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PLAN admiral threatens USN patrols in S. China Sea might end in "a disaster"

I am sorry to say that You are wrong.
The intention was to provide some advice against a path that would cause significant decrease of
Chinese prosperity, (as well as the prosperity of the rest of the world) which must surely be the result
of a major war.

Kind sir, it is a Grand Chessboard.

Math would not allow a war against China. Any rational actor would avoid any agressive action and seek a grand bargain. Which it essentially is. A grand bargain between US and China.

With our economy and banking sector tanking... Europe must seek a path of economic growth. Have you seen the latest news about Italian banks going belly up and even Deuste Bank in reality bankrupt.

The US job data is not very positive either. Let us not even talk about the bond market.

What we need here is big 5 conference and sort this mess out. Find a way of win-win situation and get the global economy goinng again. We need to restructure global financing first and for most than starting a useless global conflict.

I for one would rather see a greater Eruo Asian economic integration and elimination of violence that has come to Europe!
According to CCTV news i read, General Wu indeed said that ... anyways i think the White House already got signal from BeiJing & PLA, China do will WAR for South China Sea, of course Chinese artificial islands building will continue and SCS ADIZ also will coming.
Since the ruling china is running like headless chicken.

First they invite USA to co-administer SCS with china, then they threaten them.
They say india is with them, when we clearly said UNCLOS should be respected.
Then they will have excercise which no one cares about.

China looks exposed and desperate.
"God Emperor Trump"is becoming a popular meme among his supporters, even Obama at his peak in 2008 didn't have his crowd chanting for "King Obama".

Trump will win a landslide, most White Americans are fed, they will soon abolish the voting right from the colored minorities and women, maybe even the election system itself.

They don't want democracy anymore, they only want White America with Trump ruling as supreme! :usflag: :lol:
They want to follow China way of ruling. China proved to the world our way of government is the one to last. :enjoy:

Glancing at your many posts, ... you are going all out to defend american United Satan SATANIC and BLOODY actions all over the world ... ...in attacking, and destroying, and stealing other weaker nations ( from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Okinawa -- Japan, Mexico ... ... , to all the way in Africa )
Obviously, you have refused to be JUST and FAIR towards all those who suffer americans Heinous Crimes for the last 240+ years.

I wonder ~ what will happen to tiny Sweden when your american united satan :moil: Champions of western world get overrun, disintegrated, and exterminated by the Righteous Forces of ( RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN, ... ... and many other nations who overwhelmingly hate american United Satan ) ??
BEIJING (Reuters) - Freedom of navigation patrols carried out by foreign navies in the South China Sea could end "in disaster", a senior Chinese admiral has said, a warning to the United States after last week's ruling against Beijing's claims in the area.
Yes, but the disaster will be on your navy, admiral. Once the sprays from the sinking PLAN ships cleared, probably your career will be the next to sink.

He said the court case at the Hague must be used by China's armed forces to improve its capabilities "so that when push comes to shove, the military can play a decisive role in the last moment to defend our national sovereignty and interests".
Using the same argument from you about the SCS, when has China's sovereignty been threatened by US ? This, in your words, is a bogus issue hyped up by your own government as excuse to make a land grab, or sea grab, that threatens the economic stability of the region.

Your PLAN is barely out of its infancy in this modern time. We swim in an Olympic caliber pool while your PLAN is still wading in the kiddie pool. Your entire military is rife with corruption, inexperience, ineptitude, and unmotivated conscripts eager to separate so they can make money in the US. Were you part of the cadre that predicted high casualties for US in Desert Storm ? Looks like you did not learn from your humiliation. So by all means, talk tough and improve your military capabilities. Your ships will serve the SCS well as reef habitats for recreational scuba divers.

Yes, but the disaster will be on your navy, admiral. Once the sprays from the sinking PLAN ships cleared, probably your career will be the next to sink.

Using the same argument from you about the SCS, when has China's sovereignty been threatened by US ? This, in your words, is a bogus issue hyped up by your own government as excuse to make a land grab, or sea grab, that threatens the economic stability of the region.

