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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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See, people have a right to support or oppose anyone.

I don't go around branding anyone who supports any political group.

My post was specific to those who do all the branding and get personal and rude in the process of doing so.

I think Modi needs to be treated as just another politician. That he arouses such passions is mainly because of his haters rather than his supporters.

I was not talking about you!!

He can be treated as another politician but still he is accused of genocide in his state..

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1) Not a single Buddhist was massacred.
2) The Kashmiri Pundits were not massacred. They left the valley en masse and have refused to return.
3) The regime in power was Mr. JagMohan Malhotra, that arch-bigot.

So the killing of Kashmiri Pandits doesn't matter because "Not a single Buddhist was massacred"!

these were the slogans being shouted from mosque loudspeakers:

Throughout the day, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front and Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists use public address systems at mosques to exhort people to defy curfew and take to the streets. Masked men, firing from their Kalashnikovs, march up and down, terrorising cowering Pandits who, by then, have locked themselves in their homes.

As evening falls, the exhortations become louder and shriller. Three taped slogans are repeatedly played the whole night from mosques: 'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah-O-Akbar); 'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah); 'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu women but without their men).

Of course it was all the fault of the Pandits and "Mr. JagMohan Malhotra, that arch-bigot"! :crazy:

I was not talking about you!!

He can be treated as another politician but still he is accused of genocide in his state..

Many politicians are accused of so many things.

The genocide claim is political and is not proven in courts. At best the legal case could be about ineffective response and many examples can be given of other state governments being much more ineffective and worse.

Anyway, it seems it is almost impossible to be just factual about him.
So the killing of Kashmiri Pandits doesn't matter because "Not a single Buddhist was massacred"!

these were the slogans being shouted from mosque loudspeakers:

Of course it was all the fault of the Pandits and "Mr. JagMohan Malhotra, that arch-bigot"! :crazy:

Many politicians are accused of so many things.

The genocide claim is political and is not proven in courts. At best the legal case could be about ineffective response and many examples can be given of other state governments being much more ineffective and worse.

Anyway, it seems it is almost impossible to be just factual about him.

The problems with mishandling kashmiri pundit issue is not solved by bringing in another person who is equally violent but in the opposite strain.
Suhrawardy had a major role in Calcutta killings on "direct action day".

He was the CM and the state machinery was used to organize the killings.

The problems with mishandling kashmiri pundit issue is not solved by bringing in another person who is equally violent but in the opposite strain.

I never said it does.

If you are pointing towards Modi, let's agree to disagree.
1) Not a single Buddhist was massacred.
2) The Kashmiri Pundits were not massacred. They left the valley en masse and have refused to return.
3) The regime in power was Mr. JagMohan Malhotra, that arch-bigot.

You are making it sound like they were happy to leave behind their homes and property.They were terrorised into leaving their homeland by Islamic bigots. You should read about the sickening slogans those psychopaths shouted from their loudspeakers. And read about Wandhama massacre.

If anything Jagmohan should be felicitated for bringing down an iron hammer on the terrorists.
He can be treated as another politician but still he is accused of genocide in his state..

Firstly you can find somebody to hurl accusations but it does not make the accusations true.

Secondly even if what the most rabid accusers are shrieking is actually true, it is still much less than the Butchery and Holocausts perpetrated by the Congress.
You are making it sound like they were happy to leave behind their homes and property.They were terrorised into leaving their homeland by Islamic bigots. If anything Jagmohan should be felicitated for bringing down an Iron hammer on the terrorists.

You know this is where it becomes so pathetic.

People may have their opinions and political preferences.

When they thus become apologists for terrorists, that crosses a certain line.
Of course it was all the fault of the Pandits and "Mr. JagMohan Malhotra, that arch-bigot"! :crazy:

On another thread this Shearer fellow was actually defending the Congress in connection with the Sikh Holocaust. It is instructive to see how these viciously twisted and hateful folks go around pretending to be normal humans.
On another thread this Shearer fellow was actually defending the Congress in connection with the Sikh Holocaust. It is instructive to see how these viciously twisted and hateful folks go around pretending to be normal humans.

See, highly opinionated people don't know many times when the tail starts wagging the dog.

They are unable to see facts objectively and filter out everything that is inconvenient.

"Denial" is a normal thing for every human being, some people take it to the extreme.
Actually as regards Godhra and aftermath, it is interesting that it was Congressmen who burned the people on the train, and in the subsequent riots, Congressmen played a big role.

Yet there is no shortage of brainwashed Indians who keep parroting the line "Modi is a thug".
Actually as regards Godhra and aftermath, it is interesting that it was Congressmen who burned the people on the train, and in the subsequent riots, Congressmen played a big role.

Yet there is no shortage of brainwashed Indians who keep parroting the line "Modi is a thug".

That is a fact for sure.

And they had been doing it perennially in Gujarat (and many other places). It just doesn't register for some.
Yet there is no shortage of brainwashed Indians who keep parroting the line "Modi is a thug".

I don't think that there is anything wrong with holding that opinion. It can be justified on the basis of a certain argument. My problem is not with people holding Modi in contempt for the Gujarat riots, it is with the absolutely senseless behaviour to try & get Modi on unrelated charges even if national interests have to be thrown into the dustbin in that attempt. The damage that this case is causing to intelligence operations, to anti-terrorist operations & probably severe damage(which policeman or IB guy is going to go after terrorists if he is going to be charged with murder. Much better to sit back & do nothing till an event occurs) to inter agency cooperation is huge. This borders on reckless & dangerous behaviour.
You are just pathetic joe, now you are getting personal and I don't need certification from fake Cyborg Professional.

But on the other hand, your certification is important for me, I take it? Whether I am pathetic or not is something that you are free to opine on, and something that I am free to act upon, or to ignore. So let us leave it at that point of mutual loathing. And loathing it is.
ya he is so innocent,am not like you sitting and believing what the cunning brits wrote.


saffron india would have done much better than the bullshit we are now,

chicken wings and KF strong dont mean we have succeeded.

This is not about what the cunning Brits wrote, but what we know - intimately - from our knowledge of the background and antecedents of these people, and the tales of horror that our relatives carried across with them. We know who killed whom, where the massacres took place, where the protests were made, and how they were ignored, and the final outcome. We don't need you and other wet behind the ears ignoramuses to come and tell us now.

The entire history of the Great Calcutta Killings and of the massacres at Noakhali are very well recorded. Not by the British, but by us. You may need instruction in these aspects, in fact, you do, knowing as little as you do, we don't. We know whom to blame for what. Suhrawardy was peculiarly responsible for the Great Calcutta Killing, and converted Jinnah's Direct Action Day into a bloody massacre, before the Hindus and Sikhs retaliated.

Try to understand. The contempt and derision you face is nothing personal. It is purely on account of your ineffable conceit in passing opinions about matters about which you know nothing, and seek to know nothing.

An example of that is your hilarious statement that the retaliation was led by Marwaris and Sikhs. Not a single Marwari stirred from his fortified haveli. It was entirely retaliation by Bengalis, Biharis and Sikhs.

As for the rest, a Pakistani might have a wholly different opinion.
how was he a bigot

You are asking for a definition of bigotry, or one that fits Jagmohan's behaviour? Are you aware of his role as Sanjay Gandhi's poodle during the Emergency? And then as a BJP sycophant as Governor of J&K? Why don't you read up on it?
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