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President Zardari to go on 4-day visit to China

I don't think you guys have realized that Sino-Pak relations have somewhat deteriorated during this govt.'s term. although china isn't exactly punishing Pakistan right now, signs of disappointment from the chinese govt. are there for everyone to see.

the current govt., in all of their wisdom, decided to impeach musharraf or force him to resign, during the opening of the olympic ceremony in china. Musharraf had to cancel his trip to china, almost immediately after hearing the news. this is not to be taken lightly. it's an incredible insult to the chinese, especially when they were celebrating the olympics opening ceremony in china. it was extremely important to every chinese citizen, considering how china's on its way to becoming a superpower.

afterwards, Hu Juntao didn't even receive the current govt. when they arrived for the olympic ceremony-he was supposed to receive Musharraf. the "red carpet" wasn't rolled out for them, and aid to Pakistan wasn't something of value. zardari is on his second visit to China, yet he's not being received by the Chinese leadership. his meetings are with chinese investors, whereas Musharraf always met with the Chinese leadership every single time he went, and keep in mind Musharraf visited China probably more than any other foreign leader within a year.

Musharraf took Sino-Pak relations to exceptional heights. Musharraf was the first non-chinese to enter the J-10 factory, an honor most chinese govt. officials don't even have.
Hehehe, it's an evil grin man.

Zardari manages to get a lot of things on the table, no doubt about that. But for some reason we never see those things arrive in Pakistan.

I dont think it's an evil grin.

This is an evil grin:

Zardari's smile is actually sincere.
"Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me." - Don Corleone The Godfather

Any of you ever wonder what China may want from Pakistan in the future?

Well someone just posted the news on this thread of Zardari offering China access to Pakistan's warm Arabian Sea, but the offer was expected because China helped Pakistan the most with Gwadar Port.
"Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me." - Don Corleone The Godfather

Any of you ever wonder what China may want from Pakistan in the future?

Goodone, but in defense of pakistan:

Bonasera (pakistan): Godfather.
Don Corleone (China): I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away. After all we're not murderers in spite of what this undertaker thinks.
Goodone, but in defense of pakistan:

Bonasera (pakistan): Godfather.
Don Corleone (China): I want reliable people, people who aren't going to be carried away. After all we're not murderers in spite of what this undertaker thinks.

I'm not talking to you. You called me a "pain in the a**" PITA remember :tsk:
Well someone just posted the news on this thread of Zardari offering China access to Pakistan's warm Arabian Sea, but the offer was expected because China helped Pakistan the most with Gwadar Port.

Well beyond that, assume they asked for military bases in your country Or ask to place Chinese nuclear missiles on Pakistani soil Or adopt Communism. Where do you draw the line? Or, can you draw a line considering everything China has done for Pakistan?
Well beyond that, assume they asked for military bases in your country Or ask to place Chinese nuclear missiles on Pakistani soil Or adopt Communism. Where do you draw the line? Or, can you draw a line considering everything China has done for Pakistan?

I dont know about military bases or Chinese nuclear missiles, I dont think China wants military action against any nation, but I dont think Pakistan will ever adopt Communism...there's too many religious people in Pakistan and most Pakistanis love being Muslims.

China and Pakistan are looking out for each other's intersts, it will be in Pakistan's best interst to offer China access to its warm waters of the Arabian Sea, so Pakistan can get more foreign investments in its country that will boost up the country's economy and it'll be in China's best interst to accept the offer of access to Pakistan's warm waters of the Arabian Sea so they can easily trade with Middle Eastern countries and save time as well with trade.
Chinese President Hu Jintao, making the first visit to Pakistan by a Chinese president in a decade, promised to bolster his country's ties with its old ally to a new level. Following are some of the most important events in relations between the two neighbours.