Your PLAN is barely out of its infancy in this modern time. We swim in an Olympic caliber pool while your PLAN is still wading in the kiddie pool. Your entire military is rife with corruption, inexperience, ineptitude, and unmotivated conscripts eager to separate so they can make money in the US. Were you part of the cadre that predicted high casualties for US in Desert Storm ? Looks like you did not learn from your humiliation. So by all means, talk tough and improve your military capabilities. Your ships will serve the SCS well as reef habitats for recreational scuba divers.
Your army is only good for bully the rag tag doll in the Middleast. Try something bigger.

I am sorry to say that You are wrong.
The intention was to provide some advice against a path that would cause significant decrease of
Chinese prosperity, (as well as the prosperity of the rest of the world) which must surely be the result
of a major war.
And our advice to you is to stop messing around with our territorial integrity. Then war will not happen. Remember, you can play around and infringe on the Middleeast without consequences, there WILL be consequences for violating our territorial integrity.
Your army is only good for bully the rag tag doll in the Middleast. Try something bigger.

And our advice to you is to stop messing around with our territorial integrity. Then war will not happen. Remember, you can play around and infringe on the Middleeast without consequences, there WILL be consequences for violating our territorial integrity.

Xunzi, the americans understand the consequences. China must provide them some face saving measures.
What matters to China is her Sovereingity. All else is noise and dance.
:dance3: :dance3:
I got to admit ~ when it comes to swaggering and being foul smelling and loud mouth americans are the best.
It is back to reality and the truth ~ usa hypersonic RnD are way behind Russia and even much behind China.
PRC is implementing and deploying Hypersonic DF--ZF arsenals as we speak.

PRC Hypersonic Wind Tunnel tech and Supercomputer Speed is way ahead of usa.
And, PRC is secretly allowing Russian scientists to run their hypersonic tests in China during us and euro economic sanction against Russia. When Pres. PUTIN visit BeiJing in 26 June 2016, Russia and PRC secretly agree to jointly perform the Hypersonic Vehicle 2nd Generation RnD -- in order to sink american hypersonic tech backwardness even further.

US Military is so Frustrated and Blows Up
Hypersonic Weapon After Failed Test Launch

:p: :rofl:

Source_1: nationaldefensemagazine / Hypersonics / PastFailuresNotanOption

Source_2: space magazine / us-military-hypersonic-weapon-test-explodes

LOL! Thats funny. Russians and Chinese secretly agree to hypersonic vehicle research. How is that a secret?

But hey, we had failures before in weapons development and people assumed we gave up.:-) Should have seen how many rockets got blown up before we successfully beaten the Russians to the moon. As well as getting to Mars. And reaching out past the solar system. Something the Russians or the Chinese as yet to do.
Just cause you think you developed a faster supercomputer doesn't mean its way ahead. I mean just next year a new supercomputer be 3 times faster than yours. So what does that mean for you?:dance3::dance3:

Yes, but the disaster will be on your navy, admiral. Once the sprays from the sinking PLAN ships cleared, probably your career will be the next to sink.

Using the same argument from you about the SCS, when has China's sovereignty been threatened by US ? This, in your words, is a bogus issue hyped up by your own government as excuse to make a land grab, or sea grab, that threatens the economic stability of the region.

Your PLAN is barely out of its infancy in this modern time. We swim in an Olympic caliber pool while your PLAN is still wading in the kiddie pool. Your entire military is rife with corruption, inexperience, ineptitude, and unmotivated conscripts eager to separate so they can make money in the US. Were you part of the cadre that predicted high casualties for US in Desert Storm ? Looks like you did not learn from your humiliation. So by all means, talk tough and improve your military capabilities. Your ships will serve the SCS well as reef habitats for recreational scuba divers.
Dear @gambit ... as far as i know, after WWII the U.S didn't win any Asia War yet ... there isn't as easy as in Middle East.

