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Prophet Muhammad Movie in Iran

How can you have biopic of a person without showing his face?
Well some of the great movies and even BBC documentary on the prophet never showed his pix ...You dont need to show the face of one whose actions speak louder and whose actions changed a whole nation!

And also dont distort the facts like bringing in their shia agenda.
Well Shia-ism started after Prophet's death....so far I think Iranian movies on topics before the death of the Prophet have been nice...I know I watched 1 with subtopics though I think I have watched 2 from Syria or someother place....
looks good
can any one elighten me why they should not show the face of prophet ,isthere any verse regarding this in Quran...
coz no one knows how he looks like so showing any face would be offensive coz many would fight as to how he would hvae looked like...2ndly, SOME people who have a problem to raise individuals to a "special" level might take that face and start giving it "special" attention which is not allowed in Islam at all...
Many Iranians now hate Islam and the prophet more than anything you can think of. One doesn't need to go far to know. Just by reading the comments of many Iranian members throughout PDF, you could see the intense hatred. I think the Iranian Regime is artificially trying to present a picture for their own people as "religious", while the truth is completely different. A lot are living in serious doubts and uncertainty while bitterly wishing that their country remained Zoroastrian as it was before Islam. That doesn't necessarily have to do with them being Shia. Arab, Pakistani, and Afghan Shia are quiet religious.

The Iranian communities living abroad are the quickest communities to assimilate. Signs of religiousness among them (like hijab for women) is extremely rare, compared to other Islamic communities like Pakistanis, Afghans, and Arabs. Some people attribute this to the improper management of the current regime for the country, or the systematic secularization that the Pahlavis have done, and some say it is an inherent part of Persian culture that considers Islam to be the enemy that made them loos their prior significance in the Middle East.

My two cents.

Most of them are non Muslim Iranians (call themselves Persians) who grew up to those parents who ran after the revolution. Most of them have never been to Iran and therefore have only theoretical knowledge of the country. I don't blame them for their self pity.
Most of them are non Muslim Iranians (call themselves Persians) who grew up to those parents who ran after the revolution. Most of them have never been to Iran and therefore have only theoretical knowledge of the country. I don't blame them for their self pity.

Never called myself Persian, always an Iranian. My parents never ran away from Iran either, lived in Iran most of my life as well, so you're wrong on all account, I know at least 20 Iranians here that have similar situations. Never hated Arabs, had Arab friends everywhere I have been, some of them didn't like Islam either, so they must be hating themselves according to our friend @half Moon ?
so does the movie talk about the child hood days ? like how he used to run around like every other kid ? Did his parents scold him for any thing ?
so does the movie talk about the child hood days ? like how he used to run around like every other kid ? Did his parents scold him for any thing ?
holy prophet lost his parents when he was too young for running around and his guardians (Grandfather and later after his death Uncle) raised him.

Set looks good, anyone knows budget of movie?
hope its not too small and also not too much . both case can destroy a good historical movie .
Set looks good, anyone knows budget of movie?

I read somewhere that it's the most expensive movie ever built in all Muslim countries till now, also many of its crew are from prominent European and American film industries , and its visual effect chief and camera man have won Oscar and other prizes before. Though I don't know the exact budget yet.

Also, this movie is supposed to be a trilogy and this is the first one, about Prophet's childhood.
so does the movie talk about the child hood days ? like how he used to run around like every other kid ? Did his parents scold him for any thing ?
he was an orphan :(

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