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Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral

See, there is a difference,
Like your self I have several shia friends, who are Pakistanis.

Unfortunately I also know several Shia friends who think of themselves Irani .. and follow the khomeni line.

A tiny percentage perhaps more prominent in the last few years.....which in my view has to do with the increase in attacks targeting them just for their beliefs

Anyways most of the Shia folk i know are secular....
“Some mealy mouthed politicians have forgotten what the Kingdom has done for Pakistan since its birth,” the Saudi prince said in the statement Monday.
Oh boy!! This fellow seems rather pissed off at Pakistan's attitude toward the Arabs! :)

And what has the Kingdom done except spread Wahhabism and the proliferation of madrassas in Pakistan?

Why, you cant fight by yourselves like ever?
Nope! They want to outsource their bloody battles to Pakistan as they consider their Arab blood too holy to shed!

I think Pakistan should have refused to accept the $1.5 billion 'gift' from the House of Saud. It's pay-back time now! Wily Arabs! It was a quid pro quo after all - or so the Saudis thought!
Its strange people talk about Iran influence on Pakistani shia. Me and lots other shia never seen such thing in Pakistan. Many of our friends been killed by terrorist , but never seen any Iranian come knocking on door to help. So, this is all BULLSHITTZZ that Iran support Pakistani shia. Atleast after every shia target killing our sunni population stand next to shia and vise versa.

Thanks to Gen Raheel, who very openly deliver the message of no more slavery of suadi monarch. Pakistan been burning due to takfiri mindset for so many decades.
I have a Shia friend from Shikarpur, a Sindhi Syed. He talks a lot about Iran , is fan of Hizbullah and is learning Farsi. Another Shia, a colleague of mine from Kurram, broke into tears when i gifted him ring from shrine of Imam Ali Riza. Pakistani Shias have extremely strong emotional attachment to Iran, due to religious reasons, and are very vulnerable to Irani influence. I have even heard the story, perhaps rumours, that Iranians were involved in helping besieged Shias of Parachinar. Last year we read the news that the arrested members of banned sipah-e-Muhammad, involved in killing of large number of Deobandi Ulemas, got training in Iran.
Pakistan said it would protect Saudia only if it is attacked by Houti's. Saudia interpreted it the wrong way. They wanted us to commit troops for ground offensive. We didn't hence the brain farts

Can someone tell me why some think we're Islamically bligated to protect the HOUSE OF SAUD? I say, let it FALL!

Let the worst regime in the history of Islam fall!

I have a Shia friend from Shikarpur, a Sindhi Syed. He talks a lot about Iran , is fan of Hizbullah and is learning Farsi. Another Shia, a colleague of mine from Kurram, broke into tears when i gifted him ring from shrine of Imam Ali Riza. Pakistani Shias have extremely strong emotional attachment to Iran, due to religious reasons, and are very vulnerable to Irani influence. I have even heard the story, perhaps rumours, that Iranians were involved in helping besieged Shias of Parachinar. Last year we read the news that the arrested members of banned sipah-e-Muhammad, involved in killing of large number of Deobandi Ulemas, got training in Iran.

Brother, we know what shia think of sunnis. We are not like KSA, and Iran knows that not to make enemy of us! This story is about our iz'zat, what little we have left after what the prostitutes in power have done. As you can see, Arabs don't like when you're independent and this kind of emotional blackmail will continue and now they will treat us with RESPECT!
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Actually the Pakistani who said that thing also said similar things about Turkey. He also supports Iranian behavior in Syria and Yemen. I guess he is Shia.

I never said anything bad about turkey, hell turkey is the love of our life, it's a no brainier when it comes to turkey & Iran as turkey will always win hands down.

I favour Iran because they got the balls to stand up to these Arabs who spread hatred & extremism in our Sufi minded country.

Ps I am no Shiah I am a Sunni hanafi my whole generations have been Sunni hanafi.

I am no fan of Saudia either but you have to understand that their anger and sense of betrayal is not misplaced........They are not Americans, they gave you money and other favours and expect a favour in return in very straight forward fashion.

If i am not wrong Pakistan sent mercenary soldiers to Bahrain, Arabs now also want mercenaries from you in Yemen. They, Gulf Arabs, dont buy the "mighty-ness" of Pak army, for them they were buy-ible just like workers and labourers from Pakistan, so this hour has angered them. Deep down they are also tribal and vengeful people, they are not wearing multiple faces.......they are going to punish Pakistan, by being harsh on Pakistanis working for them in their countries, many would be sent back.

Well we are expert at hurting people too, bring it on they might be tribal but so are we, determination is our middle name, vengeance is our game even after 100 years we will get you we don't forget we always return the favour.

Those who took money should go & fight but no ordinary Pakistani or Pakistani soldier saw a cent of it so it's a no no plus we are not mercenaries that anyone can hire us, our duty is to defend our land and our people.

@Sinan To most of us Turkey in its past form was always the leader of Muslims & even in its modern form we see turkey as the leader of Muslims.

You ask any Pakistani & his love for turkey will always outweigh their love for Saudia.
@Sinan To most of us Turkey in its past form was always the leader of Muslims & even in its modern form we see turkey as the leader of Muslims.

