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Preparing for the next Balakot type strike

:pakistan: be ready for balakot type humiliation the next day or with in hours then too! i think this time it would be worse humiliation for india as we wont hold back like we did on 28th

i wont be surprised if their plan backfire and its the otherway around and pakistan gets to be bombing indian territory with limited response time given to india. wont be surprised 1 bit.
Pakistan makes 8 different types of cruise mijjiles... Also have use of several imported types and has a UCAV.. ..not just a brain fart

This time whole of india will be shiiiting in open .. No more toilets left
Mijjiles LMAO
I think, we should take it seriously. God forbid, if the madrasa in Balakot was hit and you have 200 or so children killed. What would have been our response then?
What our policy makers and pdf-ians here need to understand is that "Indians are willing to take calculated risk and keep Pakistan military on its toes. Always under pressure to extract concessions and use this to further various political, diplomatic and strategic agendas. They are encouraged by lack of international condemnation and that is a fact, there wasn't any.
They are imagining themselves in the likes of Israel, USA doing punitive strikes against adversaries at will.
So whenever, their establishment need to achieve some diplomatic or political aim, they will do it again. With something else (place, time and weapon of their choosing) because they know, Pakistan response would be limited and within their calculations.

So we will remain reactionary and would not be able to achieve any of our goal?
In history, go back to 1965.. we escalated halfheartedly, thinking that Indians would not go all out.
What happened? We lost the initiative and still have to fought a war for our defense.

In 1971, we kept watching our encirclement the whole year and in the end suffer the humiliation.

At first, I was not agree to the idea but now I think @mastaan khan was right. We should have hit harder in February. 2,3 more planes/war trophies, submarine and hitting out the targets (not dropping the load ahead) would have calm down these fucking asses for many years to come. We will have couple of years before Indians trying another misadventure. Their military establishment would have been humiliated by their jingoistic janta. Modi would have lost the election. This recent development in Kashmir would not have happened. It will have given us the time and space to resolve our internal problems like economy etc.

Im just gonna leave this here
(a) Manned fighters (Mirages and SU-30) heavily escorted with AD and electronic warfare (EW) escorts, standoff jammers under AWACS cover, i.e. a much bigger package with a lateral and vertical spread combined for greater protection based on the threat in the area of ingress.
@Windjammer that's what happend with Bharat on 27th:omghaha:

The good Air Marshal is using Cruise Missiles on purported "terror camps"?

God help us all.
Funny thing is that as of today Bharat is not able to deploy anyone of these suggested methods against Pak.

If you dint understand that's the idea that is to increasing the cost for Pakistan.

Many here believe Pakistan is the one which is the cause of the problem in Kashmir and some of them believe it's not completely possible to cut that but it can be reduced by increasing the cost .
Like losing a fighter jet and get a Brig HQ bombed.

If I had told you on the 25 the of Feb India entering deep inside Pakistani airspace no one would have believed it.its not about what was bombed or numbers killed ,it changed something that night.
Next day,everything went back being same when at around 1100 hours lala came to know that,it's not easy Arnab use to tell me.

Every thing you see is not true.if I told you what happened in balakot was a test run to check your response or tactics before doing the actual thing which is to scrap article 370 in Kashmir ,may be Indian establishment was confident they can take care of the Pakistani response after the raid on balakot
Jezz you guys let that poor pilot become laughing stock for rest of his life to confirm that.
They will die dreaming..
Mankind is asleep. When the die they wake up - Hazret-i Ali (RA)

There are many "beliefs" in India, usually rooted in some hypothetical or hyperbole. Best not to speak for them. This is just a fluff piece for internal consumption. They already tried their best and failed at attacking a very shallow target inside Pakistan. Long range target, undetected with no response time, using the IAF? Thats a good joke.
Even Israilis can't help....
Last time Indian secret strike plan was responded with open and announced challenge and Indian were miserably failed to prevent that with all types of state of the art hardware with so called 'Lethal Edge' over Pakistan. Even their best Phalcon AWACS and SU30-MKI 'Mini Awacs' were unable to defend Indian airspace.
Air Marshall does not have a clue/knowledge, what were IAF's weaknesses and remedies. He is just telling the fairytales for moral support of Gangu Airforce.
Just curious, how can a retd marshal be so dumb and stupid????

India never came more than few KMs inside pak territory, they used glide bombs which can have range of more than 100km. They were still hurried by PAF and thats why couldnt achieve target.
In response Pakistan also crossed few KMs and used smart glide bombs, same as india but we hit targets and when indians tried to chase, were shot down. Even an idiot would understand but seems indians are stupider.

It shows lack of pak capabilites of its airdefences and its radars, evn few kilometers, why IAF been Givn permission by pak govt?
Or its like OBL raid when, radars been switched off?
Bt evn radars been off, why not PAF intercepted that IAF raid?
That whole incident should be investigated?

It's true if you also believe the iaf killed exactly 300 terrorists in Balakot and shot down an F-16.............:lol:
Actully thy know well thy been caught pants down, bt for a poor Indian he been told a story by his bjp or RSS member to belive what pardhan mantri is telling and Thts it?
It shows lack of pak capabilites of its airdefences and its radars, evn few kilometers, why IAF been Givn permission by pak govt?
Or its like OBL raid when, radars been switched off?
Bt evn radars been off, why not PAF intercepted that IAF raid?
That whole incident should be investigated?

Actully thy know well thy been caught pants down, bt for a poor Indian he been told a story by his bjp or RSS member to belive what pardhan mantri is telling and Thts it?

Indian jets cudnt manage to hit target because they were chased. Which shows robust air defense. On the other hand india have shown lack of air defense capability. I mean on a bright day pak jets hit targets and came back safely and also shot down jets that chased them. This after spending billions on air defense from russia and israel??? Even shooting down own heli and killing 6 in the process.... How worst can it get?? Shows not onky total lack of capability but also lack of professionalism. Pakistan did exactly as it said, we ll surprise u and surprise they did. Even a dumb idiot would reach to the conclusion that india totally failed on that day, yet indians trying to twist it as victory lolz. Seriously how stupid and gullible the indian public can be.
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