How about ur Navy X-47B attack UAV program, is it going or failed & closed ? Billions of USD wasted just coz China DF-26 show up in 2015 ... lol, don't look down upon Chinese, i do believe the Pentagon know much more than u, they know ur A.C is naked near China Sea.

War with China, the A.C will over as same as ur X-47B.

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Dear @gambit ... as far as i know, after WWII the U.S didn't win any Asia War yet ... there isn't as easy as in Middle East.
And what has China won ? Do not say Korea. :lol:

Your PLA got spanked by the Viets and even your leadership admitted it. So when people look at that PLA and the US military, Las Vegas and London bookies are not going to advise their clients to bet on China.

Your army is only good for bully the rag tag doll in the Middleast. Try something bigger.
And your PLA is only good against civilians. I doubt your generals and admirals have the guts to try anything bigger.
Glancing at your many posts, ... you are going all out to defend american United Satan SATANIC and BLOODY actions all over the world ... ...in attacking, and destroying, and stealing other weaker nations ( from Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Okinawa -- Japan, Mexico ... ... , to all the way in Africa )
Obviously, you have refused to be JUST and FAIR towards all those who suffer americans Heinous Crimes for the last 240+ years.

I wonder ~ what will happen to tiny Sweden when your american united satan :moil: Champions of western world get overrun, disintegrated, and exterminated by the Righteous Forces of ( RUSSIA, CHINA, IRAN, ... ... and many other nations who overwhelmingly hate american United Satan ) ??

I will start worrying about that when it occurs.
Meanwhile, the more obvious danger of an Invasion from Mars is worrying.
And what has China won ? Do not say Korea. :lol:

Your PLA got spanked by the Viets and even your leadership admitted it. So when people look at that PLA and the US military, Las Vegas and London bookies are not going to advise their clients to bet on China.

And your PLA is only good against civilians. I doubt your generals and admirals have the guts to try anything bigger.

dont know from where is their confidence is came from
And what has China won ? Do not say Korea. :lol:

Your PLA got spanked by the Viets and even your leadership admitted it. So when people look at that PLA and the US military, Las Vegas and London bookies are not going to advise their clients to bet on China.

We got spanked by Viets, not so sure about that but I certainly know where your confidence came from :rofl:
... ...Just cause you think you developed a faster supercomputer doesn't mean its way ahead. I mean just next year a new supercomputer be 3 times faster than yours...:dance3::dance3:

Firstly, I sincerely respect all seniors, thus please do not take this personally.

Sorry Oldman, I need to correct you on same factual data coming from the HPC universe (=High Performance Computing).

Basic truth ~ Supercomputer Performance is absolutely Super Critical towards one nation progresses on Scientistic and Technological development. ~ Supercomputer Performance is the Ultimate Force Multipliers.

1) Americans have lost the Supercomputer race for 7 times in a row.
2) Americans have lost the Supercomputer race since ( JUN 2013 ), 36 months ago.

3) PRC Supercomputer TianHe-2 is 200+% faster than American--Cream of the Crop--supercomputer Titan--XK since JUN 2013.
4) IBM original estimate to beat TianHe-2 was JUN 2017.

5) Now, suddenly out of nowhere ~ CHINA Sunway TaiHu Supercomputer beat the crap out of American--Cream of the Crop--supercomputer Titan--XK by at least ( 500+% FASTER ).
Frankly, this must be truly demoralizing for American Supercomputer engineers and scientists, because you are working so hard to beat TianHe-2. ~ Then shockingly your goalpost move away from you by a distant factor of 5.

:yay: :laugh: :dance3:

6) Deep inside you and all sanely American Supercomputer engineers and scientists absolutely know -- that CHINA Supercomputer engineers and scientists -- who has been known to outwork and outcompete all American engineers and scientists ~ will produce even FASTER machine than Sunway TaiHu by JUN 2017.
It is highly probable that by 2020, ...PRC Supercomputer Engineers and Scientists will successfully produce the next generation EXAscale Supercomputer ( 11x faster than Sunway TaiHu ). PRC may call these TianHe-5 or Sunway TaiHu-3. ~ Meanwhile the most optimistic American estimate to produce the EXAscale machine is 2023.