You ask any Pakistani & his love for turkey will always outweigh their love for Saudia.

I know bro, i think atatwolf confused you by somebody else....:agree:

But i think "Turkey being the leader of the Muslims" have to go....Turkey and Pakistan are equal brothers nothing more, nothing less.
bro, u just dropped cluster bomb all over ur reply....
whatever, i just amazed ...
no worries mate, stating the facts. truth is always bitter pill for these asses to see themselves in the mirror. an arab is an ***; you cannot make them into a horse.... mule is too much to ask.
no worries mate, stating the facts. truth is always bitter pill for these asses to see themselves in the mirror. an arab is an ***; you cannot make them into a horse.... mule is too much to ask.
A tiny percentage perhaps more prominent in the last few years.....which in my view has to do with the increase in attacks targeting them just for their beliefs

Anyways most of the Shia folk i know are secular....
Man who cares. are you not muslims. So many divisions.... crazy...
when you go 1 m below ground and melt into the dirt, then only we find out who is saying the truth. None has come back from that side to state who is telling the truth. When only we are on the other side we will find the truth. until then, this bullshit is only giving the politicians and their war mongering preachers ammunition to justify their existence.
it is pathetic ... the main purpose of religion is to live good and be a good human beings. what i see is just pure hatred. this is not what any religion states.
if it is not religion, then it is colour, then race, then tribe then province..... how many variations are one to struggle with.
it boils down to lack of education and politicians utilising ignorance of the masses to justify this hatred.
I think they are quite shocked at this new Pakistan where members of parliament get to decide to send army or not. This never happened before in Pak history since all decisions were made by few people on top or infamous establishment. Even when there was "democracy" and parliament.
This thread should be dedicated to all those mUllah mad lovers who think that we are slave to Arabs, Unlike them we dont follow anyone for that Matter blindly except Allah and his rasool.

We will not bow down to MAD mullah or bedouins !
Prince Turki Faisal Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral
Morgan Winsor


Prince Turki Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief, warned against Iran's encroachment on Arab and Muslim nations in the region this week as Iranian-backed rebels continue to fight the Saudi-backed government in Yemen. Faisal also urged Saudi Arabia's allies to curb Iranian influence.

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has pitted rivals Saudi Arabia against Iran in a battle for Middle East supremacy. “As we are dealing with Yemen, Iran’s imperial ambitions will be checked in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq,” Faisal said in a statement Monday, according to Arab News in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. “Our nations and peoples are experiencing a period of chaotic and harmful interventions and changes.”

Faisal, the former Saudi ambassador to the United States and United Kingdom, also called Pakistan’s decision to stay neutral in the ongoing Yemen war “disappointing.” A Saudi-led coalition has launched airstrikes against the Shiite Houthi rebels in Yemen since late March. Iran’s Shiite government has supplied the Houthis with arms, money and training. The militia ousted Yemen’s Sunni government and seized the capital Sanaa in September.

“Some mealy mouthed politicians have forgotten what the Kingdom has done for Pakistan since its birth,” the Saudi prince said in the statement Monday.

Faisal also asked U.S. President Barack Obama to “find the way to make our area free of weapons of mass destruction,” as Washington seeks to sign an agreement with Tehran that would curb Iran’s nuclear capabilities, Arab News said. Tentative framework for a nuclear deal between six world powers and Tehran was drafted last month, in which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear activity in return for lifted sanctions. A final agreement could be reached by the end of June.

“The devil is in the details, which we will await,” said Faisal, founder of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies in Riyadh.

Saudi Prince Warns Against Iran's Growing Influence On Arab, Muslim Nations, Slams Pakistan For Staying Neutral

All what Sauidis have done is spread terrorism, and religious intolerance to the region.
All what Sauidis have done is spread terrorism, and religious intolerance to the region.
Man, all arabs live in dark ages, give them freedom, the first thing they do is put fire in their own house. They have been condemned to live like this for millenia.... no wonder why prophets have been sent to their places to give them guidances. Regretfully none arabs have take the messages of the prophets and follow in their good guidance in how to help humanity. Arabs on the other hands were always and are never stable.. they will try to go after one another.
Best medicine... open bars and bring the parties to the table and serve them good drinks.... a lot of issues will be solved... hummm may be it is a dream ... they will probably break the bar down.
Its strange people talk about Iran influence on Pakistani shia. Me and lots other shia never seen such thing in Pakistan. Many of our friends been killed by terrorist , but never seen any Iranian come knocking on door to help. So, this is all BULLSHITTZZ that Iran support Pakistani shia. Atleast after every shia target killing our sunni population stand next to shia and vise versa.
Thanks to Gen Raheel, who very openly deliver the message of no more slavery of suadi monarch. Pakistan been burning due to takfiri mindset for so many decades.

The enmity with shias is not new while Shias have always been soft to their enemies and opponents. Quran says the kuffar cannot be your friends.

These anti-shia liars will not stop due to their manufacturing defects.
They all are pussies and are against Islam and do not know the basic rules of Islam.
They all together cannot defeat Ansarallah, Hezbullah or Islamic Revolution.

They cannot kill all shias in Pakistan, Sending killers and bombers cannot eliminate shias.
If they had the capability they would have done it already. Now the Pharaos can only fear.
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