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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Watch the news, members threw lotas on the real-life lotas, though it is in bad taste, one side of me says lotas deserve this, once you sell your vote, the trust people had in you for their proper representation once you shatter that then pholon kay haar tou koi nahi pehnay ga
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I suspect Bajwa is a foreign agent in Pakistan army.
Bajwa will now try to ban PTI in foreign funding case, and if he did then he is definitely compromised and an asset working on behalf of other government. At that point #bajwa_ghaddar hashtag will be created …
Actually the case is not of Foreign funding (the name which media gave to this case) but Prohibited Funding, PTI received their funds from abroad its true like many other parties just as example- PML-N & PPP, as far as PTI is concern its funding were based on crowd funding method and organized events.

In the court not a single evidence of Prohibited funding is presented or proved against PTI, so on merit there is no chance to disband PTI from electoral process, BUT you never know the desperate lot of PDM & BAJWA could do anything to designed coup against the state, keep in mind ECP is B-Team of PML-N.

Dr Moeed Pirzada is giving the background of the issue.

A nice haircut might have saved him.
I suspect Bajwa is a foreign agent in Pakistan army.
Bajwa will now try to ban PTI in foreign funding case, and if he did then he is definitely compromised and an asset working on behalf of other government. At that point #bajwa_ghaddar hashtag will be created …

You guys are gone mad...

So is this what PTI is planning and aiming for?

I don't think PTI has capability to define civil war....

You guys are knowingly or unknowingly becoming second to Iranian fanatics who just love to chant Murg Bar America

Things can be sorted out in quiet but just to boost the political stature of one man?

I don't support status quo but PTI is closing the doors for herself here.
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