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Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral

Nope! They want to outsource their bloody battles to Pakistan as they consider their Arab blood too holy to shed!

I think Pakistan should have refused to accept the $1.5 billion 'gift' from the House of Saud. It's pay-back time now! Wily Arabs! It was a quid pro quo after all - or so the Saudis thought!

That wont happen, they can send all their fat shaikhs and Mullahs to drum up support. And despite the fact that an overwhelmingly large part of our population hooked on the opiate of the masses wants the Govt to join this war and the army to shed its blood in this war, saner minds rule on the top.

We will keep the money and still won't send a single soldier to Yemen, moods have changed. Sometimes, the return on the investment doesn't come and we have saved Arabs enough times in their history from various threats to interfere here too, when they face no danger from a rag tag group of rebels in a war that they have started themselves.

Well we are expert at hurting people too, bring it on they might be tribal but so are we, determination is our middle name, vengeance is our game even after 100 years we will get you we don't forget we always return the favour.
Blood thirsty vengeance against Saudi Arabia? did they drop bombs on your home? did they wipe out your family?.......why you are getting worked up in the little bit friction between two governments?, its just a customer getting angry over no pay off. They pay and Pakistan will serve.

About the vengeance part. Who will get revenge for your wishes?....those tens of thousands of Pashtun families whose livelihood is dependent on working in Gulf countries?
Blood thirsty vengeance against Saudi Arabia? did they drop bombs on your home? did they wipe out your family?.......why you are getting worked up in the little bit friction between two governments?, its just a customer getting angry over no pay off. They pay and Pakistan will serve.

About the vengeance part. Who will get revenge for your wishes?....those tens of thousands of Pashtun families whose livelihood is dependent on working in Gulf countries?

I don't get this stupid hate against SA or gulf arabs, millions of Pakistanis are working in Gulf. 65% of Pak remitances are from Gulf countries. And on the other hand Iran has been anti-pakistan since mullah take over.
I don't get this stupid hate against SA or gulf arabs, millions of Pakistanis are working in Gulf. 65% of Pak remitances are from Gulf countries. And on the other hand Iran has been anti-pakistan since mullah take over.

I can't speak for others, personally I think the ordinary Saudi people are the nicest when compared to other Arabs. I have a problem with the House of Al-Saud (HoS) and want them gone!

I know Shia Iran hates us on religious grounds; to them Sunnis are Kufar. It is allowed under their fiqh to lie to Sunnis and its called (thakiya). We know how to deal with them if it ever came to that!

I see HoS more dangerous as they claim to be Sunni and have created fitna amongst the Sunnah. They have destroyed Islamic heritage sites, whilst protecting ibn Saud heritage.
I know Shia Iran hates us on religious grounds; to them Sunnis are Kufar. It is allowed under their fiqh to lie to Sunnis and its called (thakiya). We know how to deal with them if it ever came to that!


I am sure this is made up, no need to spread bs against any sect.
Why not KSA and Iran fight directly and decide once for all

They can't. Saudis can not even handle Yemen, how on earth they can stand up to Iran?

All this, is not because of Iran at all but because of Saudi's internal dynamics: Why the Crisis in Yemen Could Tilt Mideast Power From Saudi Arabia Toward Iran, Turkey and Pakistan

The Saudi family is crying to Americans for their protection after getting refused by Pakistan. See this on China's CCTV:

I am sure this is made up, no need to spread bs against any sect.

It is indeed made up. Violent Takfirism uniquely belongs and forms the cornerstone of certain Salafi branches of Sunni Islam which have hijacked Sunni ideology and even Takfir many other Sunnis. Takkya is only for saving life of someone when because of someone's faith, one is being threatened to die. But obviously it is not working in many places including in Pakistan itself where Shias are killed.
Well, I'm not Shia, and if he has problem with Turkiye, he has problem with me too! My standpoint is purely ideological, not sectarian.
who ever condemns the takfiri terrorism is a shia in his eyes. he even declared me a shia as well
what country Turkey is becoming now. Kamal must be turning in his grave. after what the Arabs did to Turkey .. these more Arabs than Arab Turks are not doing justice to their country
no worries mate, stating the facts. truth is always bitter pill for these asses to see themselves in the mirror. an arab is an ***; you cannot make them into a horse.... mule is too much to ask.
Bro, that's messed up. You cannot generalize all Arabs like that. The Prophet (PBUH) was also an Arab and so were the Sahaba (RA).

Go ahead and criticize the Gulf Monarchies but don't insult all Arabs like that. There are a lot of decent Arab folks out there.
Prince Turki was the bastard involved in supporting the mujahideen in Afghanistan and had connections with OBL. I didn't know the guy was this messed up in the head. Look at what happened to us because of the meddling in Afghanistan. 50K Pakistani lives lost and this guy expects us to join the Saudis in another hare-brained campaign in the Middle East.
times change so fast and so do people,there was a time when anti KSA threads are closed even when there is no official ban on PDF and now a days you see lot of KSA bashing by Pakistanies.

You should not give up on KSA so easily,there are ways to deal with it,after all only two important countries for Pakistan where KSA and China.
I am sure this is made up, no need to spread bs against any sect.

No, you're not sure! It would have been better for you to have asked or researched before you made the statement.

Let's first clear up what kind of Shia Iran is:

Article 12
of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran states:
“The official religion of Iran is Islam of the Jafari 12 Imam sect and this article is inalterable
in perpetuity.

Bakris ( sunnis ) are disbelievers - Sheikh yasser al habib - YouTube
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Even some Western Correspondents are questioning the Saudi logic.
I surely hope these morons are brought into their senses and their adventures in London's Mayfair get exposed.

Alan Warnes‏@warnesyworld
Despite all money spent on defence, Saudi and UAE still want Pakistan involved. Even when Pak says no. Fascinating.
They got the tools but not the tools operators. And why would a millionaire arab will go and fight?
Bro, that's messed up. You cannot generalize all Arabs like that. The Prophet (PBUH) was also an Arab and so were the Sahaba (RA).

Go ahead and criticize the Gulf Monarchies but don't insult all Arabs like that. There are a lot of decent Arab folks out there.
it is like finding a needle in a hay stack my friend. never met such a bunch of hipocrites, abusers and racists like these people. Hey it is a pity that Mohammad and his first group of followers came to them but these asses never understood anything.
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