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Slave Sire, the changings you suggesting are idealistic and the reason why I said that are

"Changing ourselves,our careless attitude"

No it can not be done, Economy is down, We have to feed ourselves, our children, we only care about our family and the things affecting us. We only care about our Survival, Baqi Bhaar mai jaye. We gave vote to "people who know all " can come and make things right, that's what we do atmost to serve this nation. It's a ground reality. We can not change ourselves, it's been 67 years, tell me one instance where nation yearn to change themselves first and remain steadfast in their commitment? It never happened because Survival trumps all things

"-Educate your children about corruption,teach them that how it is sabotaging us,if your succeed to make your child hate with corruption today,then you have made a big difference tomorrow"

There is a complete islamic and social education included in courses and taught to children. Yet when the time comes or we have to face the reality, this idealistic though only seems to be "Kitaabi baatay". Only those don't do corruption who have "paava or connections" to get things on time. Once again Survival trumps all, so your idealistic approach fails big time because despite being taught about corruption, there is wide spread corruption. Both educated and uneducated class indulge in corruption

"-Do not close your eyes and ears while working in your office,if you sense someone doing corruption and later on if you are asked on investigation,then do not save him,instead tell your boss the truth"

Just one example, Anita turrabi who reported corruption has been sidelined and due to his honesty, an enquiry has been initiated against her by civil bureaucracy for violation her service rules

So when you are the sole breadwinner for your family which 80-90 percent people are and don't have any second source of income, nor do they have any side businesses through which they can survive, and there is a shyte load inflation and "mehngaai" out there, can they survive one day due to their honesty?, just imagine can you survive if you father become "unemployed", why would take panga and try to be honest?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...00546-political-columns-13.html#ixzz2c1kczSie
Just one example, Anita turrabi who reported corruption has been sidelined and due to his honesty, an enquiry has been initiated against her by civil bureaucracy for violation her service rules

So when you are the sole breadwinner for your family which 80-90 percent people are and don't have any second source of income, nor do they have any side businesses through which they can survive, and there is a shyte load inflation and "mehngaai" out there, can they survive one day due to their honesty?, just imagine can you survive if you father become "unemployed", why would take panga and try to be honest?

Survival trumps all and your idealistic approach fails yet again

"-If you come across an article where you find that author has twisted facts,then discuss this to your family,so that they wont be brainwashed with media "

Not going to happen. How many of people around you have indepth knowledge of things going around them? 99 percent don't know and only take their facts from such twisted anchors and shows and made their perception on such facts.

And we all know, how Pakistani's are extremist when it is about changing their perceptions about certain things.

Slav Sire, the fact is it's been 11 years since we are in WoT and 11 years are enough to change nation attitude and make them believe Government of Pakistan and it's institutions are sincere with you. Since GoP right from musharraf government to democracy has failed to do so, so What we can do know is what is done to a cancer patient. Make a messy surgery causing grievous injuries to patient and hope he survive such surgery and began to heal by himself.

Nothing else can be done.

Now you have just yourself highlighted the actual basic problem of all,that is we have given up,we are not striving hard to bring change.So when a nation itself give up,that they are left with no pathway which only leads them towards astray.
In my previous article,even if I have suggested massive changes on upper level,then you will also deny them giving reasons and declaring it as impossible,so I have suggested you such ideas which can be applicable for a common man.
So,seeing applying your analogy,we should not teach our students about corruption, we should not open our eyes and ears,we should not research more,we should not enlighten our families so you are saying that we should surrender,just like that?we shouldn't dare to even think of taking necessary basic steps?these steps which are on our hand?which we can?we shouldn't?
you are reasoning that:

No it can not be done, Economy is down, We have to feed ourselves, our children, we only care about our family and the things affecting us. We only care about our Survival, Baqi Bhaar mai jaye. We gave vote to "people who know all " can come and make things right, that's what we do atmost to serve this nation. It's a ground reality. We can not change ourselves, it's been 67 years, tell me one instance where nation yearn to change themselves first and remain steadfast in their commitment? It never happened because Survival trumps all things

You are only seeing negative perspective of our nation,and that is why we are unable to change ourselves,because we are in despair.
If people were so careless and dead,that this nation will never give birth to people like Abdus Sattar Edhi,Abdul Qadeer Khan,why?because they changed themselves before changing the whole nation.
Mr.Qadeer Khan was son of common man,he was the son of school headmaster,but he dared to look up to the sky and thus he was shown the door to success.
I give you a common,everyday example.
We all are we aware of our education system,and there is a common impression that all teachers are corrupted,but I myself am evident of such teachers who never allowed cheating,who failed their students,who as an external never cared about school affairs,but the corruption against which they had always raised their voice and in the end,they got fruitful result.

There is a complete islamic and social education included in courses and taught to children. Yet when the time comes or we have to face the reality, this idealistic though only seems to be "Kitaabi baatay". Only those don't do corruption who have "paava or connections" to get things on time. Once again Survival trumps all, so your idealistic approach fails big time because despite being taught about corruption, there is wide spread corruption. Both educated and uneducated class indulge in corruption

Becuase we have restricted this to kitabi baatien my friend,we have never implemented basic,short level steps in our lives or we are in state of despair.
I give you an example of my own family member,who never had a pawwa and just on the basis of hard work and best performance got job at most reputed company,and no one believed when we told them,because they all think like you that pawwa is necessary,you guys just don't give your luck a chance,get out of this state of despair my friend,still there is some light left.