:laugh: :laugh:

7) These kind of overwhelming phenomena above play themselves out ...over and over again -- all across many other critical technologies and scientific sectors.
But, ... there are 5 other sectors that Americans should never be worried about.


Americans are forever the #1 champions in Narcotic Consumption and Narcotic Production.
Americans are forever the #1 champions in guns ownership.
Americans are forever the #1 champions in Oppression and Violence against the weak minorities.

Go ask ... ... BLACK Lives Matter people.
Go ask ... ... OKINAWAN people in Japan.
OKINAWAN have been harassed and raped by american soldiers for 70+ years with no light and hope at the end of the tunnel.
What ... ...Human Rights ??
Where is OKINAWAN people Human Rights ??


Americans are forever the #1 champions in promoting Double Standard and being a Treacherous nation.
Americans are forever the #1 champions in organizing terrorists and terrorizing other militarily weaker nations all across the globe.

usa George Bush working with Rebiya Kadeer ( Terrorists ) to sabotage CHINA from inside

Rebiya Kadeer--G Bush.jpg


8) Deep inside you, and all sanely American engineers and scientists, and all americans elites -- deep inside all of you absolutely know -- how can Americans compete against a supercharged Borg nation like CHINA.
Americans simply ... ...can NOT compete.
That is why ... Americans fear and hate CHINA so much.


~ Americans knees collectively are shaking and trembling so loud when facing PRC.
~ It is extremely hard for most Americans to accept defeat. ( american is a huge sore loser )
Especially neocon americans -- who all fundamentally believe that americans have been chosen by GOD to always be #1 on Earth. ~ How could GOD be unfair to Americans, they ask, ... ... Americans are suppose to be the chosen one and the exceptional eternal champion. ( this is where the phrase >> american exceptionalism << came from ).

How could GOD be unfair to Americans, they ask,

over whelmed--1a.jpg

~ Every week, these elites americans are witnessing that American engineers and scientists are unable to compete with PRC Engineers and Scientists using the present internationally accepted framework. ~ American Scientific and Technological Leads across the board are shrinking faster and faster week by week.

~ Elites americans are projecting themselves forward into 2030 and 2040.
They see themselves becoming a far distant #2 nation on Earth, possibly slipping even further to #4 nation.
It is highly possible that Rejuvenated RUSSIA working with CHINA, and India ( superpower wannabe ) to exceed and surpass the God Chosen USA by 2035.

:dance3: :P :dance3:

This above is the Core and the Crux of the matter for USA.
That is why ... usa want to choke PRC economic growth as much as possible.
That is why ... usa want to stir as much troubles as possible in front of PRC nose in South China Sea.
At the minimum, usa want to choke the flow of FDIs ( Foreign Direct Investments ) into PRC.
Investors fear war in South China Sea, thus investors will stop investing in PRC.
Instead, investors will probably invest in other nations, as long as they are not PRC and RUSSIA,
usa is extremely happy.


usa know if usa is successful in choking and strangling PRC economic growth, then
it means ... PRC will not become the #1 nation on Earth. ~ In fact, PRC can easily disintegrate into many smaller independent nations. Same with RUSSIA as well, usa want to choke Russian economic growth as much as possible. ~ Thus, RUSSIA can easily disintegrate ( version 2, -- version 1 is the naive Gorbachev era ) into many smaller independent nations.


If the above disintegration of RUSSIA and CHINA happen, -- who will be the 3 happiest nations on Earth ?
Answer: happiest usa, happiest India, and happiest Japan.

It is NOT about stupid FON in South China Sea.
It is NOT about stupid democracy and freedom in PRC.
These 2 ( FON and democracy ) are just pretext excuses to choke and strangle CHINA forever.


Thus, oldman are you pretending to be naive or
...are you trying to cunningly fool all those naive and gullible Chinese across the globe ??

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