1950 - Pakistan becomes third non-communist country, and first Muslim one, to recognize China.
1951 - Beijing and Karachi establish diplomatic relations.
1962 - The Sino-Indian War erupts, providing new opportunities for Pakistan's relations with China.
1963 - China and Pakistan reach first formal trade agreement.
1963 - China and Pakistan reach border agreement.
1965 - China supports Pakistan diplomatically in war with India, as it does again in 1971 against Bangladesh.
1965 - In response to war with India, U.S. cuts military support to Pakistan. China soon becomes Pakistan's principal arms supplier.
1970 - Pakistan helps U.S. make contacts with China that result in visit to China by then U.S. National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger in 1971.
1978 - Karakoram Highway linking mountainous Northern Pakistan with Western China officially opens.
1980s - China and U.S. supply help through Pakistan to Afghan guerrillas fighting Soviet occupational forces.
1986 - China and Pakistan reach comprehensive nuclear Co-operation Agreement.
1996 - Chinese President Jiang Zemin pays state visit to Pakistan.
1999 - A 300-megawatt nuclear power plant, built with Chinese help in Punjab province, is completed. China is helping to build a second 300-megawatt nuclear plant due to be finished by 2010.
2001 - A joint-ventured Chinese-Pakistani tank, the MBT-2000 (Al-Khalid) MBT, comes into full production.
2002 - Chinese Vice Premier Wu Bangguo attends ground-breaking ceremony for Pakistan's Gwadar deep-sea port. China provides $198 million for $248 million joint project.
2007 - Sino-Pakistani joint-ventured multirole fighter aircraft - JF-17 Thunder (FC-1 Fierce Dragon) is formally rolled out. 2008, Pakistan starts mass production of the aircraft.
2008 - China warns US of war against Pakistan, during which former President Pervez Musharaf visits China, Musharaf raised issues of US attacks inside Pakistan.
Pakistan's foreign office (the first foreign issue to speak of Tibet) speaks for more than 3 times per month on the Tibet issue, calling for the world to stop opposing China and the Olympic games.
Pakistan welcomes China's Olympic torch warmly. Pakistan became the first country not to protest against Tibet when the torch arrived. China as a result thanked Pakistan for its continous support.
2008 China and Pakistan sign an FTA free trade agreement. It is the first such agreement signed by the two countries. As a direct result China will open new industries in Pakistan and Pakistan would be offered free trade zones in China.
2008 China vows to help Pakistan in civil nuclear technology by building and helping in the Khusab Nuclear Programme provding technology to Pakistan for better maintaince of civil nuclear plants.
2008 Pakistan and China to build first ever train routes near Karakrum Highway.
2008 The F-22P frigate, an advanced state-of-the-art Chinese navy frigate, comes into service with the Pakistani Navy.

Thank you China for always being there for Pakistan :china::pakistan:
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I still fail to understand the mentality and hype about getting HELP from china. Why would you expect help from someone else to stand on your feet. You all should look at it as a strategic alliance rather then getting HELP, nothing more. Like someone told "the concept of <buy one and get one free> is rubbish. Nothing comes free in life."
"Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me." - Don Corleone The Godfather

Any of you ever wonder what China may want from Pakistan in the future?

That is what friends are for. and that is what friendship is all about, Indians on this forum may not know the meaning of friendship, but we the Pakistanis do.
‘China willing to improve strategic ties with Pakistan’

* Chinese president says Zardari’s visit will promote mutual ties
* Shanghai mayor invites Zardari for 2010 World Expo

BEIJING: Chinese President Hu Jintao told Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in a telephone conversation on Tuesday that his visit to the Chinese cities of Wuhan and Shanghai was conducive to promoting pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.

According to Xinhua news agency, the Chinese president said Beijing pays great attention to its ties with Islamabad and is willing to make joint efforts with Pakistan to push the strategic partnership between the two countries to a new high.

President Zardari – who left for Pakistan in the afternoon wrapping up his five-day visit to China – thanked the Chinese president for the warm welcome he had received and said Pakistan was ready to reinforce mutually beneficial cooperation. Zardari told Hu Pakistan wanted to improve its ties with India and the Chinese president assured him of Beijing’s support for Islamabad’s efforts to resolve all differences with New Delhi through dialogue and peaceful means.

Earlier, Mayor of Shanghai Han Zheng and President Zardari oversaw the signing of four memorandums of cooperation on agriculture and water conservation between Hubei and Sindh provinces.

Han invited Zardari to the Shanghai World Expo in 2010.

The president said he was ‘impressed with’ and ‘proud of’ the rapid progress in Shanghai and said he would visit the city more frequently.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ma Zhao said Zardari had made the visit following an invitation by the Chinese government, and had met agriculture and irrigation officials and financial leaders, and inspected various projects. agencies

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I still fail to understand the mentality and hype about getting HELP from china. Why would you expect help from someone else to stand on your feet. You all should look at it as a strategic alliance rather then getting HELP, nothing more. Like someone told "the concept of <buy one and get one free> is rubbish. Nothing comes free in life."

here comes the troll
Well beyond that, assume they asked for military bases in your country Or ask to place Chinese nuclear missiles on Pakistani soil Or adopt Communism. Where do you draw the line? Or, can you draw a line considering everything China has done for Pakistan?
China has repeatedly said that they will not interfere in Pakistan Internal Matters.
Well beyond that, assume they asked for military bases in your country Or ask to place Chinese nuclear missiles on Pakistani soil Or adopt Communism. Where do you draw the line? Or, can you draw a line considering everything China has done for Pakistan?

Why does the U.S. have a huge military base in Qatar?
Why does the U.S. promote capitalism and democracy and sometimes even forces it upon other nations with military might?
Why this why that, there are so many questions I could ask aswell, and I could also ask, where does the world draw it's line when it comes to the U.S., it's influence and it's policy.
China having acces to Gwadar Sea Port is probably arranged and negotiated even before the Chinese helped us with it, also, it's a strategic decision to give China acces because India will most likely not be too fond of it.
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