Just one example, Anita turrabi who reported corruption has been sidelined and due to his honesty, an enquiry has been initiated against her by civil bureaucracy for violation her service rules

So when you are the sole breadwinner for your family which 80-90 percent people are and don't have any second source of income, nor do they have any side businesses through which they can survive, and there is a shyte load inflation and "mehngaai" out there, can they survive one day due to their honesty?, just imagine can you survive if you father become "unemployed", why would take panga and try to be honest?

Yes,this fact is true that when ever a common man dares to raise his voice against corruption then he/she is suppressed badly,but does that mean that one should stop struggling?we shouldn't raise our voice?
Take an example of Anna Hazare,who first raised his voice then he gathered common man along with him,whose voice has shaken up the whole India,now you will ask of fruitful result,then I will say to you that getting result immediately is not easily,you need long struggle to start it,but here wah,you guys are not ready to open your eyes,to even look at solution,because for you it is impossible.
This recalls me the story of that old man who was at bed,he called his sons and give them a single stick to break which they succeed,but when he give them a bundle of sticks,they failed.
so first step is against corruption is change yourself,then gather mindsets who are like you,unite and raise your voice,but nothing will work for you unless you will close your eyes and hide your face in a sand with a fear of storm to pass by.

Not going to happen. How many of people around you have indepth knowledge of things going around them? 99 percent don't know and only take their facts from such twisted anchors and shows and made their perception on such facts.

And we all know, how Pakistani's are extremist when it is about changing their perceptions about certain things.

Not really,if 30% has out of 50% has a bit knowledge of reality,why can't they educate others?you even find impossibility here,our public is not as dumb as they appear at least we have 30% minds who have knowledge of truth a bit,we have internet as a source too,which is daily visited by millions of Pakistanis,people are trying to search of truth.
Now again you will ask that why then we are voting same old politicians,
because my friend,this corrupted system has become strong now we cannot demolecularize it at once,to destroy it we need to get awareness,and once if we succeed to make 40% of Pakistan as intellect then we can imagine of huge change!
as steps of success is:
Learn>approach>gather>train>raise your voice>pressurize>use source....but this is an initial step,just initial,we need to go on a long way and the shameful fact is we are not ready to begain our journey,because we are in a state of despair,because we think that we can't do it,because we think that these are kitabi baatein,because we are afraid to take single steps,basic steps,thus we have accepted to die of suffocation and considered change as impossible.

I remember that an American jew's signature it says:

'One man can make a difference"

And how shameful of us to close our eyes like an ostrich,and consider even baby steps as impossible.

Best Regards,
Slav Defence
Link not working. What is the context of that quote please?

It is something that Jasmin Manzoor wrote in her piece that alibaz posted in post no. 193

She also wrote, "dont mistake my silence for my weakness" but oh well. Both of these are lost here.

A paid journalist dancing at the tunes of his masters. His bias is evident just by prudently looking at the interpretation of CH Nisar's statement. He is bent upon declaring all others as wrong and his point of view right, while apple polishing SIRI PAAY
When you start agreeing with Haroon rasheed :azn:

LOL......Ever since he start agreeing with this PMLN government from last couple of columns.......

There is another one of Today's.......


If one can read between the lines......than it seems Kyani fully onboard with PMLN government now a day.
LOL......Ever since he start agreeing with this PMLN government from last couple of columns.......

There is another one of Today's.......


If one can read between the lines......than it seems Kyani fully onboard with PMLN government now a day.

Haroon rasheed is one of the journalist who calls spade a spade. he appreciates good of everyone and criticize everyone. I suppose you forgot, a week before election how he criticized IK and pointed out his mistakes in his column everyday. Despite his affection to IK and PTI, he takes a neutral approach.

So agreeing with PML-N is a myth. Haroon rasheed fought with Hanif abbasi on TV show day before yesterday due to his criticism on some PML-N policies.

And about Kiyani. He is the "democrat General" of Pakistan. Neither took panga with PPP nor will he take with PML-N. So obviously, he will act good with Civilian Government

Hasan Nisar nay Kya Yaad dila-diya......

"Chughad Bughad Lam-dheeng chub-ghaday Tha, Chub-ghaday Tha....Chub-ghaday Tha"

Do anyone knows the actual meaning of this Slogan......

Hon Zarvan,

The Hadith mentioned in the column of Auriya Maqbool Jan referring to Kufa appears to be made up.
As a scholar of Islamic history you must be aware that the city of KUFA did not exist during the time of our holy Prophet (PBUH). I have no problem with what he is saying but why refer to a ‘concocted’ Hadith. This indicates lack of intellectual honesty in the writer.

Kufa along with Basra were the garrison towns established during the Khilafat of Hazrat Omer (RA) by Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA) around the year 17 AH (637 AD) that is 5 years after the holy Prophet (PBUH) passed away.
Hon Zarvan,

The Hadith mentioned in the column of Auriya Maqbool Jan referring to Kufa appears to be made up.
As a scholar of Islamic history you must be aware that the city of KUFA did not exist during the time of our holy Prophet (PBUH). I have no problem with what he is saying but why refer to a ‘concocted’ Hadith. This indicates lack of intellectual honesty in the writer.

Kufa along with Basra were the garrison towns established during the Khilafat of Hazrat Omer (RA) by Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqqas (RA) around the year 17 AH (637 AD) that is 5 years after the holy Prophet (PBUH) passed away.
Kufa existed Mr Kufa not the city but the area was known as kufa for really long time and they were famous for betraying
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