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Powers warn Iran 'now is the time' for nuclear deal

Yes. This is the REAL reason (as opposed to medical use theory)

That's correct.

It's funny how you are insisting on your wrong stances and expect others to accept them.

We wanted nuclear fuel for Tehran reactor (which has absolutely no use in making nuclear weapons if you had smallest info about nuclear tech), not only they didn't give the fuels (while it is every NPT member's right to buy nuclear fuel and they sell it to everyone), they also put sanctions on us for producing it ourselves. Those idiots thought we can't produce it ourselves, hence we will stop whole nuke program and give in to their demand over 20℅ enrichment.

And no offense mate, as a Pakistani, you are in no position to give us moral speeches about downsides of having nukes, there is absolutely no single proof that Iran has ever pursued nuclear weapons, and even CIA reports admitted that Iran doesn't have any secret nuke program. Nuclear issue was just an excuse, to put sanctions on us for some years and hold us back, if it is not nuclear program, it will be something else.

The sad part is that, your info about our nuke program and its history is too shallow, what you are doing here is, generalizing your hatred for 'mullahs' to every single issue regarding Iran. At least study more about the case, it would be morally better at least.
It's funny how you are insisting on your wrong stances and expect others to accept them.
Please address the topic at hand also, what are the Iranians willing to bargain on, what level of compromise is expected and how are the chances a deal may be fruitful are there in your opinion
i think iran should play sum proper game against them and left there international sanctions
no i think iran best chance is now if another cowboy get elected in the white house there will be no more talking obama policy is something else trying to bring new friends to the US while losing his allies israel GCC Egypt i find it hard to believe that he would choose iran but here we are
Please address the topic at hand also, what are the Iranians willing to bargain on, what level of compromise is expected and how are the chances a deal may be fruitful are there in your opinion

The deal is almost finalized. There is one last new game that westerners have started in last minutes: Refusing to lift sanctions on weapon and arm sales to Iran, while they are a part of nuclear related sanctions. And the reason is obvious:

They know by lifting arms sanctions, Iran's military power will increase exponentially, and they don't want that. They are trying to impose their will in this very particular case, while sanctions against arms sales is completely related to nuclear issue, so if the nuclear issue is solved, arms embargo should also be lifted. This is the most challenging remaining issue, others are either solved are are being solved.
The deal is almost finalized. There is one last new game that westerners have started in last minutes: Refusing to lift sanctions on weapon and arm sales to Iran, while they are a part of nuclear related sanctions. And the reason is obvious:

They know by lifting arms sanctions, Iran's military power will increase exponentially, and they don't want that. They are trying to impose their will in this very particular case, while sanctions against arms sales is completely related to nuclear issue, so if the nuclear issue is solved, arms embargo should also be lifted. This is the most challenging remaining issue, others are either solved are are being solved.

the deal will remain finalized.

Since they have used all cards, they need time to create new cards and the Only thing they will do next is to bring in New Alliances against Islamic IRAN as old are already rotten and useless.

Creation of terrorists by the terrorists States is a sign of their weakness since they cannot do anything.

The new Alliance could be Pak+Turk and this is just one possibility.

The deal must carry that there will be No More alliances against Islamic IRAN. Enough is Enough.
The new Alliance could be Pak+Turk and this is just one possibility.

I can't wait to see the reaction on the faces of people like you when sane Iranians finally throw out the mulllahs :)
Iran needs this deal more than the P5 powers need it to be honest. So hopefully the Mullahs will come to their senses, and cut a deal to relieve their people from sanctions and boost their crippled economy which has suffered too long under sanctions while enabling other regional countries like Turkey,KSA, and even small UAE to overtake Iran economically as its GDP growth faltered under crippling world sanctions/isolation. This doesnt means we P5 POWERS should make unreasonable demands to Iran, we should also try and come to a middle part and negotiate a way out of this mess. WIN-win for Iran and the West respectively.:cheers:
The emergence of China and India, will help Iran with its conflict with USA.

But not now, maybe in 5 years time.
I can't wait to see the reaction on the faces of people like you when sane Iranians finally throw out the mulllahs :)

Guess you will have to wait till the end of this century, since most Iranians seem to be contented with their mullahs(no matter how disillusional they might be).loool

The emergence of China and India, will help Iran with its conflict with USA.

But not now, maybe in 5 years time.

In 5 years time when India will be around $3.7 trillion according to optimistic estimates? How do you intend to take on the whole U.S/west with that bro?:undecided:
Guess you will have to wait till the end of this century, since most Iranians seem to be contented with their mullahs

Not exactly
Iranians are by and large an enlightened people
The mullahs are in a tight spot
If they continue their hard stance then resentment will only grow inside Iran due to the economic conditions
If they open the country up then this will surely lead to a slow erosion of their authority....i don't think they are smart enough to balance things out like the CCP

However one thing in their favour is the sectarian war in the middle east and the rise of groups like ISIS
Not exactly
Iranians are by and large an enlightened people
The mullahs are in a tight spot
If they continue their hard stance then resentment will only grow inside Iran due to the economic conditions
If they open the country up then this will surely lead to a slow erosion of their authority....i don't think they are smart enough to balance things out like the CCP

However one thing in their favour is the sectarian war in the middle east and the rise of groups like ISIS

If we wanted to get rid of "our mullahs", we would have gotten rid of them. Like we got rid of Shah, when he had USA behind him, and like we stood against Saddam, when the world was behind him.

We are enlightened. We know, by looking around us, that we are facing injustice & unfair US imperialism. Our dream is that the rest of the region would become enlightened, join hands with us, and give out all the American bases from the region, and run our own freaking countries
like we stood against Saddam, when the world was behind him.
That is entirely not true
Iran-Contra Affair

Our dream is that the rest of the region would become enlightened, join hands with us, and give out all the American bases from the region

You are no one to decide what policies these other countries must pursue
Maybe your idea of enlightenment is not appealing to them
From South Lebanon to Yemen the regime in your country seems to shoving these ideas of enlightenment sometimes unwanted

If we wanted to get rid of "our mullahs", we would have gotten rid of them
Your country, your people, your government
That was just my P.O.V
I can't wait to see the reaction on the faces of people like you when sane Iranians finally throw out the mulllahs :)

you think of others to follow your path and create a hell for own like you. plz get into your head you people cannot come out of the hell that you created yourself. lol cannot . one hell after the other . Other will not follow your path. Just sing songs of monarchs and when they fall ?. :lol:
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That is entirely not true
Iran-Contra Affair

How is that a response go me saying the world stood behind Saddam? Us being forced to have shady deals to BUY weapons somehow changes that fact? That just proves my point!

You are no one to decide what policies these other countries must pursue
Maybe your idea of enlightenment is not appealing to them

You are the one that started dictating the terms of enlightenment in your post and claimed how we should act in our own country.

From South Lebanon to Yemen the regime in your country seems to shoving these ideas of enlightenment sometimes unwanted

Unwanted ideas never hold.

Your country, your people, your government
That was just my P.O.V

Your POV was patronizing and insulting.

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