
go and talk about the atheists in al SALOOL country
no problem if they become murtad as long they live in non muslim country
How are they going to do a movie about the prophet without depicting him in an actual actor?
Also I dont know what is the deal with this haram thing. Why is it haram to portray prophet Muhammed?
Its not like Muhammed was holy. He was just a man, a messenger. Not God himself.
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How are they going to do a movie about the prophet without depicting him in an actual actor?
Also I dont know what is the deal with this haram thing. Why is it haram to portray prophet Muhammed?
Its not like Muhammed was holy. He was just a man, a messenger. Not God himself.

Shaduup puddycat.
lol, no but really.
Why is it haram to portray the prophet?
He was just flesh and blood. Not an angel or godly creature.

Simply because we don't know how he looks like. And if we draw him and put him on posters. People may hang these posters on a wall and worship him.

We will meet him later. For now, we'll be eating kabobs. :tup:
Simply because we don't know how he looks like. And if we draw him and put him on posters. People may hang these posters on a wall and worship him.

We will meet him later. For now, we'll be eating kabobs. :tup:

So the act itself (portraying him) is not haram, but its not done out of fear what will follow afterwards, if someone does? Right?
So the act itself (portraying him) is not haram, but its not done out of fear what will follow afterwards, if someone does? Right?

Well we can't portray him for that reason you mentioned. The reason it is haram to portary haram is because of what may follow afterwards.

This is what he told us and this is why he refused to allow us to make portraits of him, correct. You can see him in a dream, just make a duaa after isha prayer.

I might have seen the left side of his face in a dream. Or that someone else. I saw someone with a sky blue thobe and he had a beard with orange/red marks on some of it.

If that was him(God knows) he doesn't look the way some Muslims portrary him. I couldn't see his hair though.
Well we can't portray him for that reason you mentioned. The reason it is haram to portary haram is because of what may follow afterwards.

This is what he told us and this is why he refused to allow us to make portraits of him, correct. You can see him in a dream, just make a duaa after isha prayer.

I do respect that.
Just curious, is agnostic someone who believes in a higher power? Do you believe in a God?

I believe in God. I dont believe in "a" God. There is only one, and he is almighty.
When I say Im agnostic, I just mean that I dont take a particular stance on religion. Religion does not interest me.

Even if that is not what the true definition of agnosticism is.
But I believe in God.

So I got it backwards before. The portraying is not done, precisely BECAUSE Muhammed was not holy. That makes sense.
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I believe in God. I dont believe in "a" God. There is only one, and he is almighty.
When I say Im agnostic, I just mean that I dont take a particular stance on religion. Religion does not interest me.

Even if that is not what the true definition of agnosticism is.
But I believe in God.

So I got it backwards before. The portraying is not done, precisely BECAUSE Muhammed was not holy. That makes sense.

If you believe in God that what do you believe is the purpose he created you for?

Depends what you mean by Holy. In Arabic it could have many meanings. He was referred to as the holy messenger just as we refer to the Quran as a holy Quran. If you mean by worshiping him as the one God. Then no, he isn't God. God is considered 'The Most Holy'. That is one of his titles.

By the modern definition it can have different meanings in the English language.
Good question. lol
What is your answer to that? lol


I listen to Muhammad(SAW) for that answer. However, I can't describe God to you. Keep in mind, in our religion God remains mysterious. Nobody remembers him or knows him. All we know about him is what he revealed to us. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) saw him face to face. He is the only creation to have saw God. And he said he can't describe in words what he say. All he mentioned was that he saw a lot of light. We are supposed to see him remove his veil in Paradise. Currently he has veils of light covering his face.

He tells us he removed a memory from our minds so that we can't remember him assigning our souls. Although he says we were present when he was speaking to our spirits.

I listen to Muhammad(SAW) for that answer. However, I can't describe God to you. Keep in mind, in our religion God remains mysterious. Nobody remembers him or knows him. All we know about him is what he revealed to us. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) saw him face to face. He is the only creation to have saw God. And he said he can't describe in words what he say. All he mentioned was that he saw a lot of light. We are supposed to see him remove his veil in Paradise. Currently he has veils of light covering his face.

He tells us he removed a memory from our minds so that we can't remember him assigning our souls. Although he says we were present when he was speaking to our spirits.

I dont have the level of spirituality as you do. :(
I dont have the level of spirituality as you do. :(

I don't have a high level of spirituality, lol.

I'm telling you what we were told. I don't want to sound like an apostate here. :D

But, I think a message from God was sent to me at one point in my life. I woke up late into the night suddenly and felt scared but safe. Can't explain the feeling. I read a message in my heart(not joking, I didn't hear anything and it didn't come from my brain, something in my heart translated itself) and said 'I am aware/I am observient'. I can't translate it perfectly in english but I understood it. I went back to sleep immediately. And felt awkward the rest of the day, I kept thinking about.

Of course, this could be a nueron problem. :lol:

You can help me explain that.

On a serious note, I recommend you just try to start praying(Me too for this, I'm nowhere near what I should be). I miss prayers as well and I need to improve quickly on that. But, I also can already tell you're a philosphoical person because you told me you're agnostic. THat means you think about life's purpose a lot. I do this too.

So I recommend you some stuff to read in the next post but also welcome you to ask questions about life's purpose/God/afterife/etc...
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